At Least One Year Asylum for Snowden

What's not to forget for you people who think Snowden is a traitor? Oh, you already FORGOT the constitution that states a warrant is REQUIRED to do some of the things he disclosed our government was doing to American citizens! You FORGOT that these politicians who are attempting to bring him to justice took an oath to PRESERVE and DEFEND the constitution. I can't believe it when conservatives trip over each other GIVING constitutionally guaranteed rights away in the name of patriotism. IMO, they are mindless cowards that don't appreciate the freedoms that fellow Americans sacrificed their lives for . They don't deserve those freedoms since they want to GIVE them away so freely!
I agree men & women have fought and will continue to fight for our freedoms, but there is way to do things...and to make our country look week in the rest of the world? That is wrong and he should be punished.
That boy needs a old fashion BITCH SLAP!
LexusLover's Avatar
You people don't get it; ....

If he did, he would have enforced our extradition treaty with Hong Kong. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I'm not sure it's "you people" who "don't get it"?

In 25 words, or less, tell "you people" how Obaminable is going to "enforce" ....

......"our extradition treaty with Hong Kong"?

He couldn't even get Zimmerman convicted of murder! In his friggin' backyard!
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-02-2013, 10:01 AM
What's not to forget for you people who think Snowden is a traitor? Oh, you already FORGOT the constitution that states a warrant is REQUIRED to do some of the things he disclosed our government was doing to American citizens! You FORGOT that these politicians who are attempting to bring him to justice took an oath to PRESERVE and DEFEND the constitution. I can't believe it when conservatives trip over each other GIVING constitutionally guaranteed rights away in the name of patriotism. IMO, they are mindless cowards that don't appreciate the freedoms that fellow Americans sacrificed their lives for . They don't deserve those freedoms since they want to GIVE them away so freely! Originally Posted by txrancher1
which I've already pointed out to the self proclaimed patriots... it was like pouring water on a ducks back..

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" I agree men & women have fought and will continue to fight for our freedoms, but there is way to do things...and to make our country look week in the rest of the world? That is wrong and he should be punished.
That boy needs a old fashion BITCH SLAP! "

opposed to kicking him in the balls right before the trap door on the gallows dropped ?
CJ7....what would you propose Snowden to have done? Go ask permission from the administration to go public giving proof that this administration as well as its predecessor violated their oath to preserve and defend the constitution? Get real, there was no alternative for Snowden. He saw our constitutionally guaranteed rights were being ignored by our country's leaders. I just can't get over your complete and total lack of outrage and demanding of accountability from our presidents. People that think like y'all do apparently believe have no concept of freedom and the sacrifices people have made for those freedoms. I just don't understand your misdirected judgement of where the real guilt lies.....our own governmental leaders at the very top!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Gotta say, glad he did it, but he's guilty of espionage and subject to criminal prosecution. "The system" doesn't have a "correct procedure" in cases such as this. He needs to stay in Russia until some future president grants him amnesty.
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  • CJ7
  • 08-02-2013, 12:11 PM
CJ7....what would you propose Snowden to have done? Go ask permission from the administration to go public giving proof that this administration as well as its predecessor violated their oath to preserve and defend the constitution? Get real, there was no alternative for Snowden. He saw our constitutionally guaranteed rights were being ignored by our country's leaders. I just can't get over your complete and total lack of outrage and demanding of accountability from our presidents. People that think like y'all do apparently believe have no concept of freedom and the sacrifices people have made for those freedoms. I just don't understand your misdirected judgement of where the real guilt lies.....our own governmental leaders at the very top! Originally Posted by txrancher1

stay loyal to his country would be my first proposal ... not handing over classified intel to the Chinese..

treason is more my opinion than it is anything else ... espionage has been proven.

as for the president/s guilt, removing a LAW/S starts where it began, in congress
My contention has always been that I have no problem with Snowden being a whistleblower.

My problem is he broke our laws in the manner in which he did it, and by all accounts aided Countries who wish us harm. There is a legal way to do things, and an illegal way. He chose the latter.

By climbing into bed with some of these countries, (who play hardball), he has insured himself a very bleak future.
What's not to forget for you people who think Snowden is a traitor? Oh, you already FORGOT the constitution that states a warrant is REQUIRED to do some of the things he disclosed our government was doing to American citizens! You FORGOT that these politicians who are attempting to bring him to justice took an oath to PRESERVE and DEFEND the constitution. I can't believe it when conservatives trip over each other GIVING constitutionally guaranteed rights away in the name of patriotism. IMO, they are mindless cowards that don't appreciate the freedoms that fellow Americans sacrificed their lives for . They don't deserve those freedoms since they want to GIVE them away so freely! Originally Posted by txrancher1
Watch the name calling. I am not mindless and I am certainly not a coward.

Everything, including our freedoms, needs structure and requires rules.

Freedom of speech does not allow one to cry "FIRE" in a crowded theatre.
Freedom of assembly does not allow a group to assemble on public streets and march without parade permits.
Freedom of religion does not allow a group to conduct human sacrifice.
Freedom of the Press does not allow one to print defamatory statements.

I believe a paramount freedom is the freedom to be safe from terrorist attacks. I further believe this monitoring is a valid means of determining and monitoring such activities. I personally believe much good has come from these programs already; it just is not announced.

I do not believe I am giving away any rights. I believe I am properly recognizing that some rules, some monitoring, some procedures are necessary to protect everyone, including people like you.

Giving classified materials to an enemy is by definition treason. running and hiding in my opinion is cowardice.

Because of our freedoms, you get to have an express your opinion, no matter how unfortunate it may be.

Old Dingus
Right Dingus, it STARTS with RULES and people like YOU apparently ARE NOT concerned when our administrations break the laws FIRST. Snowden would not have broken any rules if our leaders hadn't broken constitutional laws FIRST! People like you, IMO have no concept or appreciation of our laws.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-02-2013, 02:54 PM
Right Dingus, it STARTS with RULES and people like YOU apparently ARE NOT concerned when our administrations break the laws FIRST. Snowden would not have broken any rules if our leaders hadn't broken constitutional laws FIRST! People like you, IMO have no concept or appreciation of our laws. Originally Posted by txrancher1

exactly what constitutional laws were broken when congress passed laws Snowden broke.

the 4th?

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Read more:

I can live with the collection of my communications much better than I can die because someone wasn't paying attention to key words being triggered by supercomputers ...
LexusLover's Avatar
exactly what constitutional laws were broken when congress passed laws Snowden broke. Originally Posted by CJ7
The Hill Country Commonwealth Constitution. Ever heard of it?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-02-2013, 03:06 PM
The Hill Country Commonwealth Constitution. Ever heard of it? Originally Posted by LexusLover

spent more time in Harper than you have in court ... No
LexusLover's Avatar
spent more time in Harper than you have in court ... No Originally Posted by CJ7
You mean in court in Gillespie County? If so, how long were you in Harper?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-02-2013, 06:23 PM
You mean in court in Gillespie County? If so, how long were you in Harper? Originally Posted by LexusLover