Who’s more honest and thoughtful, Liberal or Conservative voters?

How wrong are you? Who got rich under Obama? The rich got much richer under Obama and the separation between the rich and poor got larger (of course the middle class shrunk). Who works for Obama? A bunch of rich tax cheats. I don't mind them being rich but pay your taxes like everyone else has to.

Explain this claim about personal rights. You mention two things (is there nothing else like gun control or support of conservative causes you could throw in there?) abortion and gay marriage. Proportionally more black children are being aborted than white children....racism? More poor children are being aborted than rich children...classism? About half the children being aborted are female....sexism? There have been reports where feminists are aborting children just because they're male... barbarous? Gay marriage...do you know that most of those laws you oppose do not ban gay marriage? Bet you didn't know that. Defense of Marriage Act from which many came from only codifies that marriage is between a man and a woman. It does not ban anything. Gay marriage cannot happen because it does not exist. You can call it anything you want but not marriage because according to these laws marriage is ONLY between a man and a woman. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Gay marriage doesn't exist? Tell that to gay people. They'd probably beg to differ. Or are you like Justice Moore and you're afraid fathers will start marrying their daughters etc. As for gun control, I'm not aware of any people that have had their guns taken away. That's a fear tactic. One that benefits gun manufacturers and the NRA. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make with the rest of your post. As for DOMA (I'm probably more knowledgeable about it than you think) by defining marriage as between a man and a woman, you've effectively banned marriage for gays. Anything else is semantics.