I'll Be Your Huckleberry

Guest062010's Avatar
Omg. Really? You P4P PROVIDERS got together and created an efficient networking system, a brilliant marketing plan/strategy... and how dare you make screening painless!!!??

Um. Did I make a left turn at Albequerque? Nooo...this isn't Pizmo Beach. ...


Only this one seems to have forgotten that... sad. If we're now at a stage as Providers on this board where we have justify/rationalize/explain/not screen/charge what they want us to/have no solidarity lest we be crushed by those that can't handle anyone succeeding then what the hell is the point?

******************The point is that DUH, we (Providers) are here to make money. Lots of it if we can. You guys are here *in theory* to check your prospects out in a safe informed manner (reviews/consistency in them, to avoid rookie mistakes/TOFTT, and of course to share with likeminded folks) and eventually find playmates who suit your needs and YOUR BUDGET. ***************

So I can't for the life of me figure out why a bunch of you have gotten together and dedicated this much energy to slaying a group of women you so obviously all resent simply because they're smarter, savvier, and better networked than you? <the deranged irony is that the guy who started all of this has several of his own "invite only" *groups*>
At this point, the why's don't matter. What you people did to these women is unfuckingforgivable on so many levels. **Thing is though.. there are enough of us (hobbyists and providers) that have known these women too long to EVER believe any of the lies you all are telling. They're reputations are LONG since earned, and their consistency in ALL that they do has never been in question.. until now.
But wait! I, Karma, believe in all things cosmic <hence my really cool nom de plume> and that GOOD PREVAILS over all things nefarious in the end.

*******Lastly, Hobbie, Your tiny paragraph said all that needed to be said about all the ladies that you, an "attaguy", have PERSONAL FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE of.

Originally Posted by Whispers
This has long been thought, rumored, gossiped about, back channeled etc.... in regard to a group that referred to themselves as the "Atta Girls".....

It's a shame what a handful of strong willed ladies can do to their "sisters" in the long run....

This from someone who obviously has no idea about Atta Girls, but just accepts the rumors as a convenient way of attacking them. The statement above is totally off base and false. Come on Whispers talk is cheap, back up what you say! Prove to the board what you say is correct or don't say it!


One more time people.. "no idea about Atta Girls". And for fuck's sake, how can you <Kosher> equate a Yahoo Group wit a catchy ass title to ........OMG THEY'VE BECOME BILL GATES AND NOW HAVE THE MONOPOLY ON THE PUSSY TRADE. All of you.. go get a life, or hey a REAL HOBBY. I swear by latch hooks, man are they fun! Hobby Lobby has quite the selection for you ..the Kool-Aid Klan. At this point, Hobby Lobby is the ONLY "hobby" any of you loonies belong in.

.............. NAMASTE! dammit.

The rest of you.. go do your homework so you can do this.... not this..
missi hart's Avatar

Um. Did I make a left turn at Albequerque? Nooo...this isn't Pizmo Beach. ...
Originally Posted by karmaofaustin

rekcaSxT's Avatar
Are you joking? Really? Isn't it plainly obvious? Because Whispers, you, and now Kat, are for some unknown reason spreading rumors and accusations about a frickin' yahoo group that border on lunacy.

So congratulations. You won. You boys are the only ones who get to have private clubs, networking groups, or back channel lists in Austin. Now pat yourself on the back and please stop libeling us. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
To be fair, I never claimed anything about ATTA girls being a part of the ncns stuff, or reference shenanigans. I had only briefly seen the name and was not aware of how big the group was until yesterday. I don't read ads on a regular basis, so I was in the dark on the ATTA thing.

That connection was made right here in this thread, and not by a hobbyist.....

I was speaking in general that Austin had a reputation for these things and I have NEVER named names. This must be why you were calling for someone top names names, to get someone to hang themselves and you or others could ban together to fry them. The reality is all of this is making ATTA look even more suspicious. Had members/former members never made that connection I don't think anyone would have suspected ATTA. But now providers are saying that I or others are accusing their little group of being the sole cause of these problems, and since I never said that I think it sheds some light on the truth here.

Sophia, you have maintained a pretty level head through all of this and you and I used to trade pretty civil banter. I was really hoping that we could at least maintain that proffessional courtesy. I am a little dissapointed in the false accusations.
I am a little dissapointed in the false accusations
welcome to the growing list of people accused/crucified here based on nothing more than innuendo and speculation!
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
To be fair, I never claimed anything about ATTA girls being a part of the ncns stuff, or reference shenanigans. I had only briefly seen the name and was not aware of how big the group was until yesterday. I don't read ads on a regular basis, so I was in the dark on the ATTA thing.

That connection was made right here in this thread, and not by a hobbyist.....

I was speaking in general that Austin had a reputation for these things and I have NEVER named names. This must be why you were calling for someone top names names, to get someone to hang themselves and you or others could ban together to fry them. The reality is all of this is making ATTA look even more suspicious. Had members/former members never made that connection I don't think anyone would have suspected ATTA. But now providers are saying that I or others are accusing their little group of being the sole cause of these problems, and since I never said that I think it sheds some light on the truth here.

Sophia, you have maintained a pretty level head through all of this and you and I used to trade pretty civil banter. I was really hoping that we could at least maintain that proffessional courtesy. I am a little dissapointed in the false accusations. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
You're half right. Actually, the connection was made by Whispers, who is a hobbyist, (at first by innuendo, then later outright) and Kat (via innuendo) in the other thread. I have reread your posts and you are correct that, while you did make some wise crack about conspiracies, you never outright said anything making a connection between the crazy rumors and attagirls. You just later jumped on the bashing bandwagon in this thread. So I owe you an apology for my inaccurate statement. If I could delete that post I would but it's past the time limit.

This must be why you were calling for someone top names names, to get someone to hang themselves and you or others could ban together to fry them. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
Wow, talk about unfounded accusations. The reason I would like someone to NAME NAMES is because if there are shenanigans such as not providing references and putting WK's up to NC/NS I want them to stop. First, because I like Austin to have a good reputation as the friendly city that I know it to be. But for my own self interest as well: As long as it is just rumor, everyone and anyone is presumed guilty. I can give references to out of town girls till my fingers bleed from typing and all someone like Whispers has to do is imply something and all Austin providers are considered guilty until proven innocent. In addition, I travel. If this is a practice that is happening in Austin, it may be happening in other cities as well. Perhaps if we find a way to clean up Austin, we can then expand that model statewide. Regardless, when I ask a Houston or Dallas provider for a reference, I want her to feel comfy giving it to me knowing I would do the same for her and not prejudge me based on a bad rap that Austin seems to have gotten.

I still want to do the poll and am awaiting feedback from Whispers. Maybe we should start a new thread on that topic seperately since it is a seperate issue.

rekcaSxT's Avatar
As far as the "light hearted side of the hobby" I think that will return, but things need to be addressed and solutions need to be put in place, then we can all have fun again. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
I was sent a PM, and I wont say by whom, asking if I really meant this. And I do. I explained to this person what I meant by this statement. I will post my EXACT reply to this person.

I do want it to return to being a fun place. As far as dirty laundry... I think things need to be addressed and questions need to be answered and I think that is happening. I think people posting threads that say "HEY LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX CAUSE THAT OTHER THREAD IS TOO SCARY RIGHT NOW!" are just distractions. I think those people are the ones who can't handle dealing with issues and they need to shut up for a minute and wait til things get back there naturally and not try to force it. Once there is some equilibrium I think things will be better across the board.

It has been said time and again ASPD was more provider friendly than hobbyist. I don't want eccie to be slanted one way or the other, I really do believe in equality. The problem is everyone in our society wants to make EVERY situation an "US or THEM" scenario. It shouldn't have to be that way.

We got to this point by providers calling hobbyists trolls when they were just speaking their minds. When those providers went "full bitch mode" it brought out the rage in some people. Then THOSE people were called trolls. I haven't seen any true trolls here, I have seen some pent up aggression get laid out on the table. Call it airing dirty laundry, but I want to see things improve across the board.
And that is how I really feel. I am the same person via PM, Board Persona, in real life, etc.. It makes no sense to me to say one thing here and another thing there. I sometimes change the way it is presented, or only talk about things that are appropriate for the crowd I am with, but the message is still the same.

I have no problem with a lady screening. I have p411 to make that as painless as possible.

I have no problem with a lady setting her own rates.

I have no problem with really anything anyone chooses to do as long as they play fair. This is a playground and playgrounds have codes. When you were a kid, you played fair or you didn't get to play. Yes there were bullies, but bullies are just bullies. Let's not confuse straight talk with bullying, and let's not label someone a bully just because you do not agree with them.

I do not agree with everyone on here. That does not mean I can not be respectful. And someone PLEASE show me where I have been disrespectful lately. I have dissagreed with Sophia multiple times, and have yet to call her a name. I do agree with Whispers a lot, but one area where we differ is that I actually do appreciate the contributions of the ladies to this board. As long as any member keeps things civil and is not being selfish or self serving, and is playing fair I think they have a right to play, male, female, or otherwise.

In some threads a while back I DID call names, but not until others had done so first. I WILL call people on their shit.

Again I am hoping things normalize and at a natural pace. Maybe things will start to move that way soon, I hope they do.
The pm refered to by rekcaSxT was sent by me. I really did ask him if he thought Eccie needed to get the seedy, sordid, ugly innuendos out in the open, and he has maintained that position....look for a new thread shortly. Apparently I'm also considered a WK which is actually quite laughable, but the point is....THIS thread has demonstrated tremendous courage, maturity, and a desire to move things beyond the current situation. IMHO, I think it has done just that and I will not sully it with further innuendos...KUDOS to the ladies that responded here, your bravery is to be applauded!
Most of you know that I have not been feeling well this week so I have missed out on most of this new fun and excitement!! Being puny also makes me kind of surly, so with all of that said haere are my thoughts: It is a free country (well kind of). If the ladies want to get together and have a club or whatever, so what? If the guys want to have a lunch bunch or whatever, so what. Personally I have all sorts of naughty thoughts about what the ladies do when they get together for their club meetings!! It is all pretty simple. If any of us don't like someone then don't associate with them. If I don't like the price or terms of a given item, I don't buy it, period! if I see a value at a price point either above or below the "market price" than that is my business and since it is my money that is being spent, than no one else should purport to tell me how I should and should not spend it. On the other hand we are all consumers and we all like to get a good deal so shared information about a good deal is always appreciated.

I have read posts where ladies have "removed" themselves from ATTA (or whatever it is called). Why? I for one want to see ladies that have good TCB skills, Great BCD skills, and are within my personal financial means. Many of us bitch about the "price" but many also see the value of the above mentioned skills of ladies in our area that are a little higher than the price point (Like Angelina Adams, whom I personally have no experience with, but guys I respect say she is the bomb!) so I don't get the whole price point bitch???? Give me great BCD, TCB, and be my "type"( whatever the hell that is!) and in my price point and I don't give a rosey rat fuck what club you belong to! We don't all have to agree with one another. That is what makes this so much fun, variety! If everyone just excersizes their own right of personal choice, then all will be fine.

If the above statements make me a WK, so what? If it makes people say I am PW (I kinda like being PW!) so what? It is my choice and I reserve the exclusive right to make said choice just as everyone has the right to make their own choices and more importantly deserves to be respected for making their own choices!!

Sorry, I think I need to go take my meds!!!
Speaking as one who is/was a member of this group, I have never been asked or coerced to NCNS anyone, or black listed from seeing anyone I choose.

I've known TM for about a year and a half and she's always been professional and pleasant. She was never present during any sessions with any AGs; nor did I ever have to book an appt through her or an intermediary. I called who I wanted to see, let them know I'd seen (_______) and that was that. Everything else is pure speculation and the outright lies by Whispers are pure conjecture at best. I was notified by another AG who was not TM back in December about the group.

Spreading rumors and outright lies might seem like a way to "contribute", but in truth you're detracting from the group as a whole.

rekcaSxT's Avatar
Ok seriously, this has been discussed over and over. No one mentioned ATTA specifically in regards to the NCNS stuff.

Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 03-12-2010, 09:58 PM
Allegations of intentional (organized?) NCNS of visiting providers (and even local ones that someone has a grudge against) have been going around Austin in one form or another as far back as I can remember on ASPD, publicly or back channel/BCD, since I started lurking there in 2001-02. It's just one tactic or strategy that somebody, or some bodies, may use to discourage or harass competitors. It's not exactly a late-breaking cutting-edge 21st century technological breakthrough that just came in with the iPhone and Bluetooth headsets.
Spaceman...you are my kind of man! I will nurse you back to health honey! Thanks for telling it like it is.