Sweden - The Sensible Welfare State

joe bloe's Avatar
Referencing the definition of the word psychobabble, posted directly your comment, you wrote: "what part of that doesn't describe you joe" and then you say you weren't describing me.

not originaly .. the comment was directed at your inane verbiage hence psychobabble

your definition paints a picture of mental disorder, I see you in the picture.

need I say more Originally Posted by CJ7
This is just too frustrating. You keep posting stuff you didn't intend to post, and I'm left not knowing whether you intended to say what you said, or whether you were having a brain fart.

It would be useful if you said what you meant. You might try emptying your bladder and proof reading before you post.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-15-2012, 04:48 PM
You dismiss the fact that Reagan doubled revenue while at the same time decreasing tax rates as a moot point, that's absurd. . Originally Posted by joe bloe
It is hard to have a debate with a person that does not understand the difference between progressive and regressive taxes.

Reagan while lowering the Federal tax rate, raised the SS and gasoline tax. Regressive taxes that hurt the middle class. While in theory that seemed like a good move...WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SS SURPLUS. Don't know? He spent it on military buildup.

So let us recap. He cut taxes that really reallt benifited the rich and basically the poor and middle class made up the difference.

Reagan benifited from low oil prices too. A fact most people ignore. Clinton also had a huge benifit from that quirk.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-15-2012, 04:56 PM
simply put Joe, I think youre a psycho that babbles.

when cornered with facts you deflect ... in this case away from Reagans miserable economic policy and on the definition of psychobabble.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-15-2012, 05:04 PM
It is hard to have a debate with a person that does not understand the difference between progressive and regressive taxes.

Reagan while lowering the Federal tax rate, raised the SS and gasoline tax. Regressive taxes that hurt the middle class. While in theory that seemed like a good move...WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SS SURPLUS. Don't know? He spent it on military buildup.

So let us recap. He cut taxes that really reallt benifited the rich and basically the poor and middle class made up the difference.

Reagan benifited from low oil prices too. A fact most people ignore. Clinton also had a huge benifit from that quirk. Originally Posted by WTF

I tried a supply side kindergarten analogy that was too deep for him so dont be surprised when he points out your typo
joe bloe's Avatar
simply put Joe, I think youre a psycho that babbles.

when cornered with facts you deflect ... in this case away from Reagans miserable economic policy and on the definition of psychobabble. Originally Posted by CJ7
I think we are at an impasse. If you think Reagan's economic record was miserable, then I think we'll just have to agree to disagree. I think you're living in some sort alternate liberal universe where up is down and down is up. In the old Superman comic books, there was something called planet Bizarro where everything was backwards. I think maybe, you'd be happy there.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-15-2012, 05:14 PM
I think we are at an impasse. If you think Reagan's economic record was miserable, then I think we'll just have to agree to disagree. I think you're living in some sort alternate liberal universe where up is down and down is up. In the old Superman comic books, there was something called planet Bizarro where everything was backwards. I think maybe, you'd be happy there.

Originally Posted by joe bloe

if you dont think rasing the debt 189% isnt miserable you need to keep your mouth shut about Obama for another 90%
joe bloe's Avatar
if you dont think rasing the debt 189% isnt miserable you need to keep your mouth shut about Obama for another 90% Originally Posted by CJ7
Reagan added 1.9 trillion to the debt in eight years (from .9 trillion to 2.8 trillion). As of March 19, 2012, Obama has added 4.939 trillion to the national debt. Obama has added 2.60 times as much debt in three years and two months as Reagan added in eight years. Based on 38 months in office, Obama's current addition to the debt is 0.1299 trillion per month. If we assume Obama is in office for eight years like Reagan, God forbid, and assuming he continues adding to the debt at the current pace, he will have added 12.47 trillion to the debt at the end of his administration. Reagan added 1.9 trillion.

Even adjusting for inflation, Obama's deficit spending makes Reagan seem like a penny pincher.



Thanks Joe. I just read this blog in full. http://www.jihadwatch.org/2004/09/mu...dish-city.html

Now I am going back to read your 2nd one. That shit is Fucking crazy.
joe bloe's Avatar
Thanks Joe. I just read this blog in full. http://www.jihadwatch.org/2004/09/mu...dish-city.html

Now I am going back to read your 2nd one. That shit is Fucking crazy. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
We should be smart enough to learn from Europe's nightmare of Muslim immigration. We should shut down all immigration from Muslim countries. France is projected to be majority Muslim within twenty eight years. The most common boy baby name in London is Mohammad.


We should be smart enough to learn from Europe's nightmare of Muslim immigration. We should shut down all immigration from Muslim countries. France is projected to be majority Muslim within twenty eight years. The most common boy baby name in London is Mohammad.


http://undhimmi.com/2010/05/16/its-o...ame-in-london/ Originally Posted by joe bloe
YUP I just read the other 4 links. Some of the vids on youtube were interesting to. Canada is over run and that was in 04. I don't think this global soup shit is going to work out to good. Oh Well...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Joe, didn't I warn you about getting in a battle of wits with CBJ7? It's obvious he's unarmed.
joe bloe's Avatar
Joe, didn't I warn you about getting in a battle of wits with CBJ7? It's obvious he's unarmed. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
He makes a good punching bag. I'd probably feel a little guilty about bitch slapping him if he wasn't such a commie pinko. I notice he didn't respond when I pointed out that Reagan ran up a grand total of 1.9 trillion in debt in eight years and Obama is on pace to run up 12.47 trillion, if he gets two terms. It's a little hard far him to make a rational argument that Reagan is a big spender compared to Obama. But then, rational thought has never been his strong suit.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-15-2012, 11:24 PM
He makes a good punching bag. I'd probably feel a little guilty about bitch slapping him if he wasn't such a commie pinko. I notice he didn't respond when I pointed out that Reagan ran up a grand total of 1.9 trillion in debt in eight years and Obama is on pace to run up 12.47 trillion, if he gets two terms. It's a little hard far him to make a rational argument that Reagan is a big spender compared to Obama. But then, rational thought has never been his strong suit. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Reagan's debt would have been much larger if he had not raised taxes on the middle class with both SS and the gasoline tax increase.

Is that wtf you want Obama to do? Raise taxes to bring down the debt?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How much did the SS tax and gasoline tax go up, WTF? And how much did it add to revenue?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Thanks Joe. I just read this blog in full. http://www.jihadwatch.org/2004/09/mu...dish-city.html

Now I am going back to read your 2nd one. That shit is Fucking crazy. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
dude that article is from 2004. in some sense its out of date, what's the current situation in Sweden with regards to muslim problems.?