Why are liberals more intelligent than conservatives?

Here is a great example of "achademia's" smug attitude toward those who prove the old axiom......"Those who can't, teach. Those who can, do".


After all, he is just a retired 3-star General, former ambassador, and by all accounts, an outstanding man.

But he doesn't have a PH.D.

Give me a fukin' break.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... because they claim to be? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
.... like I said .... they were the only ones "Gruberized" .....

.... the conservatives already knew better!

And Gruber laughed at them!!! Professor Gruber?
Well, liberals get conservatives to work and pay most of the taxes, and they give it to shiftless and lazy assholes who don't work but vote for Democrats, so maybe they are smarter than us. Originally Posted by DSK
You see, Liberals go through life disappointed. They wake up in the morning with this idea that they are going to change the world and make it a better place. When they fall short of that goal the first thing they want to do is point their fingers at a conservative or a conservative group. They wave the racist banner or they raise hell about intolerance or inequality, ect. I wake up every morning with no expectations. I actually don't give a fuck that's the secret to my success.

LexusLover's Avatar
Waking up is not even an "expectation" for me .... it's the beginning of another "bonus"!

Several months ago I read an article by a "scientist" describing the computations completed on the time estimate for the galaxy in which our solar system exists colliding with another galaxy vectored on a collision course with our galaxy, and the astronomically consequences of the inevitable collision ...

... it put all this bullshit in perspective.
gfejunkie's Avatar
More "intelligent" liberals with Bernie signs...

Don't they make you proud to be an "intelligent" liberal?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The more education you get get the less conservative you are. Check it. Originally Posted by Seeker

George Will
Dr. Charles Krauthammer
Dr. Newton Gringrich

On the other hand:
Congressman Hank Johnson, "will Guam capsize with all those troops?"

Vice President Joe Biden, "my good friend Gabby Giffords was shot and MORTALLY wounded..." (fyi, she lives)

Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, "men often do need maternity care."

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, "what difference does it make anyway..."
(commenting on dead Americans)

President Barack Obama, "if you like your plan (or doctor) you can keep it (them)..."

Congress woman Maxine Waters, claiming that the sequester will cause a loss of 170 million jobs.

Vice President Joe Biden, "you can't go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent..."

And that is just a small sample for super liberals who should be super smart according to the OP.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Here is a great example of "achademia's" smug attitude toward those who prove the old axiom......"Those who can't, teach. Those who can, do".


After all, he is just a retired 3-star General, former ambassador, and by all accounts, an outstanding man.

But he doesn't have a PH.D.

Give me a fukin' break. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Nearly 60 years ago Dwight Eisenhower was made the president of Columbia University in New York City. He only had an undergraduate degree.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Can someone dig up all the previous threads on this hackneyed and thoroughly discredited topic? I don't have the patience to beat a dead horse. Better to simply point "Seeker" to all those stupid trollish old threads (most of which he started under different handles). Originally Posted by lustylad
That dead horse you're beating is "seeker" and he will never learn, and never change no matter how much education is forced upon him. I wonder if he knows that many career military people have not only BAs and BSs but Master's and Phds and they stay in the military....and conservative. If fact I can safely say that the officer corp in the US military is probably the highest concentration of academic degrees in any profession except for teaching.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You gotta love this guy who wrote this crap. He has written that black people are less intelligent than white people. He has also written that black women are less good looking than white women. He has also written that we are in World War III with Islam....something I've been saying for years.

Check it out; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satoshi_Kanazawa
George Will
Dr. Charles Krauthammer
Dr. Newton Gringrich

On the other hand:
Congressman Hank Johnson, "will Guam capsize with all those troops?"

Vice President Joe Biden, "my good friend Gabby Giffords was shot and MORTALLY wounded..." (fyi, she lives)

Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, "men often do need maternity care."

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, "what difference does it make anyway..."
(commenting on dead Americans)

President Barack Obama, "if you like your plan (or doctor) you can keep it (them)..."

Congress woman Maxine Waters, claiming that the sequester will cause a loss of 170 million jobs.

Vice President Joe Biden, "you can't go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent..."

And that is just a small sample for super liberals who should be super smart according to the OP. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Oh and lets don't forget this educated Democrat. Kevin Deleon. Trying to make his highly inaccurate case on banning the AR-15. He says it has a thirty caliber magazine clip capable of dispersing thirty rounds in half a second, lol. I would go out and buy an AR-15 after listening to that jackass.


The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Ha Ha. That is such old news and I don't even think it's relevant . And she is highly educated.

GO HILLARY!!! Originally Posted by GingerKatt
highly educated and intelligent don't always go hand in hand sweetpea.


As Bernstein noted, although the D.C. bar examination was "hardly one of the toughest in the nation," it was "far more difficult than the Arkansas exam."

the hildewhore backed her ass into Law in Arkyarse lmao
LexusLover's Avatar
While Katt is dismissing "old news" her housewife candidate for the White House has the media dragging up shit on Trump from 20+ years ago .... and then it turns out her media buddies lied and misrepresented the facts and quotes .... which blew up in the "highly educated" ugly face that Bill tries to avoid now that he doesn't have to live with her any more.

Before this food fight is over ... Hillarious-No-More will be cursing with expletives.

She's shooting her wad .... pun intended.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Why are liberals more intelligent than conservatives?

Most you of are not interested in facts, but they are indisputable. Times have changed brothers, old white guys whining about the old days on talk radio is not going to carry Trump or any other election coming up. And maybe you could get more pussy if you wised up.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog...-conservatives Originally Posted by Seeker
the only thing that is indisputable is the fact you are a full on libtard.
Why are liberals more intelligent than conservatives?

Most you of are not interested in facts, but they are indisputable. Times have changed brothers, old white guys whining about the old days on talk radio is not going to carry Trump or any other election coming up. And maybe you could get more pussy if you wised up.

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog...-conservatives Originally Posted by Seeker
Maybe if you wised up you wouldn't be such a pussy. You might also consider proof reading your post. Your first sentence didn't even make sense.

LexusLover's Avatar
Maybe if you wised up you wouldn't be such a pussy. You might also consider proof reading your post. Your first sentence didn't even make sense.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You do understand it doesn't matter what the substance is as long as it "sounds" good ..
....aka "sound bites."

"Form over substance," because all the "little people" wouldn't understand anyway!!!