Arpaio: Obama birth record 'definitely fraudulent'

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
JD, that link deserves its own thread.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-18-2012, 09:59 PM
JD, that link deserves its own thread. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
it damn sure does

Houston we have a problem

Mike the navy seal that went to pakistan and was on the team that aced Bin Laden has been a Montana senator since 2009

Bin Laden was killed May 2, 2011

nice shot Mikieboy, looooooooooong too ... seal sniper were ya?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I don't think he claimed to be active duty at the time Obama personally assassinated OBL. But I'll read the article again.
Fail to see the issue. A former member of Seal Team 6 who is now a state senator in Montana, does not like how Obama is handling the Military. I got out of the Navy one year ago and I did not like how Obama was handling the Military either. I have yet to see a legitimate claim that OBL was dead before the seal raid.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I should have stated the obvious but I thought we had intelligent people here. My bad. SEAL Team six has existed for years and has had several commanders. The man in charge during the OBL take down is probably still prohibited from saying a word. This man, who is a state senator, never said he was in on the OBL takedown but I assume (as dangerous as that is) that he was in the loop while we were looking for OBL.
Show him the microfilm. Prove he's wrong. Then he will have to retire in disgrace. Looks to me like releasing the microfilm would be a win-win for Obama, But they won't. I wonder why?

And no, I don't care where he was born. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I don't think that Hawaiian hospital had microfilm machines lol

Now if your talking about a title company plant and real estate documentation that is a whole different thing. I haven't ever heard of a hospital keeping micro film. However it does make me think, does vital statistics offices keep microfilmed birth certificates? Probably not. But either way this is just silly Cog and you know it.
Sensia, the state of Hawaii claims that they no longer keep the original long form birth certificates. Supposedly, they photographed all of them onto microfilm and then they destroyed the originals, because the cost of storing all those pieces of paper was eating them out of house and island paradise hut.
Again, CJ's reading comprehension deficit shines thru !
joe bloe's Avatar
Obama did not kill OBL...Tom Doniphan pulled the trigger on OBL. Obama took the credit and rode his fame into politics. I did like the song though.

More serious stuff. Former SEAL team six commander has his say about Obama. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If Obama abided by his oath of office, he would have to completely change the way he governs, or resign. He does not support and defend the Constitution. He does not bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution. He does not faithfully discharge the duties of his office.

Choosing which laws will be enforced, and which laws will be ignored, violates his sworn oath to faithfully discharge the duties of his office.

Obama is an enemy of the Constitution and the republic.

Do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that you take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter: So help you God?
BigBaldBlk's Avatar
I'm just glad Obama can't serve three terms or this same crap would be brought up in 2016. Continued success with the conspiracy theories though, this is very enlightening reading.
joe bloe's Avatar
I should have stated the obvious but I thought we had intelligent people here. My bad. SEAL Team six has existed for years and has had several commanders. The man in charge during the OBL take down is probably still prohibited from saying a word. This man, who is a state senator, never said he was in on the OBL takedown but I assume (as dangerous as that is) that he was in the loop while we were looking for OBL. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
When conversing with a liberal, just pretend you're talking to a five year old. They don't deal well with complex issues. That's why they find the simplicity socialism so appealing. Just have the government provide everything, and make the rich people pay for it. It sounds great to five year old.
And Hillary will be restored to her rightful place, at the head of the 2008 Democratic Ticket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by Doove
Bla, bla lezzie crush nonsense again. Get an argument, and then we'll talk.

I don't think that Hawaiian hospital had microfilm machines lol

Now if your talking about a title company plant and real estate documentation that is a whole different thing. I haven't ever heard of a hospital keeping micro film. However it does make me think, does vital statistics offices keep microfilmed birth certificates? Probably not. But either way this is just silly Cog and you know it. Originally Posted by Sensia
Yes, birth certificates are kept on microfilm, and my doctor keeps my medical records on a CD. I think it safe to assume that hospitals keep records digitally or on micorfilm/fish.

Choosing which laws will be enforced, and which laws will be ignored, violates his sworn oath to faithfully discharge the duties of his office Originally Posted by joe bloe
That pretty much sums his presidency up. The reason he does it is even worse. He thinks that he actually knows best what is the right or moral thing and the rest of us were just lost until his enlightened self showed up.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-19-2012, 02:50 PM
Bla, bla lezzie crush nonsense again. Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
Yup, for as long as it continues to be relevant.

Get an argument, and then we'll talk
When you make subjective comments about how ridiculous Obama is, i'll make subjective comments about how ridiculous your hatred for him is.

When you post what you believe to be facts, i'll refute them with the actual facts - and use your made up facts as proof of my subjective comments about how ridiculous your hatred for him is. D-Day.

Simple concept.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
When you post what you believe to be facts, i'll refute them with the actual facts Originally Posted by Doove
Seriously? LOL!

Doofie said that?

You can't make this up!

When conversing with a liberal, just pretend you're talking to a five year old. They don't deal well with complex issues. That's why they find the simplicity socialism so appealing. Just have the government provide everything, and make the rich people pay for it. It sounds great to five year old. Originally Posted by joe bloe

when conversing with a wing nut just pretend it is a stump.