Still Speedy, the money those candidates has don’t automatically go to another candidate or the eventual nominee. Trump doubles his nearest competitor. When you factor in he doesn’t have to spend on a primary campaign, the money gap widens no matter who the Democrats put up. Bernie’s money didn’t go tho Clinton in 2026, neither did all his voters. BTW, Siver got the 2016 election wrong.
Originally Posted by bambino
I don't disagree with you, but as I pointed out, and the article I cited agrees with me, that once the Democratic party comes together on a candidate, the likelihood is that Democratic donations will increase dramatically. Given the head start Trump has it will be almost impossible to catch him in total contributions but in quarterly donations from here to election day will favor the Democrats in my opinion.
Almost everybody got the 2016 election wrong. Silver was hardly alone. Many compared Trump's 2016 victory to hitting an inside straight in poker. The Trump team did a far better job of getting out the vote in battleground states than the Clinton team and Trump won.