Well, this a lot closer than I thought it would be at this hour. I thought Biden would easily win this. I guess he should have left his house and campaigned more. It appears he may have made the same mistake as Hillary and assumed he had it in the bag while Trump was out busting his ass to get votes.
I have to give Trump credit. Unlike Biden, he didn't just spend money on commercials. He knew he had to get in front of people in person. And that's what he did. I still think Trump will lose but now, I wouldn't be that surprised if he won. I don't like Trump but I definitely do appreciate his hustle and game. That dude busts his ass to get what he wants. It's hard for me not to respect that about him although I still think he is a complete fucking idiot... Biden is too though so I don't even give a fuck who wins. I'm just ready for this shit to be over and we can move forward as a country. We're just stuck in the mud now.
I just want some normalcy so we can get so many of these people back to work. There are obviously way too many unemployed people. I don't care whether it is Trump or Biden, but let's get these people back to work so they can feed themselves and their families and keep a roof over their heads. I always have to do a double take when I see these unemployment numbers because they don't even seem real to me because they are so fucked up.
Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
With KumHoela as POTUS and Lizzie as Treasury secretary - and Bernie as labor Secretary - prepare for the worst depression economically ever for America. The so- called 'party of teh working class' against capitalism will destroy employment and the economy - and blame trump for the disaster.
However - LM - you voted for what you think America deserves. and you will receive the blessings of the marxist radicals - in spades to bury the hundreds of thousands who die of hunger. The DPST hero Stalin will be so proud, and Comrade Xi will be very appreciative of the new Chinese opportunities in the world!