Cats and humans relationships

onehitwonder's Avatar
Mine has to have his head on the same pillow as me.......when/if he gets under the covers, he goes head first just until he's all the way under....looks like we're attached at the hip....he's a strange kitty........
Mine has to have his head on the same pillow as me.......when/if he gets under the covers, he goes head first just until he's all the way under....looks like we're attached at the hip....he's a strange kitty........ Originally Posted by onehitwonder
Better than a man, huh???
Better than a man, huh??? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Or butch like female....
onehitwonder's Avatar
Better than a man, huh??? Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

well.........he does'nt say silly shit like that.....whats gotten into you? You used to be so sweet.........

Valmont, you sure do seem to know alot about same-sex relationships.......did your ex leave you for a 'new man'? Not on ignore anymore?
well.........he does'nt say silly shit like that.....whats gotten into you? You used to be so sweet......... Originally Posted by onehitwonder
Sorry. I got carried away trying to be funny. Sorry, again.
onehitwonder's Avatar
Sorry. I got carried away trying to be funny. Sorry, again. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Thats ok.....if he (cat) did say something I'd faint!........I've just noticed lately that you seem ...I don't know...angry/irritated....maybe its the avatar? You were so sweet and cheerful when you 'were' Johnny Depp! ......we might need to get ole JD back, bud.....I miss the chats we used to have.....are you still traveling to Dallas often?

*edit to add*
I see some others are giving you a hard time about your avatar. I did'nt know that when I popped off about it. Sorry...... However, the illusion of chatting with Johnny was much nicer.........but it is certainly your choice........OHW
Thats ok.....if he (cat) did say something I'd faint!........I've just noticed lately that you seem ...I don't know...angry/irritated....maybe its the avatar? You were so sweet and cheerful when you 'were' Johnny Depp! ......we might need to get ole JD back, bud.....I miss the chats we used to have.....are you still traveling to Dallas often?

*edit to add*
I see some others are giving you a hard time about your avatar. I did'nt know that when I popped off about it. Sorry...... However, the illusion of chatting with Johnny was much nicer.........but it is certainly your choice........OHW Originally Posted by onehitwonder
I wish I traveled to Dallas as often as before...I'd give you a shout. But I haven't been there since April. Damn economy. I was going to invite you over for a drink the next time I was there.

You can still think of me as JD if you want, but it really was an illusion. Even though he is closer to my age than I thought, I decided his avatar was a material misrepresentation. Now, I've been told I look similar to Jimmy Buffett, which is why I chose that avatar. I'm still not sure I even look like Buffett, but since I've been told that by someone who had no dog in the fight, I thought I'd adopt it.

If I do get to Dallas again, I'll invite you for a drink or something.
onehitwonder's Avatar
Looking like him is ok......but living like him would be awesome..........ah....Margari taville......I'm a bit further down the road now but only a 30 minn drive, so call me when you get there.
As far as you're choice in avatar, entirely up to you. Do you thinck thats really MY baby picture?
I have eight inside and two outside.
Unfortunately my cat won`t adapt to a new one since her old cat partner died. I don`t like the fact that she is alone. I have tried two adult cats already with her and it was a disaster. Cat psychologist included and gotten al smart with books :-(. Does anyone think she will react different to a baby?
Iaintliein's Avatar
Does anyone think she will react different to a baby? Originally Posted by ninasastri
Get a smaller litter box. . . just in case.
Growing up, we always had dogs. I'm a fan of many animals and would love to get a cat someday soon. I'm thinking of getting an Ocicat,
a Siamese,
an Oriental,
or a Singapura.
Maybe I'll get one of each. I'm really an animal lover...
Of course, I'd have them all spayed/neutered.
West Hollywood, CA recently banned cat declawing. I think it's now banned throughout all of the Los Angeles Area. I wouldn't want my cat's declawed. That doesn't sound like a nice thing to do to them.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Growing up, we always had dogs. I'm a fan of many animals ..... Originally Posted by MichelleSchwab
Growing up (In Nigeria) we had two dogs, two rabbits, a goat named stella, a parrot, a monkey, two peacocks and I still don't like animals. I'd get a dog again but it's not like I'm dying to have one.
Growing up, we always had dogs. I'm a fan of many animals and would love to get a cat someday soon. I'm thinking of getting an Ocicat,
a Siamese,
an Oriental,
or a Singapura.
Maybe I'll get one of each. I'm really an animal lover...
Of course, I'd have them all spayed/neutered.
West Hollywood, CA recently banned cat declawing. I think it's now banned throughout all of the Los Angeles Area. I wouldn't want my cat's declawed. That doesn't sound like a nice thing to do to them. Originally Posted by MichelleSchwab
oh gosh how precious. mine is burmese
onehitwonder's Avatar
Nina. Have you tried a kitten? My cat is grumpy and stand-offish and could'nt be bothered ...unless HE wants some lovin's. We recently bought the baby a 'chi-wienie' puppy and now all of the sudden he's 'daddy daycare'......and if you catch him 'tending' to the puppy, he almost seems embarrassed. He's too funny.....