Everyone dies eventually. It's sad to see a man fade away, just like when Ronald Regan passed - you could tell he was drifting away months before he left this earth. It is a sad sight to see men who were so powerful grow weak and pass on. But he has lived a full life, has done everything a modern man could accomplish- I hope when he decides to go it will be on his terms : peacefully and with no regrets. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYouPresident Reagan had been sufferring from Alteimers (sp) for some time. By all accounts, President Bush still has a sharp mind and faculties.
Hey, I will be 66 next month, there does come a time when you see much more behind you than you see ahead.
Here is a fact. What does every person who was born before 1897 have in common?
They are all dead.