This Shit Bag Gave Birth to Trump and the DIrt Bag Movement

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
you think Newt was a positive force? I don't.. his day in the Sun was brief, his fellow Republicans basically threw him out of Congress, when they lost a historical number of seats in 1998, an unusually poor showing in a Presidential off-year, this while Clinton was under impeachment.

most of the Republicans on this Forum are followers of Newt, they eagerly adopt his attack, insult, slur message as their own, as does Trump, of course.

you surely realize that nastiness has been a huge factor in unprecedented failure to forge alliances across party lines, and has stymied the functionality of Congress?

this Trump impeachment would not have happened pre-Gingrich.. Kavanaugh would have been rubber-stamped. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

so, you'd rather the republican politicians bend over to the will of their dem. masters?

the democrats are definitely missing their 40 year reign in the house and senate. they never quite had the trifecta the republicans had for 20 years.
Chung Tran's Avatar
so, you'd rather the republican politicians bend over to the will of their dem. masters?

the democrats are definitely missing their 40 year reign in the house and senate. they never quite had the trifecta the republicans had for 20 years. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
no idea what you are saying here, in either sentence.. bend over to what will? what Democratic masters?

what trifecta did the Republicans have???

regarding the House and Senate, the Republicans have controlled both in brief periods, since that 40 year reign ended. voters get excited about Reagan or Trump, see what they got, and change quickly. or with Gingrich, they saw a Lout of the highest order, so did his fellow Lawmakers, who tossed his fat ass out of Congress.
Solemate62's Avatar
no idea what you are saying here, in either sentence.. bend over to what will? what Democratic masters?

what trifecta did the Republicans have???

regarding the House and Senate, the Republicans have controlled both in brief periods, since that 40 year reign ended. voters get excited about Reagan or Trump, see what they got, and change quickly. or with Gingrich, they saw a Lout of the highest order, so did his fellow Lawmakers, who tossed his fat ass out of Congress. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Good point CT but at least Republicans in that era realized they had a pile of shit and they flushed him - Newt. In 2019 the Republicans embrace their pile of shit, defend him, lie on his behalf and pull the Country into their sewer! The Trumptards on this Forum fit right into that mold of subservient lap dogs!
Chung Tran's Avatar
Good point CT but at least Republicans in that era realized they had a pile of shit and they flushed him - Newt. In 2019 the Republicans embrace their pile of shit, defend him, lie on his behalf and pull the Country into their sewer! The Trumptards on this Forum fit right into that mold of subservient lap dogs! Originally Posted by Solemate62

I think it comes down to this.. the Republicans have been losing big since Obama, the Country is clearly shifting left. who do the Republicans have besides Trump? the rabid Trump side condemns Romney, Kasich, and that kind harshly, like they are Traitors. if Trump fails, the whole party fails, and for a Generation, at least.

kind of funny that Newt is just 2 years older than Trump, but is SO YESTERDAY. no Republican wants his endorsement, he will not campaign for anybody. he actually ran for President in 2016, but got snuffed out so early, most people forgot he was ever there.

I think it comes down to this.. the Republicans have been losing big since Obama, the Country is clearly shifting left. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Are you kidding yourself. Really.

From Day 1 Obama to Day last Obama, he managed to take the Dem party from having the House, Senate, a majority of governorships, a majority in state houses and senates, etc. etc. to losing all of that by the 2016 election.

Not sure what planet you are living on.
Chung Tran's Avatar
From Day 1 Obama to Day last Obama, he managed to take the Dem party from having the House, Senate, a majority of governorships, a majority in state houses and senates, etc. etc. to losing all of that by the 2016 election.

Not sure what planet you are living on. Originally Posted by eccielover
the Republicans have gained Governors, that is it.. I am living on Earth, how about you? I noticed you ducked the thesis, which is Trump is all the Republicans have.. that's why you are 100% in, regurgitating the talking points he sends out. that's why you literally hate the past 2 Republican nominees for President, Trump told you to.
Solemate62's Avatar
the Republicans have gained Governors, that is it.. I am living on Earth, how about you? I noticed you ducked the thesis, which is Trump is all the Republicans have.. that's why you are 100% in, regurgitating the talking points he sends out. that's why you literally hate the past 2 Republican nominees for President, Trump told you to. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Cut the guy a break, Tran! This is be kind to dump parrots week!
Champagne Brown's Avatar
That was a major, L!!