The shit that comes from the mouths of liberals: Barack Obama

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Why are you avoiding the topic EVA? Already beaten I understand but at least try to mount a defense for your god.

I was at the grocery store yesterday (HyVee) and I could feel the depression in the people and they were talking about it on the radio today. There is very little, if any, good news in the world. Things have gotten so bad on Obama's watch and he bears a great deal of responsibility for so much of with bad decisions or no decisions.

Terrorism: Remember this, "Usama Bin Laden is dead and Al Queada is on the run." That is what Obama hung his reelection campaign on. There are more active terrorists groups in the world today than then and before 9/11. We have genocide and border incursions that we didn't have then. What is Obama doing about it.....playing another round of golf on a million dollar tax payer funded vacation. How can anyone even defend this guy is beyond me. There are only two reasons that people defend Obama today, racism (he is the first black president) and party fanaticism.
Why are you avoiding the topic EVA? Already beaten I understand but at least try to mount a defense for your god.

I was at the grocery store yesterday (HyVee) and I could feel the depression in the people and they were talking about it on the radio today. There is very little, if any, good news in the world. Things have gotten so bad on Obama's watch and he bears a great deal of responsibility for so much of with bad decisions or no decisions.

Terrorism: Remember this, "Usama Bin Laden is dead and Al Queada is on the run." That is what Obama hung his reelection campaign on. There are more active terrorists groups in the world today than then and before 9/11. We have genocide and border incursions that we didn't have then. What is Obama doing about it.....playing another round of golf on a million dollar tax payer funded vacation. How can anyone even defend this guy is beyond me. There are only two reasons that people defend Obama today, racism (he is the first black president) and party fanaticism. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

The OP was about the VA guess you forgot again. Did you notice they all are on recess, bet there are a lot of golf games ect going on. Of course some are electioneering. Why do you constantly think I defend anyone, just lampooning your silly statements.
Do you even know what you're saying, Slobbrin?

How does this issue affect you? Or are you just here to waste bandwidth with your xenophobic ejaculations? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Do you even know what you're saying, Snicks Dicks? Tell you what watch this and get back with me, Snicks Dicks...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The OP was about the VA guess you forgot again. Did you notice they all are on recess, bet there are a lot of golf games ect going on. Of course some are electioneering. Why do you constantly think I defend anyone, just lampooning your silly statements. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

I'm sorry you misunderstood the English langauge but this OP was about stupid shit that comes from the mouths of democrats. Obama being the first and in this case only, the VA.

I'll get to others later but of course Obama will be recurring from time to time.
I'm sorry you misunderstood the English langauge but this OP was about stupid shit that comes from the mouths of democrats. Obama being the first and in this case only, the VA.

I'll get to others later but of course Obama will be recurring from time to time. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

JDIdiot, we know that you just want to hate Barack Obama for some reason. Why is that? You don't really articulate this hate, but we can see it plainly.
I'm sorry you misunderstood the English langauge but this OP was about stupid shit that comes from the mouths of democrats. Obama being the first and in this case only, the VA.

I'll get to others later but of course Obama will be recurring from time to time. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Go back and read post #1 you apparently can't remember your thread. I know what your agenda is. Just a malcontent. you should think of the stupid shit that comes out of your mouth.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Why are you avoiding the topic EVA? Already beaten I understand but at least try to mount a defense for your god.

I was at the grocery store yesterday (HyVee) and I could feel the depression in the people and they were talking about it on the radio today. There is very little, if any, good news in the world. Things have gotten so bad on Obama's watch and he bears a great deal of responsibility for so much of with bad decisions or no decisions.

Terrorism: Remember this, "Usama Bin Laden is dead and Al Queada is on the run." That is what Obama hung his reelection campaign on. There are more active terrorists groups in the world today than then and before 9/11. We have genocide and border incursions that we didn't have then. What is Obama doing about it.....playing another round of golf on a million dollar tax payer funded vacation. How can anyone even defend this guy is beyond me. There are only two reasons that people defend Obama today, racism (he is the first black president) and party fanaticism. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
I missed this post the last time around, but it was a good one.
Thanks for posting and keep up the good work.