Eccie members that have served in the military

I B Hankering's Avatar
TARGETS!!!!! Originally Posted by fetishfreak
You're confused. Those vessels represent the first line of defense. These are targets they're attempting to defend:

Airdale VS-27 NAS Cecil Field

1992-1994 active duty
1994-2002 Navy Reserve

I always feel awkward when people thank me for serving. I enlisted in the Navy because I couldn't think of anything better to do after high school. I wasn't ready to go to college, and flipping burgers was not a viable career path. I joined for all the wrong reasons - just to get away from home - but it turned out to be the best "mistake" I ever made. I'm glad I served, but I don't that I made any particular sacrifice to serve, so I prefer not to be thanked for it.

Those who serve today, who willingly give up years of their lives to serve in such difficult circumstances in Afghanistan and formerly Iraq, deserve more thanks than I can ever give them. I just don't see the service I gave as being on the same level as what has been asked of our soldiers in the past and what is asked of them today.
Iaintliein's Avatar
There are a few of us that are quite interested in which of you has actually done the work of serving your country in the military. I'm not interested in politics here. Just who's served. A huge Thankyou to anyone that has. Even if you're a progressive, I thank you.

I'll start.

US Coast Guard Late 90's-early 2000's

My brother died in this war under current leadership. US Army Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Damn LK, I am so sorry to hear about your brother. My deepest respects and condolences to you and your family.
Best Regards,
markroxny's Avatar
You're confused. Those vessels represent the first line of defense. These are targets they're attempting to defend:

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Woaaaa um...hate to be the one to tell this to you...but um...the twin towers were destroyed in a terrorist attack in 2001 when GWB was president. They no longer need to be defended, they are gone.

Sorry about that.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Woaaaa um...hate to be the one to tell this to you...but um...the twin towers were destroyed in a terrorist attack in 2001 when GWB was president. They no longer need to be defended, they are gone.

Sorry about that. Originally Posted by markroxny
Point of fact the Twin Towers were destroyed on 0/11, 2001. Point of fact Clinton failed to deal with OBL on his watch. Point of fact, the terrorists entered the U.S. on Clinton's watch and learned how to fly jet airliners into buildings on Clinton's watch, and Clinton did nothing to intercede. Point of fact, you need to return to elementary school and learn how to read: "attempting" is qualified -- it in no way implied "guaranteed" success.
markroxny's Avatar
These are targets they're attempting to defend:
Present tense dipshit. They can't defend something that's already gone.

Maybe YOU need to go back to elementary school.
Grace Preston's Avatar
USNR-- 2000-2006. Got the joys of playing in the sandbox for a year.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Present tense dipshit. They can't defend something that's already gone.

Maybe YOU need to go back to elementary school. Originally Posted by markroxny
Point of fact, "attempting" is qualified -- it in no way implied "guaranteed" success.

@ Festihfreak -- too late to delete the above post @ #31. Read your post about your submarine service last night. Did not connect it to and perceive the inter-service humor you intended with your "TARGETS!" post today. Apologies. Now see it for the joke you meant it to be.
I B Hankering's Avatar
There are a few of us that are quite interested in which of you has actually done the work of serving your country in the military. I'm not interested in politics here. Just who's served. A huge Thankyou to anyone that has. Even if you're a progressive, I thank you.

I'll start.

US Coast Guard Late 90's-early 2000's

My brother died in this war under current leadership. US Army Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Airdale VS-27 NAS Cecil Field

1992-1994 active duty
1994-2002 Navy Reserve Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
USNR-- 2000-2006. Got the joys of playing in the sandbox for a year. Originally Posted by GracePreston
Thank you ladies for your service and your sacrifice: guys too.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
1971-73, US Army. 32nd Medical Brigade (now 132nd Med Battalion)

Tigerland, Fort Sam, Electric Ladyland...

Sorry about your brother, Kayla. I'm grateful for his sacrifice. We lost a lot of good soldiers under previous leadership too. Sorry you felt it necessary to make a political statement.

And ... Fuck you DIPSHIT OF THE YEAR!
I B Hankering's Avatar
More blathering bullshit from Assup the jackass. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Being "fucked-up" is a congenital condition you've grown old and crotchety with, Assup!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
When and where did you serve! Butthole?
cptjohnstone's Avatar
When and where did you serve! Butthole? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
see post #18, you light weight loser
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This is getting more and more political. I can't understand why the veterans here are not angry and want answers about Libya.
@IB Good thing I read all the posts I was just about to explain the target comment but you picked it up before I could. If I could legally post my photos of carriers in crosshairs I would have done that. Or I suppose I could have just taken the time to photoshop some on a picture.