Can Men and Women that are Attracted to each other Just be friends?

Yes - you can be just friends. I have had many lady friends who I thought were smokin hot and I never said or did anything to cross a line...

But only if I truly valued what they brought to the friendship. A casual friend that is hot? I'll try to bang her in a minute.
lilsmurf's Avatar
Whats wrong with friends that fuck each other?
1thatgotaway's Avatar
Of course you can be friends. What you cant do is stop any of your guy friends from have crazy hot sex dreams about you. Lets face it you are HOT! and unless your guy friends are gay they have them. Just hope they dont get drunk enough to tell you about them Awkward!
I think the answer is maybe, but rarely

What so many guys are skipping are the MUTUAL attraction part of the question the OP posed. And I think it matters whether both sides are actually considered universally attractive to the masses.

I wonder how many dudes on here are actually considered attractive to women who don't require 2 recent references. My guess is very few.
TheWanderer's Avatar
Only in the movies or in fantasy books about romance.
Real life......never.
If you just happen to know each other and there is mutual attraction, sure you can be "friends" but you are more like aquaintences that just have not been intimate yet.
Once you step over that line, there is no turning back.
There are always rare exceptions, for example if you move apart and don't see each other for a few years.....maybe then.
Iaintliein's Avatar
You mean without sex? Then the answer is "yes," it's called, "marriage."

You mean without sex? Then the answer is "yes," it's called, "marriage."

Regards, Originally Posted by Iaintliein
OUCH! And so true!!!!

At the Wedding, as hes saying "I Do!", shes thinking "Not anymore"
broes's Avatar
  • broes
  • 08-06-2010, 11:06 AM
I think the answer is maybe, but rarely

What so many guys are skipping are the MUTUAL attraction part of the question the OP posed. And I think it matters whether both sides are actually considered universally attractive to the masses.

I wonder how many dudes on here are actually considered attractive to women who don't require 2 recent references. My guess is very few. Originally Posted by Joe Smith
Man, I was thinking the exact same thing. Seems like quite a few people on here are answering under the assumption that their "attractive" female friend shares the attraction. You can't call it self control on your part if she is just never going to let you hit it.

And since when do work friends count as real friends? If you only hang with someone during work hours and the occasional happy hour, then its not a friend. Its a coworker. A whole other set of rules applies to fucking one of those.
I can't be friends with someone I want to fuck.

Best date ever..........I met a woman and we went out, at the end of the first date she said........ You are really special and I admire you, BUT I don't think we'd be good together. (She was hot but too diva for me) she ended it with but I so want to fuck you. DING DING DING we have a winner.

After 16 years she is still my best 'girl' friend! Her husband has no idea why I'm always saying 'special' or 'admire' to her, its our inside joke.

I can be friends with someone I have fucked and don't want to anymore.
(She was hot but too diva for me) she ended it with but I so want to fuck you. DING DING DING we have a winner. Originally Posted by ObyDATY
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Not just no, but hell no. While I may be getting in touch with my inner lesbian, I haven't begun work on my inner gayboy.
My best friend is a woman I knew for years and then had an affair with for months. We reached a point where we both realized it was best for everyone if we stopped the sex. Are we still hot for each other? Yep! Do we give in anymore? Nope. And we are still best friends. It's the most amazing example of unbounded love I've ever known.

["Unbounded": That's a word. right? ]
TexRich's Avatar
To answer the O.P.'s question, yes its possible or can happen.
pyramider's Avatar
Its like bartering in the hobby. It will only work if both parties are like minded and honest. So it will rarely work out well.
yaddayadda's Avatar
Baby oh baby we ain't nothin but mammals,
So lets do it like they do it on the Discovery Channel....

Its just against human nature. If you and a woman are friends, and friends only, then your fighting 5 million years of "breeding" instinct. I suppose if he/she is ugly it helps kill the natural feelings....LOL