Today, two men were found dead...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Let me explain it to you in a way you may understand. Notice that the ABC, Chicago Tribune and Reuters headlines are all exactly the same. Reuters is headquartered in London. This story was sent by stringers to the European office who sent it out with a headline. The Chicago Tribune and ABC news used the headline and story provided by Reuters. They prolly did little re-write themselves. To Reuters that they were ex Seals is NOT something noteworthy. You are talking about an European writing the headline. There is no liberal policy against using "Seal" in the headline, sorry to disappoint you. It is just the way news gathering works in the world today. I repeat IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH POLICY! It is about how events are reported on and who writes and distributes the headlines and stories. Originally Posted by BigLouie

Yeah, you noticed that Reuters is involved. You're the first one to see that but that changes nothing. It was American news outlets that repeated the story and American editors who decided what the headline would be.
You never have explained what a headline has to do with the meat of the story.