Calls from the wives...

Russ38's Avatar
I completely condone breaking a stupid ass law that should not exist. However, I don't condone breaking wedding vows. It should not be my judgement that concerns the cheaters. It should be the judgement of the almighty that concerns them. Originally Posted by bigbadbill969
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
That is why I use google phone, people need to use google phone.
You can call b.s. all you want, however the truth of the matter is that it in fact HAPPENED. Secondly, if this were an AD honey it would have already been removed by mods and I would have a message chastising me about the proper location to place an AD etc.

I posted this thread for YOUR BENEFIT and the fact that you have the blatant audacity to accuse me of such nonsense is beyond me.

I am tired of TROLLS and DISRESPECTFUL people thinking that they know everything when they don't know CRAP! I'm not the type of lady that is demure and let's things like COMMON COURTESY, RESPECT FOR OTHERS slide.

IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! And if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm not going to censor myself and let people bully me into thinking that I can't express what I think is an important issue or how I feel about it.

Ladies and gentlemen who have put in your two cents on the subject and don't have anything to do with causing the abovementioned behavior I greatly appreciate your time and comments. Thank you! Xoxox
You can call b.s. all you want, however the truth of the matter is that it in fact HAPPENED. Secondly, if this were an AD honey it would have already been removed by mods and I would have a message chastising me about the proper location to place an AD etc. Originally Posted by CourtneySt.Clair
Nobody said it's an AD. I called it exactly what it is, a threAD. ThreADs are perfectly within the rules around here, so no need for mod involvement.

When business is slow hookers start coming up with clever and not so clever threADs. You're not doing anything new here, little sister.

I communicate with plenty of hookers on a regular basis, and a trick's wife calling a hooker's phone is something I almost never hear about. But all of a sudden it happens to you four times in one week?

You told each wife that you were just selling stuff of craigslist, and all four believed it and left you alone? Then when CB wondered why none of them thought of googling your number(which leads to nothing but obvious escort/hooker stuff) you come up with the lame answer "they didn't google my number because I have an out of state number". Haha!! Lame, lame, lame!! and I call bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.

But like I said, threADs are allowed here and hopefully you saw some financial gain from it. Isn't that all that matters at the end of the day?
pyramider's Avatar
The OP should have just stated the fact that if the wife was taking care of things at home this would not have happened. Now about those taint photos on CL ...
chicagoboy's Avatar
You told each wife that you were just selling stuff of craigslist, and all four believed it and left you alone? Then when CB wondered why none of them thought of googling your number(which leads to nothing but obvious escort/hooker stuff) you come up with the lame answer "they didn't google my number because I have an out of state number". Haha!! Lame, lame, lame!! and I call bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. Originally Posted by coolaid
Please, it's cb - not to be confused with CB or CDB. (Is Champagne Brown perma-banned?)
Wakeup's Avatar
I'm guessing her 90 days was extended because of her other handles...
dearhunter's Avatar
First off things aren't slow. Lol second, yes they called. Thirdly, my Google voice number may be traceable by Google but if you have ever spent anytime acting you know how to be convincingly sincere even over the phone. That being said, I'm sure that there are many who have used Google and not contacted me because they found out all they needed to know already by doing so. The ones who did contact me I can't say what they did after they got off the phone with me. I just know what I told them.

And if I wanted to post a threAD (which I don't believe in doing because it's tacky) it wouldn't be here or discussing a real issue. So you can take all your b.s. and rudeness and shove it.
chicagoboy's Avatar
So you can take all your b.s. and rudeness and shove it. Originally Posted by CourtneySt.Clair
Miss Manners might have worded that last sentence a little differently.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
I'm not saying your lying, but damn 4 times in 1 week? This must be happening to providers all over town every day if its happened to you that frequently!

Curious that no other providers have chimed in with similar stories or tips or even a "damn I hate it when that happens"

Any other providers had this happen? We need to stop this epidemic!
I'll admit that I am disappointed that they haven't said anything as well if they have had calls. However, many of the gentlemen who visit are also off other sites...bp, TER, NNL, NR, and many others that I am advertising on. So I'm not saying that they are all gentlemen who are on this particular board as much as wanting to spread the idea of being as discreet with providers numbers as you want us to be with you.
Ur_1_only's Avatar
Hang in there Courtney, your point is valid...
I'll admit that I am disappointed that they haven't said anything as well if they have had calls. However, many of the gentlemen who visit are also off other sites...bp, TER, NNL, NR, and many others that I am advertising on. So I'm not saying that they are all gentlemen who are on this particular board as much as wanting to spread the idea of being as discreet with providers numbers as you want us to be with you. Originally Posted by CourtneySt.Clair

I believe you. There's an old saying that when it rains it pours. Crazy shit like that can happen from time to time. Most of us at some point in time have experienced it.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... I've had 4 different women call me this week ... Originally Posted by CourtneySt.Clair
I've been struck by lightening. Twice. In the same month. And I tip my cap to you.