Cleopatra was not an ethnic African.

Lucas McCain's Avatar
I think it has already been established that Cleopatra's ethnicity is the topic. And that for some odd reason that you think some bitch who died in BC times has jack shit to do with politics today other than that some people claim that she was black. Many believe Jesus was black as well. Some people think a Kardashian is one of OJ's kids. Are you going to start another brilliant thread about those people as well? LOL

And quit your damn whining. Dude referred to me as "Luscious". You don't see me crying about that. He's just being a smart ass so big fucking deal. In case you were referring to his snarky comment about Trump, it was just a joke about Trump and Covid which he clearly highlighted in red in your post.

Anyway, this thread is just funny to me... damn some of you need to learn how to chill and to stop being so damn sensitive about nothing. You woke folks need to relax.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
First, remember what they say about history.
I have some people on ignore because they're just not worth it. Don't know anything about you being called "Luscious". Maybe they were trying to say Lucious like the Roman general.
Never caught anything about Trump and Covid which doesn't seem to have anything to do with the thread. So, I guess that was a hijack attempt.

I'm actually quite disappointed in you. You always seemed to be just a little sharper than some of the other tribal libs but sometimes, I'm wrong.

No, I don't think this thread is funny. It is indicative of so many things. The woke say that some people of history are one race or another despite obvious evidence to the contrary. Fine, you don't like history. Today, they are doing the same thing by calling things erroneously, "assault weapons", "gender affirming medicine", any accusing people of being "transphobic", "haters", and "homophobic" because you disagree with a vocal minority. Not only are we (and this means you I guess) allowing people to change history like the Soviets and Nazis, but we're allowing them to change the now.

Check your feet! You standing on the wrong side of history.
First, remember what they say about history.
I have some people on ignore because they're just not worth it. Don't know anything about you being called "Luscious". Maybe they were trying to say Lucious like the Roman general.
Never caught anything about Trump and Covid which doesn't seem to have anything to do with the thread. So, I guess that was a hijack attempt.

I'm actually quite disappointed in you. You always seemed to be just a little sharper than some of the other tribal libs but sometimes, I'm wrong.

No, I don't think this thread is funny. It is indicative of so many things. The woke say that some people of history are one race or another despite obvious evidence to the contrary. Fine, you don't like history. Today, they are doing the same thing by calling things erroneously, "assault weapons", "gender affirming medicine", any accusing people of being "transphobic", "haters", and "homophobic" because you disagree with a vocal minority. Not only are we (and this means you I guess) allowing people to change history like the Soviets and Nazis, but we're allowing them to change the now.

Check your feet! You standing on the wrong side of history. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
its of a piece with the 1619 project and crt, all denied by historians

and of every other distortion of the left

early on when claims about a black Jesus or egypt being a black empire first arose to my ears and eyes, with false claims and even hollywood jumped on board with music videos etc along those lines i put it to people wanting to claim something due to some sort of prideful reasonings

while historical records, genetic studies, artistic depictions and coinage say otherwise, to speak nothing of the massive extinction of a people required to be so

but truth has never been a leftist value, the stuff of 1984 are more their values

hence all the woke issues facing our children today

and their orders to cease various appropriations, instead of being welcomed human likes and adoptions, are derivations of miserable people
Precious_b's Avatar
With any luck, Kathy Martinez will find her tomb soon and if a viable DNA sample is found, the ethnicity of this thread will be determined.

Seeing the OP didn't have politics as the centerpiece here,

Lucas McCain's Avatar

No, I don't think this thread is funny. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I was trying to be polite when I posted that. I thought it would be better than saying "this thread is as dumb and irrelevant as it gets even in this forum".

Cleopatra is not black or maybe she is. Who cares unless you have factual evidence either way? Happy now? By the way, I'm still trying to figure out what this has to do with politics today. Because of some shit on Netflix? LOL
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Lets admit it, you lost. You've revealed yourself to be a tribalist. I say one thing and you find you have to take the opposite position. Just like when Trump does something right, you have to take the losing side just because it's Trump. (yep, I brought Trump into it) We have paintings, pottery, and genealogy that say the Queen of the Nile was not Nubian and she was not Egyptian except in name. Why can't you accept that? Why is it important to you that you have to take opposition to me? You look foolish and that IS being polite.

If this thread is so "dumb and irrelevant" as you say, why do you keep posting?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
If this thread is so "dumb and irrelevant" as you say, why do you keep posting? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
That's easy to answer. Who doesn't enjoy a funny joke like this thread? And it is funny to me how frustrated you get because you take yourself and others way too seriously with all of your constant whining about nothing.

I still suggest Jesus or Khloe Kardashian as your next funny thread though. Inquiring minds want to know whether they are black too and how it affects politics in 2023. And most importantly, people will again reveal their true self to you with your brilliant test about nothing and what proves nothing as far as their way of logical thinking.

Just curious; how many times have you hit the RTM button on me? If it is not at least 10 times, I must admit I would be disappointed. LOL

And before you whine about me not being on topic, I'm on topic. The thread is about Cleopatra's race. I simply gave you two more interesting subjects to discuss. I expect a "Thank You".
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
You lost...Barleycorn out.
This is the closest depiction of what Cleopatra may have looked like. She wasn't African, nor was she even Egyptian. From images of her on coins she had a hooked nose, long wavy hair and her skin tone wasn't nearly as dark as an African. She was said to be of Greek descent. For all you woke posters if want to believe Cleopatra was African go for it. Just because Hollywood does a remake of Cleopatra using a Black actress doesn't mean it's accurate.
Maybe she was a “Butterface”.

“Hey Caesar, tell us all about your new fuck”.

“Well, she has a great set of tits and an ass worth fighting a war for, but her face………
Maybe she was a “Butterface”.

“Hey Caesar, tell us all about your new fuck”.

“Well, she has a great set of tits and an ass worth fighting a war for, but her face……… Originally Posted by Jackie S
You can say whatever you wish about her appearance. Beautiful , not so beautiful, whatever. There is one thing for certain though, she wasn't African.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
the studio could have done a what if and avoided the brohouhou over cleo's ethnicity.

there was a period in Egypt's history where the Nubians from the south of the Nile invaded part of Southern Egypt and tried to pass themselves as Pharohs of Southern Egypt.
3 pages of WHO GIVES A SHIT, its a Netflix show. Johnny Depp played an Indian recently (relatively) and though he claims he has some Indian blood there is no proof of that at all. John Wayne played an Indian and we know he is whitey whitey, Elizabeth Taylor, British not greek, and Gal Gadot, jewish, neither of which likely look at all like Cleopatra.

Simply put, she was a Macedonian, or at least of Macedonian decent through the Ptolemaic line. We dont know if she has some African blood through her mothers side or her fathers side for that matter since she was born in around 30 BC and the Macedonians under Alexander conquered Egypt in around 330 or so BC some 300 years and 7-10 generations earlier. That is a lot of opportunity for there to be some blood mixing. There were only so many Macedonians and Greeks and there a slew of Persians and North Africans.

Not that these people had an issue with lots of intermarriage, shit, there were plenty duds in the bloodlines from just that, but you can only marry so many of you brothers and mothers before you get all dudded out.

I'll go back to my original statement, it's a Netflix show, WHO REALLY GIVES A FUCK.
3 pages of WHO GIVES A SHIT, its a Netflix show. Johnny Depp played an Indian recently (relatively) and though he claims he has some Indian blood there is no proof of that at all. John Wayne played an Indian and we know he is whitey whitey, Elizabeth Taylor, British not greek, and Gal Gadot, jewish, neither of which likely look at all like Cleopatra.

Simply put, she was a Macedonian, or at least of Macedonian decent through the Ptolemaic line. We dont know if she has some African blood through her mothers side or her fathers side for that matter since she was born in around 30 BC and the Macedonians under Alexander conquered Egypt in around 330 or so BC some 300 years and 7-10 generations earlier. That is a lot of opportunity for there to be some blood mixing. There were only so many Macedonians and Greeks and there a slew of Persians and North Africans.

Not that these people had an issue with lots of intermarriage, shit, there were plenty duds in the bloodlines from just that, but you can only marry so many of you brothers and mothers before you get all dudded out.

I'll go back to my original statement, it's a Netflix show, WHO REALLY GIVES A FUCK. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

No one, especially you because you can't prove Cleopatra was actually African. Typical Liberal response, say you don't care when you can't spin it, lol.
Did I ever imply she was African? I hope you are smarter than what you write. Actually you’d have to be.

I said she was a MACEDONIAN which is in Greece/Balkans but clearly not Africa. I suspect there really is something wrong with your cognitive ability as well as your reading comprehension.

What I did point out is that not much is known about her mother she could very well have had some African blood because there was 300 years of intermixing between the arrival of the Macedonians and Greeks and the birth of Cleopatra which would be 10 or so generations.

Your lack of simple understanding should be concerning and you might wanna get checked out.