MTG is jso fucking stupid. Doesn't know Soup from Holocaust.

Originally Posted by 69in2it69
That is frigging wonderful and so true about those two, although there are another handful that could be added to the list.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The people on the left are so full of shit that it is astounding that their septic systems can take it all in. Here are some links to Margorie Greene. You can listen and judge for yourself rather than listen to the mindless braying of idiots.

You can listen to her own words without the filter and make your own determination.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar

Interviewer: What are you waiting in line for.
Inner city Black person: Obama Money.
Interviewer: Where does the money come from.
Inner city black person: The city, the state.
Interviewer: Where does the city or state get the money.
Inner city black person: From Obama.
Interviewer: Where does Obama get the money.
Inner city black person: I don't know, from his stash. That's why we voted for him, "Chant" Obama, Obama.... Originally Posted by HedonistForever

You should look her up now. Dyed in the wool Trump fan and certainly sees ODumbo for what he is. Apologies, I don' have the link handy.