
They prefer taxpayers money go to parasitic professions that harass, extort, beat, kidnap, cage and/or kill brown people, hence their love of the police and military.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The same can be said about the other side of the aisle. As long as the money that's extorted from taxpayers goes to the camo costume wearing welfare queens of the armed forces or the leeches of law enforcement, you don't seem to have a problem with it even though those 2 socialist jobs programs cost taxpayers far more than any border crossers. The only group commandeering your resources are the IRS. Originally Posted by CrispHundos
Do you have any idea how little enlisted men, or cops for that matter, actually get paid? A new recruit makes less than $3/hr (and it doesn’t get much better) to risk his or her life protecting your right to go on the internet and and spew insults. Maybe a little respect is in order.
Yes, every dime they make was first extorted from the taxpayers, the majority of whom, never wanted, needed or asked for the so-called services they claim to provide in the first place. Putting on a blue or camo costume doesn't even make the list of the top 20 most dangerous jobs in America. Door Dash drivers put their lives on the line far more and they can't just retire after 25 years and suckle at the teats of the taxpayers for the rest of their lives like socialist swine and soldiers. Respect? LOL, those socialist sponges should be thanking the taxpayers for their service, not the other way around.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Wow. You must be fun at parties. It’s 20 years for full vesting btw, not 25, and is nowhere near enough to live on. 50% base pay +2.5%/year past 20 years, IIRC. It should be 100%, but I didn’t make the rules.
berryberry's Avatar
The same can be said about the other side of the aisle. As long as the money that's extorted from taxpayers goes to the camo costume wearing welfare queens of the armed forces or the leeches of law enforcement, you don't seem to have a problem with it even though those 2 socialist jobs programs cost taxpayers far more than any border crossers. The only group commandeering your resources are the IRS. Originally Posted by CrispHundos
So you want a lawless society with no police. And you want a defenseless country with no military. I know leftists are woefully ill informed but that says it all.

You have no clue how little someone in the military earns putting their lives on the line to protect worthless leftists across the country who spew hate about them.

You have no clue how little police officers earn putting their lives on the line to protect ungrateful people like you.

But the thread you and your fellow leftists are trying to hijack is not about the police nor the military. It is about the free-loading illegals invading our country that are costing over $150 billion of hard earned taxpayer dollars annually
Anarchy is no guarantee that some people won't kill, injure, kidnap, defraud, or steal from others. Government is a guarantee that some will. You hate the left's laws and taxes but you'd rather live under them than be truly free and not be forced to fork over the fruits of your labors to fund the illegals you dislike so much? There is no nation on Earth that can successfully invade the mainland US with it's 100+ million gun owners and their 400+ million guns. As I already pointed out, neither those camo or blue cosutme wearing welfare whores even make the list of the top 20 most dangerous jobs in the US, feel free to Google it if you don't belive me. And it's not just about their paychecks, it's about their patrol cars, lawsuit payouts, pensions, paid suspensions, overly pompus pig funeral parades, free health care, helicopters and everything else those parasties suck at the taxpayers tits for. The police and military are who keep Biden in power, without them to personally enforce his laws and taxes upon the public he'd be nothing but harmless buffoon but you lick the boots of the ones who do the treading. The fact that you think I'm a leftist might be the funniest part of all.
He thinks anyone who doesn't agree with everything he (or trump) says is a leftist.
berryberry's Avatar
Biden’s failure to secure our border has allowed more than 1.2 million illegals to cross just this year in less than 6 months.

That’s more than the populations of Montana, Rhode Island, Delaware, South Dakota, North Dakota, Alaska, Vermont, and Wyoming.

Over 6 million criminal illegals have crossed since Senile Biden came into office freeloading off the American taxpayer

This is literally an invasion.

$150 Billion annually in hard working US taxpayer money up in smoke to support these criminal invaders
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Here’s one of those “blue cosutme wearing welfare whores“, going from reminding kids to wear their seatbelts to charging into gunfire and saving untold lives.

(Staff edit) - removed video
I'm sure that video is of great comfort to the parents of the 19 children who bleed out during the 77 minutes 376 cosutme wearing cowards stood in the hallways at Uvalde on the taxpayers dime. Those spineless goons tazed and handcuffed parents to stop them from saving their own kids and the one pig even ignored his wife, who was a teacher, calls for help and let her die. https://apnews.com/article/shootings...6d893ea77cf8ea
Dr-epg's Avatar
This thread has gone way off topic
