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Donald Trump, David Horowitz.

No reason to argue with you, you live in some alternate reality where the facts don't matter. Originally Posted by easychord24

Trump never went to Epstein's island. never. Bill Clinton and Bill Gates on the other hand ...

The dude made his point to the question that was posed to him, then you, an obvious Trumper, wants to come in and spin it about the Liberal Fake News Media...The fact is Trumpie & Epstein, along with Ghislaine Maxwell, were close friends (Trump called him “a good guy”.) for over 15 years until a member of Mar-a-Lago made a complaint about another member, Jeffrey Epstein, hitting on his teenage daughter. Trump was forced to ban his boy Epstein from Mar-a-Lago membership to avoid it growing into a bigger issue of exposure.

You’re right QAnon, didn’t screw up the economy, it’s been screwed up for years, all politicians in this country, past & present, for the last 3 decades are to blame. But, QAnon is responsible for false narratives, fake news, conspiracy theories, and total lies, and guess who gobbled that shit up and even expanded that shit for their agendas? - Republicans...The pandemic has been the biggest reason the economy went bad during the latter part of Trump’s administration, that’s why it was so important to have treated the COVID as a serious threat, but he chose to make it into some kind of joke and nothing to take serious.

If you had brothers killed in Afghanistan that’s on them for being stupid enough to join the fucking military. It’s the risk you take...Bush II got us into Afghanistan (I had no problem with that whatsoever), Obama said he would reduce our presence there; Trump said he would, too, and established deadlines to get us out; Biden did too, and did a piss poor job trying to finish what Obama started and Trump triple downed on.

Trump had 4 years to improve the border situation, he made it worse as usual by not having a fucking plan (like everything else he talked shit about) and made us look bad by separating huge numbers of children from their parents and guardians and not intervening.

The Liberals are responsible for the Gay Agenda in this country, no doubt about that, but Biden didn’t start that bullshit, it’s been building & growing for decades. And it was just announced that Right Wing Shitshow Fox News has added Caitlyn, formerly known as Bruce, Jenner as a Contributor for them.

How is the Energy Sector “killed”, because oil prices have climbed, seriously? It’s thriving and rolling down the same mother fucking track it always has.

The Shitshow is, and has been, a two-way street for decades, you just want to see it with your tunnel vision one-sidedness.

My father had a saying: “Only fools think politicians will improve their lot in life.” Originally Posted by ManSlut

how many times are you going to claim Trump was good friends with Epstein? do you know that the uber rich social circles of NYC and Palm Beach all attend the same swanky parties? does that mean they are all "close friends"?

was there 200,000 illegals a month flooding the border under Trump? nope. he stopped them before they even got to the Rio Grande by making Mexico stop them at their southern border which is actually what international asylum law says. maybe you should look that up.

do you realize that in just over 1 year Biden has allowed almost 2 MILLION illegals to flood into the US. all because of him. they show up wearing Biden tshirts.

Migrants waiting at the US-Mexico border have been photographed wearing shirts that say 'Biden, please let us in!'
Weak response, and the "general consensus " is out there. All you need is some time and ability to read.

What does my voting habits have to do with the topic or my response? You are so Trump deranged, you bring him up repeatedly in multiple posts. I'm done responding to your ignorance. The funny thing is, you don't talk like this in real life. Only time you do this is behind a keyboard.

Sierra Tango Foxtrot Uniform.

QUOTE=ManSlut;1062800028]Well I’ll ask you point blank, “Are you a Trumper?”, meaning “Do you support his views? Did you vote for him in either election and want him to run again?”

And your opinions speak for the “general consensus”? You’re a fucking joke, thanks for making me laugh out loud.[/QUOTE]
Bald Bryan's Avatar
You know Charles...if you really want attention this bad, all you have to do is throw some coin at one of these chicks on this board and they'll spend like a whole hour with you. Might even get a happy ending out of it to relieve some of the obvious stress that you're enduring. You really don't have to go lathering your ignorance all over the forums here and riling up the maga dolts. Like for real, just send a dm to a girl you fancy and boom, you'll feel better. Good luck charles, we're pulling for you to make it through these tough times, we'll be waiting for you across the finish line!