The value of P411

mrredcat43's Avatar
I had P411 for a free trial, didn't see the benefit. Let it lapse
pmdelites's Avatar
one of the advantages of being a vet in the crazy sub-culture we play in is having been a multi-year client of private connections, the agency that Gina ran in early 2000s. she granted me (and I imagine others) free lifetime membership!
it def came in useful when I traveled to KC, Missouri, DC, Philadelphia, and Austin. less useful here in Dallas, but it open a few bedroom doors.

yes, everything "was better" in the good old days, but everything is impermanent - whether cos of the people, the environment, the economy.
adapt or go extinct.

so, savor/treasure the memories experienced.
and be glad you get to enjoy some delites for another day!
Grace Preston's Avatar
I totally agree.

With the misinformation that have been the major bulk of Eccie communications about members to try to dissuade providers from seeing other members over the years, mainly due to personal agendas and spreading of falsehoods to try to be a minion for the popular kids, p411 has made all the difference in letting providers know the truth about in-session personalities, reliability of both the provider and hobbyist and safety and security that only it can do (without the providers having to jump through hoops having other providers not get back to them for a reference check, all they basically have to do is see the OKs a hobbyist has). And all without the obvious biased drama!

Thank you Gina! Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
I agree! The only caveat being, of course, is that some less than honorably intentioned people have utilized P411 to attempt to see ladies that have decided they do not wish to see them based on their interactions here. Which, ironically only reinforces some of the personality traits that may lead to such a rejection.

I mean, in my minds eye... continuing to pursue someone who has said no, and even doing so in a covert manner screams borderline stalkish/obsessive behavior traits.. which are traits that most ladies wish to avoid for obvious safety reasons.

As Gina always says, P411 is only meant to be a tool in the tool kit, and not the end all-be all for provider screening.

Also.. P411 is great for telling us that you are likely safe and that you have seen other ladies. It doesn't tell us anything about your behaviors-- we still have to go to your OK history and message other ladies to get that level of intel. So from that aspect, it actually tells us LESS about a gent than observing his interactions in a forum could tell us. Really depends on the level of screening that each individual lady prefers.
Let me know if I'm wrong on any of these:
  • P411 doesn't allow new ladies to join.
  • P411 doesn't allow new guys to join.
  • Gina has announced that P411 will be shuttering in the near future.

I realize that, over the years, P411 has been a valuable service to some. But I fail to see how it can be considered going forward.

Even a few years back, before P411 got rid of many of its features, I found it to be too expensive for my taste (not to mention the big privacy/trust issue). Now? C'mon... Originally Posted by Crock
Gina said she was considering retiring in the future. That doesn't equate to shuttering. Not at all.

I think the price point is so low, I am surprised that anyone ever complains (nothing against you). Not having new people is disappointing, but the Available Now thing is really the worst change. The profile/menu thing has an easy work around.

the privacy/trust thing is virtually a nonissue for the LARGE majority of people. Gina has proven that through the years.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 01-27-2019, 05:11 PM
I agree! The only caveat being, of course, is that some less than honorably intentioned people have utilized P411 to attempt to see ladies that have decided they do not wish to see them based on their interactions here. Which, ironically only reinforces some of the personality traits that may lead to such a rejection.

I mean, in my minds eye... continuing to pursue someone who has said no, and even doing so in a covert manner screams borderline stalkish/obsessive behavior traits.. which are traits that most ladies wish to avoid for obvious safety reasons.
Originally Posted by Grace Preston
This is all hypothetical I'm sure LMFAO!!!
GinaXXX's Avatar
Gina said she was considering retiring in the future. That doesn't equate to shuttering. Not at all. Originally Posted by B Three

All options are being considered and ideally the network will be in existence (and growing) long into the future.

What I don’t like is that when I let my membership lapse, I couldn’t renew it
Grace Preston's Avatar
This is all hypothetical I'm sure LMFAO!!! Originally Posted by L.A.
Oh not at all. There are people who have tried this sort of thing. Just a gentle reminder that even the best systems aren't always perfect I'm sure WEC agrees that not everyone out in hobby land has the best intentions 100% of the time!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Great overall value , Thanks Gina that's all that needs to be said R
Ipthirteen1701's Avatar
I've been a P411 member since I began hobbying and I've used it exclusively for setting up appointments with ladies for the first time. I think it's the reason why I've never had a sketchy encounter where I've been at all wary of my safety. I found it so convenient that I paid of r a lifetime membership a while back, which I am doubly grateful for now. For one, because the bitcoin payment now, and for another, it was before my SO gained access to our bank account online. I still have to work out the issue of squirreling away hobby cash, but not the P411 payment.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 01-28-2019, 02:23 PM

All options are being considered and ideally the network will be in existence (and growing) long into the future.

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX

That's a bit different from what you said a while back:
Thanks for the kind words, but there are no plans to open to new member applicants (client or provider) at any time in the future. That could change, but as it stands we're just slowly moving towards retirement. No end date planned either.

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
So, have things changed? Are you going to grow (open to new members)? Are you not slowly shuttering?
i’m not leaving, it’s a good verification method
GinaXXX's Avatar

That's a bit different from what you said a while back:

So, have things changed? Are you going to grow (open to new members)? Are you not slowly shuttering? Originally Posted by Crock
I've always been saying the same thing, but people like to make assumptions and put words in my mouth. At no point did I say we were "shuttering", although I have said we are slowing things down significantly.

I've always said that new members are not being accepted at this time... and that we have no specific plans to start accepting new members. Of course, we all hope that one day that will change.

I've also been saying that I'm personally moving towards retirement. We don't know what that will look like for the site at this point, but ALL options are being considered.

My fingers are crossed that a solution can be found that will allow the site to carry on with as little change as possible. We are in a holding pattern right now, and the moment I know something more one way or another, I will be sure to share it.

Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 02-01-2019, 11:17 AM
I've always been saying the same thing, but people like to make assumptions and put words in my mouth. At no point did I say we were "shuttering", although I have said we are slowing things down significantly.

I've always said that new members are not being accepted at this time... and that we have no specific plans to start accepting new members. Of course, we all hope that one day that will change.

I've also been saying that I'm personally moving towards retirement. We don't know what that will look like for the site at this point, but ALL options are being considered.

My fingers are crossed that a solution can be found that will allow the site to carry on with as little change as possible. We are in a holding pattern right now, and the moment I know something more one way or another, I will be sure to share it.

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
Good info. It's quite different from your previous implications.

Thanks for sharing.
pyramider's Avatar
I totally agree.

With the misinformation that have been the major bulk of Eccie communications about members to try to dissuade providers from seeing other members over the years, mainly due to personal agendas and spreading of falsehoods to try to be a minion for the popular kids, p411 has made all the difference in letting providers know the truth about in-session personalities, reliability of both the provider and hobbyist and safety and security that only it can do (without the providers having to jump through hoops having other providers not get back to them for a reference check, all they basically have to do is see the OKs a hobbyist has). And all without the obvious biased drama!

Thank you Gina! Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
What misinformation? The multiple handles that you have created? That misinformation? Just checking ...