N Korea - what would you do ?

China chicken flue bugs?!

I mean... lets level the playing field... he fucking used vx gas to kill his half brother...
dearhunter's Avatar
You give the strategy.......you don't give the tactics Originally Posted by VitaMan
Nuke um til they glow.......tactical solution given.
VitaMan's Avatar
This is for Oddjob..

VitaMan's Avatar

Need to check you times there buddy, that is a 37 hour round trip. Impossible on the same day, and probably too worn out to do it the next one even if it's still daylight.

. Originally Posted by O'Mike
B 1B bomber flys at 950 mph. Distance Kansas City to Baghdad is 6,781 miles, round trip would be 13,562 miles. That's a 14 hour round trip.

Drop the bombs off, and head for home. You'll make it back in plenty of time for the late night movie.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-02-2017, 04:00 AM
My best solution so far is have china step in and install a puppet government. Take out current leadership put some NK the Chinese can control in charge. It can still be NK just the neutered version.

With the Trumpster you never know. I don't think he even knows. He's probably waiting for his daughter or son in law to tell him what to do.
O'Mike's Avatar
That is bones max speed, not it's cruise speed.

No need to fly into A-stan that way, not trying to avoid any enemy defenses.

Plus it's 7,200+ miles to Kabul, we ain't bombing Baghdad anymore.

BTW, I referenced actual B2 missions, not math problems.
The U.S. is messing with their software. Hence the launch failures. Easy to take out their nukes militarily. The problem is Seoul is in their crosshairs already. There is simply no good solution. You can't bomb a granite mountain (where their artillery sits), not even with the MOAB. I would look for a Khaddafi-type solution and 1-on-1 negotiations that would allow the North to save face, so they can spin it as a win. Who cares if we have to eat some crow? All Kim Jon Un wants is a little "respek." Well that's my take at least. I'm sure some would disagree. Originally Posted by Odysseus696969
Yep. Exactly. That fat little fucker isn't gonna do shit unless he's pushed into a corner.
Caligula1's Avatar
China and Russia are actually having fun. Since NK is giving US, UK and France fits...touching the limit of ego...well fun aside.

China will not see the destruction of NK since it will influence the unification of Korea. If the Korean peninsula unifies it will mean American forces or say allies will be few miles away from china and further make the American forces stretegic in the region by being closer to vladivostok where Russia maintains a strong naval armada outdated some but yet menacing.

So it will be a test of will and wait to see how this gets resolved, war may not be an option...currently but limited strikes may...to see NKs response.

Bombers are not needed for NK we may not have the luxury of time here...

Hope this resolves quickly...someway....seal team 6 in SK ....certainly creates an interesting option....

Also socio politically remember that NK still has the historical ambition of developing nuclear weapons and their political stability has been based on traditional family run govt for years now.

The people of NK are the slaves in their own nation...no voice...just thought chime in again.
Here's a possible solution. Pull out of S. Korea. Let S.Korea arm up with their own Nukes. I'm sure South Korean warheads will fit on whatever missles then can develop. There will be a nuclear stalemate like we had with the Soviets during the cold war.
Also allow Taiwan and Japan to arm up with nukes as well...that will keep the Kim Jong Un from doing shit.
Here's a possible solution. Let S.Korea arm up with their own Nukes.

Also allow Taiwan and Japan to arm up with nukes as well... Originally Posted by radardude
ICBMs for everyone! I think.... err not.

But really, S Korea is now equipped with a pretty legit missile defense system (THAAD) thanks to our tax money I don't think SK, or anybody, especially us, should worry about the dud-rocket program NK has. We out match them 50x over.
Caligula1's Avatar
Sirs to have nuclear energy for power and then to have them miniaturize to be able to use as weapons are a night and days apart effort. SK will not be able to deliver the nukes in time too late and missile technology transfer ban will not allow to arm Japan and Taiwan and SK.

If a breach in international bann is lifted it will create a consumable and catastrophic consequence which will enable other rogue states to acquire nuclear missiles.

Let's talk about the current situation NK got help from Iran and possibly china and then in term helped Pakistan avail the nuclear technology.

Japan is another story. Their parliament has to ratify their own constitution to avail nuclear weapons. As you all know they just retified their constitution for them to build aircraft carriers which was banned post WWii.

So we are in a global influx where countries has bent rules and with clandestine operations created a complicated, delicate and potentially devastating regional instability such as NK.

Lousy assholes.....I meant the politics....
O'Mike's Avatar
Here's a possible solution. Pull out of S. Korea. Let S.Korea arm up with their own Nukes. I'm sure South Korean warheads will fit on whatever missles then can develop. There will be a nuclear stalemate like we had with the Soviets during the cold war.
Also allow Taiwan and Japan to arm up with nukes as well...that will keep the Kim Jong Un from doing shit. Originally Posted by radardude
Those countries don't want, and are not legally allowed to possess nuclear weapons.

China would have a major shit fit if Taiwan even hinted at getting nuclear weapons. They still think that Taiwan is a rogue province and should be under their control.

From my understanding only five states are allowed nuclear weapons and India and Pakistan are not on that list but they somehow refused to comply with International standards and have been able to get away with it I know India was first and once Pakistan knew India had it they had to have it.
Caligula1's Avatar
Well there is no restriction who can have nuclear technology for peaceful purpose but there is a ban for transfer of missile technology. Not everyone can develop mini nuclear warheads and use them with ballistic missiles.
VitaMan's Avatar
Here we are in the 21st century......dividing this up among humans. Dividing into teams.