Words of Wisdom on Syria from Sarah Palin in June 2013

So, you named your sock puppet Sara I see!!

The last time Sara and I finished fucking she took me out on the deck and pointed to Syria. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Sara is Eva's helper monkey's name.
Sack full of rocks and nut flies two experts on sock puppets. LMAO The jack off twins.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I do not care for Kool Aid. I prefer scotch.

Of course I've heard of Ms Lee. She's a moron. Sarah Palin is as well.

Neither of them have any credibility on foreign policy.

For the record, I vote GOP about 95% of the time, didn't vote for Obama and support same-sex marriage. It's hard to put people in buckets - some of us don't fit. That is, unless you're a diehard Marxist or litmus test carrying Republican. Originally Posted by sull36205
It seems you've changed your tune, because your exact words were:

I've never seen a politician so lacking in brainpower. Originally Posted by sull36205