Multiple people shot and killed in a parade near Chicago.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Originally Posted by Devo
Highland Park IL has around 30,000 permanent residents, so by definition it's not a city, regardless of the name of that website. Why lie? Over a hundred million Americans live safely in cities. Why lie and disrespect every single board member who lives in a city?
... Mate, Devo was giving his OPINION.
Now YOU can give yours...

WE are looking for OPINIONS here... Everybody's opinion.
Some people even enjoy hearin' mine. ... maybe a few...

We Australians do have a rather trite saying:

"Arithmetic is NOT Opinion." .... Just sayin' ...

### Salty
Highland Park IL has around 30,000 permanent residents, so by definition it's not a city, regardless of the name of that website. Why lie? Over a hundred million Americans live safely in cities. Why lie and disrespect every single board member who lives in a city? Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
By whose definition? Any municipality that is recognized by its state as a city and has a city charter is, by definition, a city. Population is not really a relevant factor. Johnstown PA, just as an example, is unquestionably a city. It is charted as such by PA. I doubt that the population of Johnstown is much more than 30000 these days. Another example: my father grew up in the CITY of Parker PA. It was historically an major population center during the oil boom that followed the discovery of oil in Titusville, but has shriveled since the boom died off. It would be lucky to have 300 permanent residents now, let alone 30,000, yet it still is chartered and recognized by the state government as a city.

I have no idea if Highland Park IL is chartered as a city by Illinois, but population below a certain level does NOT mean that a municipality is not a city.
... Mate, Devo was giving his OPINION.
Now YOU can give yours...

WE are looking for OPINIONS here... Everybody's opinion.
Some people even enjoy hearin' mine. ... maybe a few...

We Australians do have a rather trite saying:

"Arithmetic is NOT Opinion." .... Just sayin' ...

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Boldfaced lies are not opinions. The fact is, over a hundred million Americans live safely in liberal cities, so to say "nobody who wants to live safely should ever be in a liberal shithole city" is simply a lie, and one that is told due to racism.
By whose definition? Any municipality that is recognized by its state as a city and has a city charter is, by definition, a city. Population is not really a relevant factor. Johnstown PA, just as an example, is unquestionably a city. It is charted as such by PA. I doubt that the population of Johnstown is much more than 30000 these days. Another example: my father grew up in the CITY of Parker PA. It was historically an major population center during the oil boom that followed the discovery of oil in Titusville, but has shriveled since the boom died off. It would be lucky to have 300 permanent residents now, let alone 30,000, yet it still is chartered and recognized by the state government as a city.

I have no idea if Highland Park IL is chartered as a city by Illinois, but population below a certain level does NOT mean that a municipality is not a city. Originally Posted by Smarty1
In the real world, population is one of the defining factors of a city, and in regards to the racist dog whistle thrown out by the OP, it's certainly relevant to point out that it's a suburb rather than a city. More similar to Cranberry, as someone pointed out.

For some reason Devo won't answer the question as to why he has to lie.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 07-21-2022, 12:09 PM
How about Devo has a life outside this forum and doesn't wait to reply to your juvenille name calling.

Its a freaking city, what more do you need to know?

But its a typical liberal reaction to lie, and continue to lie, to affirm its the truth in at least your own mind.

But at least you've come out and called me a racist which is no surprise, when you can't accept facts, continue to spout lies, after being challenged by multiple people who have affirmed what the truth is, throwing out the race card is no suprise, because its the last and most powerful charge you can make.

Well, it won't work, because the facts about black on black crime are very clear, most murders of black people are by other black people, and they occur most often in the liberal shithole cities, and not one statistic out there will say it differently.

SHOW ME the rural murder statistics that prove its safer to be in the liberal shithole cities than it is to be in flyover country?

Prove me wrong.

You know who the racist is?

The person judging someone who you don't know, and assuming you can know me.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Good job. And I’m sure we’ll weed out those mentally unstable folks with high powered weapons real soon.
In the mean time, our thoughts AND our prayers will tide them over. Originally Posted by Charley3
A 223 isn’t a “high powered weapon”.
By whose definition? Any municipality that is recognized by its state as a city and has a city charter is, by definition, a city. Population is not really a relevant factor. Johnstown PA, just as an example, is unquestionably a city. It is charted as such by PA. I doubt that the population of Johnstown is much more than 30000 these days. Another example: my father grew up in the CITY of Parker PA. It was historically an major population center during the oil boom that followed the discovery of oil in Titusville, but has shriveled since the boom died off. It would be lucky to have 300 permanent residents now, let alone 30,000, yet it still is chartered and recognized by the state government as a city.

I have no idea if Highland Park IL is chartered as a city by Illinois, but population below a certain level does NOT mean that a municipality is not a city. Originally Posted by Smarty1
Just googled Johnstown, PA current population less than 20,000.
Also googled Latrobe, PA also a city current population 7,888.
Just sayin.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 07-21-2022, 05:25 PM
Just googled Johnstown, PA current population less than 20,000.
Also googled Latrobe, PA also a city current population 7,888.
Just sayin. Originally Posted by Play Golf
I guess a boro can identify as a city if it wants under the current politically correct thinking.

Thing about Highland Park is, its even got its own antigun laws in place to prevent the weapons used from being used, which, did nothing.

Any entity large enough to disarm its citizens, should bear the responsibility for protecting them, which again, this liberal shithole didn't do.
How about Devo has a life outside this forum and doesn't wait to reply to your juvenille name calling.

Its a freaking city, what more do you need to know?

But its a typical liberal reaction to lie, and continue to lie, to affirm its the truth in at least your own mind.

But at least you've come out and called me a racist which is no surprise, when you can't accept facts, continue to spout lies, after being challenged by multiple people who have affirmed what the truth is, throwing out the race card is no suprise, because its the last and most powerful charge you can make.

Well, it won't work, because the facts about black on black crime are very clear, most murders of black people are by other black people, and they occur most often in the liberal shithole cities, and not one statistic out there will say it differently.

SHOW ME the rural murder statistics that prove its safer to be in the liberal shithole cities than it is to be in flyover country?

Prove me wrong.

You know who the racist is?

The person judging someone who you don't know, and assuming you can know me. Originally Posted by Devo
You've posted multiple times since the question was asked so the "I have a life" excuse is just that, an excuse. We all have other things to do besides post on this board.

I've judged you by your words. Nothing racist about doing that. What we say is a big part of who we are.

You said "nobody who wants to live safely should ever be in a liberal shithole city," so "safer" is irrelevant. Which one is marginally safer has nothing to do with your claim (that has an extremely high burden of proof). Over 100 million American's live safely in liberal cities, which disproves your claim by literally over a hundred million examples, so the only one of the two of us who has been disingenuous is you.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I come from 16249. No crime but a shit ton of guns.
You've posted multiple times since the question was asked so the "I have a life" excuse is just that, an excuse. We all have other things to do besides post on this board.

I've judged you by your words. Nothing racist about doing that. What we say is a big part of who we are.

You said "nobody who wants to live safely should ever be in a liberal shithole city," so "safer" is irrelevant. Which one is marginally safer has nothing to do with your claim (that has an extremely high burden of proof). Over 100 million American's live safely in liberal cities, which disproves your claim by literally over a hundred million examples, so the only one of the two of us who has been disingenuous is you. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
Nobody who wants to be safe from COVID should stop wearing masks, refuse to get vaccinated, or participate in large infoor gatherings. I suppose you agree with that statement. However there are quite a lot of unvaccinated people who have never complied with mask mandates who are not dead. So by your logic, the original statement must be false.

BTW, I do not disagree with you on the safety of cities. There is crime, but crime is everywhere. Most of it in cities is confined to certain areas of the city and to certain pejorative are involved in activities that may not be discussed here. Crime is a rare event (just like dying from COVID). The fact that large numbers of people are not crime victims does not imply safety any more than the fact that large numbers of people ignored public health officials’ advice on COVID survived implied those peoples’ safety.
chizzy's Avatar
In the real world, population is one of the defining factors of a city, and in regards to the racist dog whistle thrown out by the OP, it's certainly relevant to point out that it's a suburb rather than a city. More similar to Cranberry, as someone pointed out.

For some reason Devo won't answer the question as to why he has to lie. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
I highly doubt you know anything about the "realworld"
berryberry's Avatar
Devo, you said "nobody who wants to live safely should ever be in a liberal shithole city."
Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
He probably should change city to state as liberal soft on crime policies are making blue states / blue aka liberal shithole cities much less safe.

Lee Zeldin, Candidate for Governor in New York was nearly stabbed last night giving a speech in New York. The perpetrator was charged with a felony but released immediately on NO CASH bail.

Democrat policies are turning our nation into a third-world disaster where there is nothing but more and more crime on the streets.
It's no surprise that LEO didn't do anything to stop the shooting. LEO isn't preventative. They are reactionary.

Just like how your fire department isn't going to start spraying your house down because it might catch fire, police aren't going to arrest someone for a crime before they commit it.

Such is why police in first world counties are equipped to deal with preventing crimes and helping people who need helped. Police in the states don't help you