He tricked me to turn the water and ran out

yardbird74's Avatar
1. You don't have to be physically violent to be dangerous.

2. Look at your own words - you felt disgust and guilt towards yourself for what you had done, and in turn you wanted to direct that disgust onto JJ so she would somehow feel the same way you do. You were "paying her back" when all she did was what you were supposedly paying her to do. This is a dangerous mentality and you, more than anyone, needs to be aware of it.

3 and finally. I understand the you're not a time bomb, and "I would never put my hands..." thing. However, you already admit that you are participating in an activity (hobbying) that you don't want to do, but you do it anyway. It's a compulsion and just like any compulsion it can escalate and those lines of what you would or would not do can begin to blur.

I'm not trying to attack you man, even though you did pull a bitch move with JJ. Seriously, do some deep self reflection and seek out someone to help you (psych, minister, priest, etc.)
TigerTy22 at least you stand out and tried to get your ass out of this threat. I fully understand how you felt when your handle got busted.
Not just about the donation, It is about respect. How nice I treated you, how sweet I was being with you. Have I ever make you feel unhappy or sad? NO! I make sure you happily left my Incall and have smile on your face.
I don't need a 100 back from you, I am not going to meet you or have anything to do withyou and I wish not to hear from you again. I hope you respect my wishes.
Tigerty or whatever- if you really wanted to make things right with her you would go and get a card, put money on it, then text the OP the confirmation code ASAP. None of this waiting til you're back in two weeks bollox. So either put your money where your mouth is or shut the fuck up, you're chatting shit.

You should have your balls cut off with a dull knife then shoved up you're arse for stealing money from that poor girl. Shame on you.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Tigerty or whatever- if you really wanted to make things right with her you would go and get a card, put money on it, then text the OP the confirmation code ASAP. None of this waiting til you're back in two weeks bollox. So either put your money where your mouth is or shut the fuck up, you're chatting shit.. Originally Posted by Valerie
Damn straight. And it needs to be treble damage just for all the friggin' drama and aggravation. Shitbird sounds like he thinks he's the center of the universe.
Mojojo's Avatar
What you did was real shitty! Valerie is right if you really were trying to right a wrong you'd find a way to get her the money!
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 04-07-2013, 11:04 AM
JJ, what a freakin dickweed, if he had p411, contact them, I would also be real curious about the other gals that "vouched" for this fucker. That smells fishy also. Hope this fuck gets tboned by a semi tractor trailer. What a lowlife prick, he planned on doing that all along, don't kid yourself.
All this woe is me, eccie has only brought me misery, I have a crap of a life wah wah wah stuff is complete bullshit. ESPECIALLY the bit about 'not being able to sleep with a woman at night'. Nice way to pass blame to everyone but yourself.

If you were truly feeling guilt and shame you would NCNS or just drop the payment and flee the scene.

What you did was completely pre-meditated...either you knowingly didn't bring the payment or you knowingly went out of you way to trick someone. It would have been better if you said nothing than to come here and whine and cry for people to feel sorry for you. Disgusting.

Either way, I hope a raptor eats your dick.

Have a nice day.
Jimmy Hoffa's Avatar
Please delete my acct or ban me don't really care. Jj sorry once again anyone who has seen u knows ur the last person that deserved something like that. Originally Posted by TigerTy22
If it looks like dog shit, smells like dog shit and tastes like dog shit. It must be dog shit.

A fucker that steals from a lady that works in the oldest profession in the world, must be dog shit.

I bet you like to hit women too.
boardman's Avatar
1st make this right. That is completely in your control to do. Jj, if he wants to make amends you should accept it and be humble.

Dude, you have expressed that the hobby is not for you and you feel guilty everytime you visit a provider. You even admit to pulling this shit to somehow deflect the guilt. These are classic signs of an addiction. You will not be able to kick the addiction on your own. Your current behavior will continue or get worse because at some point you WILL need your next "fix". You will find it in progressively dangerous ways for a couple.of reaasons 1. Fewer reputable provider will see you and you will end up dealing with sw and pimps. 2. Your need to satisfy the high and the high itself will overpower your will power and it will destroy you.

Just like alcohol. Some people can do this and not be consumed by the need to get high. Others can't. Find a chapter of sex addicts anonymous and get the help you need and obviously want. The first step is admitting you have a problem but admitting it to us does you no good.

Mods, I realize this may be a borderline post because i amspeculating to a degree. If I've said too much please delete it and slap my hand.
  • iquit
  • 04-07-2013, 12:21 PM
What I did was pathetic ignorant dumb etc. I'm not gonna sit here and make up some excuse for my actions bc there is none. I have NCNS a couple of ladies bc honestly I try to talk myself out of doing this before I see someone. This hobby isn't for me but that gives me no right to waste anyone's time in the first place or pull a move like I did. Without sounding too much like a drama queen and rambling I feel guilty as hell and hate myself everytime I do this and after I saw JJ I wanted to pay her back in some way to make her feel like i felt as if it was her fault that u did this ha. sound pathetic crazy and overdramatic right? im sure it does. Pretty dumb when she is just trying to do her job. JJ i truly apologize and will be back in houston in 2 weeks and will gladly make it up to u with an extra donation i could meet u somewhere to end any beef and hard feelings even though im sure it wont help much and i dont want it to. Im not here trying to put myself in the clear for the future bc i dont want anything to do with this hobby again after today.im done with this. To all the black hobbyist I'm sorry that I made our already bad rep even worse and I pulled a coward move and hope it doesn't affect u too much I know none of u guys would pull some shit like that I just hope the ladies realize that. But my race has nothing to do with it I'm a nice guy just let emotions get the better of me and lost and confused ha.(I know..sounds lame) Mods if you will please delete my account. JJ I will be in contact with you via email until I get my phone back. Good luck to all of u Originally Posted by TigerTy22
I think I cut him some slack. Assuming he is being genuine, he did a shitty thing and now he realizes it and is looking to fix it. I guess given we cannot change what has happened, he has dome everything right post the offense. He apologized and wants to compensate for what he did and seeks a peaceful resolution. That is more than I can ask of him at this point. Still asianjj should not have any contact with him wh
Mojojo's Avatar
I think I cut him some slack. Assuming he is being genuine, he did a shitty thing and now he realizes it and is looking to fix it. I guess given we cannot change what has happened, he has dome everything right post the offense. He apologized and wants to compensate for what he did and seeks a peaceful resolution. That is more than I can ask of him at this point. Still asianjj should not have any contact with him wh Originally Posted by iquit
You're kidding me right? He will pay her in 2 weeks? Gtfo how many times have we heard that shit in the hobby?

If he were serious this would have been settled immediately.....I understand people find Jesus on Sunday but i call bullshit on this one!
LexusLover's Avatar
I've just simply been trying to change the way I am .... Originally Posted by TigerTy22
It's not working.
klutz's Avatar
  • klutz
  • 04-07-2013, 12:58 PM
Ouch =\

Sorry that happened to you! Hope he gets banned.

I live in Houston but all my hobby donations since joining eccie have all been in Lafayette. I really need to be contributing to my local economy. I'm back in Houston from travel to Lafayette and would love to visit your incall later this week. If you will still be here, please pm me. I have P411+3 and will have some great reviews up this week.
Bitch ass moves like this make it harder for all hobbyist. Originally Posted by Dorian Gray

What I did was pathetic ignorant dumb etc. I'm not gonna sit here and make up some excuse for my actions bc there is none. I have NCNS a couple of ladies bc honestly I try to talk myself out of doing this before I see someone. This hobby isn't for me but that gives me no right to waste anyone's time in the first place or pull a move like I did. Without sounding too much like a drama queen and rambling I feel guilty as hell and hate myself everytime I do this and after I saw JJ I wanted to pay her back in some way to make her feel like i felt as if it was her fault that u did this ha. sound pathetic crazy and overdramatic right? im sure it does. Pretty dumb when she is just trying to do her job. JJ i truly apologize and will be back in houston in 2 weeks and will gladly make it up to u with an extra donation i could meet u somewhere to end any beef and hard feelings even though im sure it wont help much and i dont want it to. Im not here trying to put myself in the clear for the future bc i dont want anything to do with this hobby again after today.im done with this. To all hobbyist I'm sorry that I made our already bad rep even worse and I pulled a coward move and hope it doesn't affect u too much I know none of u guys would pull some shit like that I just hope the ladies realize that. But my race has nothing to do with it I am a bitch that just let emotions get the better of me and lost and confused ha.(I know..sounds lame) Mods if you will please delete my account. JJ I will be in contact with you via email until I get my phone back. Good luck to all of u Originally Posted by TigerTy22
I dont understand your rational. So you steal from her, in hopes she would put you on blast and shame you into quiting It's bullshit. How do you explain the friend fiasco after you knew you were put on blast. Just go away Btw mods I hope you leave his handle in place. JJ props for not keeping quiet