Special Council Hur’s Final Report On Biden Classified Documents

ICU 812's Avatar
Had Biden run in 2016 against Trump the odds of him being elected POTUS were very much in his favor. Hillary lost a close election and Biden did not carry the negative baggage that Hillary did. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
That may very well be. We will never kn ow for sure. However, it is my belief that when Mr. Trump Behan hammering on the anti-illegal alien issue and building the border wall, he hit as home run with the electorate. I am guessing that Mr. Biden would have been pressured by the progressive power brokers to oppose that . . . and he would have lost to Trump. But that is just me.

In any case, I think President Biden has plenty of negative baggage now.
Had Biden run in 2016 against Trump the odds of him being elected POTUS were very much in his favor. Hillary lost a close election and Biden did not carry the negative baggage that Hillary did. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The one decent thing Hillary Clinton ever did was loose the 2016 Presidential Election to President Trump.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Come on man! The election wasn't tight to begin with. Someone had to loose it.

Trump was rejected by the majority of American voters in 2016. To the tune of over 3,000,000 votes.

Biden's baggage is in the minds of the MAGA cult.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That may very well be. We will never kn ow for sure. However, it is my belief that when Mr. Trump Behan hammering on the anti-illegal alien issue and building the border wall, he hit as home run with the electorate. I am guessing that Mr. Biden would have been pressured by the progressive power brokers to oppose that . . . and he would have lost to Trump. But that is just me.

In any case, I think President Biden has plenty of negative baggage now.
Originally Posted by ICU 812
In my opinion, the border issue is the primary negative for Biden. The economy is humming. Inflation has eased. Wages are up.
Unemployment down.

I think it was a mistake for Republicans, urged on by Trump, to reject the proposed bill for border security. The bill was certainly far from perfect but it was a positive step. But illegal immigration is the one issue that Trump wants to focus on and any bill would hurt his ability to do that. But now, whenever Trump brings up illegal immigration, Democrats can point out his complete opposition to an attempt to correct it, even if minor.
In my opinion, the border issue is the primary negative for Biden. The economy is humming. Inflation has eased. Wages are up.
Unemployment down.

I think it was a mistake for Republicans, urged on by Trump, to reject the proposed bill for border security. The bill was certainly far from perfect but it was a positive step. But illegal immigration is the one issue that Trump wants to focus on and any bill would hurt his ability to do that. But now, whenever Trump brings up illegal immigration, Democrats can point out his complete opposition to an attempt to correct it, even if minor. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Inflation has eased?? Tell that to the average American that has seen everything go up from 7 to 100 percent.

I guess that’s “Bidenomics”. Drive inflation up to stratosphere, then brag about it when it finally peaks out, leaving consumers shaking their heads

Trump knows he doesn’t need one more page of “legislation” to secure the Border. He was well on his way to doing it, then Biden, with a stroke of his pen, destroyed it all.

More Democrat Leftist revisionist history. I just hope that voters remember the first week of that stupid old senile piece of shit’s signing all of those orders, destroying the good things we had.

And look what it got us.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What are you paying 100% more for Jackie ?

What good things did you have that were destroyed the first week of Biden’s administration?

My guess is Biden isn’t the one whose cognition is challenged…

Considering that you believe in Trumps absolute power. I’d say you were opposed to democracy too.

Thanks for clarifying. Now try not to derail this topic any further.
What are you paying 100% more for Jackie ?

What good things did you have that were destroyed the first week of Biden’s administration?

My guess is Biden isn’t the one whose cognition is challenged…

Considering that you believe in Trumps absolute power. I’d say you were opposed to democracy too.

Thanks for clarifying. Now try not to derail this topic any further. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... Seeing-as Jackie is the OP of the thread, I'm not seeing
how he's derailing the conversation.

And did you just imply that Jackie's "cognation" is challenged??
Surely sounds like you're questioning his mental health.

... It's Joe Biden's health that is the issue.

#### Salty
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Seeing-as Jackie is the OP of the thread, I'm not seeing
how he's derailing the conversation.

And did you just imply that Jackie's "cognation" is challenged??
Surely sounds like you're questioning his mental health.

... It's Joe Biden's health that is the issue.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I made no such claim. And I see no Moderator tag under your handle.

Please try to stay on topic.

Tee hee

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Inflation has eased?? Tell that to the average American that has seen everything go up from 7 to 100 percent.

I guess that’s “Bidenomics”. Drive inflation up to stratosphere, then brag about it when it finally peaks out, leaving consumers shaking their heads

Trump knows he doesn’t need one more page of “legislation” to secure the Border. He was well on his way to doing it, then Biden, with a stroke of his pen, destroyed it all.

More Democrat Leftist revisionist history. I just hope that voters remember the first week of that stupid old senile piece of shit’s signing all of those orders, destroying the good things we had.

And look what it got us. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Biden did little to cause the inflation in this country other than give most of us $1400. Inflation occured in every country in the world following the Covid pandemic. Biden can't be blamed for that. Under Trump, unemployment soared to 14% and GDP was worst since at least 1960. And Trump can't be blamed for that.

Trump's solution to "solving" the border issue was simple -- no immigration under any circumstance. Let people come to the border and deny entry no matter what the reason. Biden went overboard in the other direction unfortunately. I am looking for a happy medium.
ICU 812's Avatar
The RATE of inflation has "eased". That merely means thaqt prices are continuing to go up, but less quickly.

My social security has not gotten a 10% (or whatever) COLA. Whenever there is a SS COLA, the amount never dos match the increase in expenses in real terms.

Our adult son is Paster to a small to medium size church. He has direct, everyday exposure to the economic struggles of his congregants. Likewise, their homeless and food pantry outreach has become stretched thin. These are direct indicators of economic stress, not government reports, statistics or polls.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The RATE of inflation has "eased". That merely means thaqt prices are continuing to go up, but less quickly.

My social security has not gotten a 10% (or whatever) COLA. Whenever there is a SS COLA, the amount never dos match the increase in expenses in real terms.

Our adult son is Paster to a small to medium size church. He has direct, everyday exposure to the economic struggles of his congregants. Likewise, their homeless and food pantry outreach has become stretched thin. These are direct indicators of economic stress, not government reports, statistics or polls. Originally Posted by ICU 812
We got an 8.9% boost in Social Security last year and 3.2% this year. The majority of our income is from SS and we are doing fine financially.
ICU 812's Avatar
We got an 8.9% boost in Social Security last year and 3.2% this year. The majority of our income is from SS and we are doing fine financially. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Didn't work out that way for me. In 2003, I was forced to take a disability retirement from the VA due to blindness. With only 12 years of service, that amounted to half pay.

My social security benefit is paid in full, but the retirement benefit from OPM(from Office Of Personnel Management) is reduced by the amount of SS. Whatever COLA I get from SS, the top end only goes up by what the retirement COLA is . . .and it never 1qquite3 makes it up.

It is a Reagan era law that doesn't feel right. I worked in the private sector for twenty years before going to the VA.
eyecu2's Avatar
...And here I thought the topic was about Hur's opinion on the Biden' documents vs. opining on medical and policy decisions, or inflation rates? But I am no moderator.

I guess some new threads can start from here!
ICU 812's Avatar
Clinton, Biden, Mayorkas . . ."What difference, at this p;oit, does it make?"
  • Tiny
  • 02-14-2024, 06:34 AM
You do realize that the special prosecutor Robert Hur is a conservative lawyer appointed by Trump to the department of justice. That’s why the report referenced Biden’s supposed cognitive decline. A hit job by a biased prosecutor as far as i’m concerned. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
I strongly disagree. Hur's getting flack from Republicans too, about his recommendation to not prosecute Biden. He was just doing his job.

From a WSJ news piece, this is what his former boss said about him:

“For Rob this is not about politics, this is a principled decision,” Rosenstein said. “He went through a rigorous process, and his conclusion that an indictment was not warranted is well-defended.”

Rosenstein and other former prosecutors said the report reads similarly to other internal Justice Department memos that prosecutors write to justify decisions not to bring charges. Hur, they said, was anticipating possible defenses Biden could raise that would make him a sympathetic defendant who jurors might believe had simply forgotten he still had the documents.

Such memos are usually kept out of public view. But if a special counsel chooses not to pursue charges, he is required to disclose why a target’s missteps, however problematic, weren’t criminal. Garland had promised to make Hur’s report public when he appointed him, saying he wouldn’t interfere with the probe. He could have made redactions or edits, but didn’t.


From a WSJ opinion piece,

Mr. Hur, on the other hand, is a duly appointed special counsel. Federal regulations instruct that, at the end of Mr. Hur’s work, he “shall provide the Attorney General with a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions reached.”

Given the high political interest, it would be hard to keep such a report from the public. The speculation would be of a White House trying to cover something up. So Mr. Hur presumably knew that his summary of the case was likely to be released. But if Mr. Biden’s mental state played any role in his decision to recommend against criminal charges, do Mr. Hur’s critics think he should have simply decided not to tell that to the Attorney General? That would have been a dereliction of duty.


Biden did little to cause the inflation in this country other than give most of us $1400. Inflation occured in every country in the world following the Covid pandemic. Biden can't be blamed for that. Under Trump, unemployment soared to 14% and GDP was worst since at least 1960. And Trump can't be blamed for that. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Why were Democrat economists Larry Summers and Jason Furman shouting from the rooftops that the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan would ignite inflation? Why did high inflation hit the USA before the rest of the world? Yes, other factors played a big part in inflation too. And agreed, you can't blame Trump for the COVID pandemic.

We got an 8.9% boost in Social Security last year and 3.2% this year. The majority of our income is from SS and we are doing fine financially. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
In part because of inflation that hit the USA early because of the American Rescue Plan, real (inflation adjusted) average wages fell after Biden took office. They're only just now approaching the levels when Trump left office.

Please note how I've deftly replied to multiple posts to avoid going off topic.