PM's from bj

cowboy8055's Avatar
I think it would be great if the gals could post reviews in the "other reviews" section.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
All of this is going on in Paul's inbox? Breach!
I swear, some guys around here remind me of the girl fights from high school. I would love more honest reviews and less "my dick is bigger than you dick" posts. Chloe i would love to read that review!!
You just brought up something that leads to a good point. I don't recall seeing any reviews where the guy says someone has a loose, large "orifice". But I have to believe that if guys were getting reviewed, penis size would get brought up a lot. I mean, I already know how small I am, I don't want to see it stated in every review!

I think it would be absolutely hilaruous to read a reverse review from a provider about me, LoL. wait,
I hope my pride couod handle it.

It could go like,

how did he contact you?
pm, text, call me like 20 times, even wrote me peotry

was he on time?
he is on fucking lombardi time, and showed up before my ride

Airhead left it in the car, had to go back and get it, other than that, agreed upon

How did he kiss?
tongue like gene simmons

Did you have to fake an o?
Yes, multiple times

How was the cock?
Fortunatley not too big, because it took 30 minutes of cowgirl to get him off

Did he leave on time?
Had to kick him out, fucking wanted to go for another pop
offshoredrilling's Avatar
dang, this thread been highjacked
Edit add from review: private: oh yea, the guy wanted to eat osd's ice cream too
Guest042416's Avatar
no pms too busy, but will say let them review us, sounds good tome
im not over 200 lbs.

would be funny to read how fat some of these posters are
KaylaRyder's Avatar
Pm's from bj always make me smile : ) Xoxoxo
KaylaRyder's Avatar
Hmmm will he put a smile on my face bcd?? I hope so!!!
  • TSlyC
  • 03-07-2015, 12:49 AM
People on this board love their drama. Everybody has beef with somebody. I swear this site is one of the funniest sites I've ever been on.

People would rather pay a provider(Trish you have the best stories) not to see some jimmie? This is hysterical.

I actually laugh out loud every time I come here. Kudos.
On the topic of female reviews, I understand why it's split, but I'd love to hear about Chloe and other's adventures. The reason I suspect is because they don't want to provide PA, because it's linked to the men's lounge.

Perhaps a new section: Girl On Girl?
speaking of paying providers for odd things, i am thinking of paying providers to write a review LoL i bet it would get me off.
speaking of paying providers for odd things, i am thinking of paying providers to write a review LoL i bet it would get me off. Originally Posted by jondalart
You're way braver than me my friend. If I did that I may never get a date again.