Durham Report

Jacuzzme's Avatar
I depressingly agree with this. Nothing will happen.
... Nope - I surely believe retribution is coming.

NY Times named in Durham's report... worked with Hillary's
people to coordinate their story on the FAKE dossier.
Knew it was fake the whole time - and pushed it.

This is a One Billion dollar lawsuit for Trump
against the Times. $$$$$

What did Dominion do? ... Settle for $700 million??
Time to pay up. ...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
I'm waiting to see how fast this is buried by mainstream and digital media. Remember how fast the shameful and tragic withdrawal from Afghanistan was buried Originally Posted by Don Stephens
Oh, you know it has pained them terribly to have to report any of this today. So you know they will bury it as soon as they can

But when Jake Tapper of CNN comes out and says: “It is regardless devastating to the FBI and, to a degree, it does exonerate Donald Trump.” you know its bad


Alas while the corrupt CBS news reported it, they tried their best to whitewash it and change the focus


The VERY LAST people to go to for honest and accurate reporting on the absolutely explosive Durham report are the corrupt partisans in the propaganda press who were key players in the Russia collusion disinformation op (e.g. AP, NYT, WP, CBS, CNN, NBC, etc.)
berryberry's Avatar
nothing will happen......... nothing to the fbi,the cia, obama, hillary or biden. hunter will be charged with lower level crimes and get out of it..

they will continue to bury trump in court battles no matter how many come up empty

you cant fight the system especially when both sides are deep into it
Originally Posted by chizzy
Sad but true Chizzy. Our country is lost, destroyed by corrupt leftists everywhere. The rule of law is destroyed as we have a two tier justice system, one for conservatives and one for everyone else.

Clinton, Obama, Senile Biden and Government agencies launched an all out war upon a duly elected president under the cover of investigating what they KNEW to be a hoax.

This was not an accident, this was treason and sedition of the highest order.

Whoopsie will not cover it, people need to go to jail or worse. But sadly they won't
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Not a peep on Drudge.
bambino's Avatar
Man, some of yinz need a pep talk. This is huge. Pain is coming. Get yer heads out of yer asses.

bambino's Avatar
If you notice, Durham included a classified appendix that we can't see.

What do you think is in it besides intelligence details?

Do you really think with this big of a report—the biggest political scandal in American history that literally lays out criminal acts—that we would not see justice? That we would only see two minor charges with Kevin Clinesmith and Danchenko?

I really believe the best is yet to come
bambino's Avatar
Durham Report Verdicts:

Donald J. Trump- Innocent

FBI- Guilty
DOJ- Guilty
IC- Guilty
Comey- Guilty
McCabe- Guilty
Strzok- Guilty
Lisa Page- Guilty
FISA Judges- Guilty
Rosenstein- Guilty
Chris Wray- Guilty
Gina Haspel- Guilty
Sally Yates- Guilty
Lisa Monaco- Guilty
John Carlin- Guilty
Michael Sussman- Guilty
Christopher Steele- Guilty
Stephan Halper- Guilty
Fusion GPS- Guilty
Mark Elias- Guilty
Clinton- Guilty
Bruce Ohr- Guilty
Nellie Ohr- Guilty

The Obama CIA, DOJ, FBI, DNI, State Dept, etc., the Clinton Campaign, conspired with foreign spies, and the entire Left-wing media apparatus, to KNOWINGLY push a massive lie to obstruct Trump’s Presidency, and then attempted to use it to overthrow him.

This was the coup d’état.
bambino's Avatar
General Flynn

America is pissed. Trump is pissed. I’m pissed. And all rightly so after the release of the Durham report.

How do we get our country back and our duly elected POTUS?

The “missteps” Durham said have been fixed are still in place (don’t kid yourself).

The FBI needs to be completely shut down and it must happen in any new administration that enters the WH. Ideas about reform are fine but not until a complete shut down occurs.

All party’s political candidates running for POTUS must have the complete restoration of faith in the federal government as their top priority. No more games.

And people that committed crimes such as treason and/or sedition against the American people must be held accountable (all of them). There will be no statute of limitations and no rocks to hide under.

My lawsuit against the DOJ and the EOP (and others) aside, if the DOJ doesn’t go after those who perpetrated these crimes (including the current POTUS), we no longer have a system of Justice that is responsive to the needs of the American people. The Rule of Law that I fought for will be dead.

We either have a fair, unbiased and functioning justice system or we live under the yoke of tyranny ruled by a small group of oligarch elites who want to dictate how we will live as a nation.

Wake up America!
bambino's Avatar

��interesting timing of this, wouldnt you say?

bambino's Avatar
I don’t think the Libs understand the severity of the situation. There is no way forward for the DNC.

As a society and as a nation, we would be completely justified in ensuring these psychopaths never hold any power of any kind ever again.

Extinction-level event.

Key words “completely justified”

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Flynn is right, but the truth and justice he’s after won’t happen until perpetrators start swinging from ropes on national tv.
bambino's Avatar
Flynn is right, but the truth and justice he’s after won’t happen until perpetrators start swinging from ropes on national tv. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
It’s not as far fetched as you might think
bambino's Avatar
The current narrative shift is stunning, and stark. And should not be ignored.

The narrative is quickly changing and more and more are realizing that Trump was framed, and that our current version of government is 100% illegitimate.

Durham’s report forced CNN to admit Trump is exonerated.

It has also forced multiple large lefty accounts on Twitter to come out against the FBI, and Obama. More will follow.

The cat is out of the bag. The snowball is only just beginning.
bambino's Avatar
This is what it's all about.
Those who were previously fooled by the mainstream media coming to these red pill realizations.
Absolutely priceless.

"The Durham Report is 100x worse than Jan 6th. It revealed our highest law enforcement agency trying to undo an election on zero evidence.
If you are a Democrat you should feel far worse about the Trump-Russia than you did about Jan 6th."
The awakening is happening!
One person at a time!
