Looking for a talented Photographer

hogmanjones's Avatar
SarahLynn is a great photographer! She has an artistic eye.
Exchequer's Avatar
Yes I have , one reached out to me in a text and is very talented ! Also I just saw Sara Lynn has a good eye I will be renting a place in January and photos will be coming soon on Twitter/ website Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
I’d say at the price you’re paying, hire all of them. You can get different perspectives and photo styles. A total win-win for everyone.
I heard her other photographer was pretty expensive and had alot of benefits.
SlowHand50's Avatar
After seeing the iPhone “shot on iPhone commercial “ anyone with a phone & semi good eye for staging and editing can be a professional photographer. Originally Posted by BK
Oh yeah, sure! And anyone with a hammer can build a house, right now. Got a wrench? You can rebuild a transmission today.

Good luck with that.
Laurenspencer's Avatar
I heard her other photographer was pretty expensive and had alot of benefits. Originally Posted by Baconman
no hablo ingles
no hablo ingles Originally Posted by Laurenspencer
Oh I see! Must have signed a non disclosure agreement on exit.
queenV's Avatar
Bacon, I gladly volunteer to be your center fold girl!!!
Bacon, I gladly volunteer to be your center fold girl!!! Originally Posted by queenV
Thanks Queen but my photographer skills are sketchy at best. I've heard tales of others doing this for all the wrong reasons and get a big head. My head is plenty big enough.
tuckahoe's Avatar
I never got to do model photography. Even family were in a hurry to take a picture and get it over with. Nobody ever wanted to take the time to try different poses and lighting. I don't have the camera for it now. I always wanted to get some reflectors and lighting and try my hand at it. Somewhere, I have a list of ideas I wanted to try; sometimes I got ideas from other photos I have seen, or just from looking at my surroundings wherever I happen to be. There was a scene from an old movie where a woman was washing a car and wearing a blouse tied up like girls did in 70s or 80s. She had no bra on and her blouse got all wet and she was pressing her breasts against the windshield in sight of a chain gang. Poor guys! I could see getting some great photos out of a scene like that, from both inside and outside the car!!!
Some places that would make good backdrops would be impossible to use with a nude or scantily clad model. There was an old door & steps on a downtown building that would be great. I can imagine a lady sitting on those steps with her long skirt pulled up and her legs spread to where you could almost see . . . she is wearing cowgirl boots and maybe her top is low cut or trying to come off. Ah, dreams!!!
Sxenthusiast00095's Avatar
I have little experience in photography but sadly I’m a total pervert.I wouldn’t last taking women’s photos.Just one glimpse of their body gets me excited.Let’s say I work with Summer.I’ll mumble like a moron,tremble,and be hard as obsidian during the entire session.

“Ready hun
“I…I uh…d…dem damn titties!”
“ -_-“
queenV's Avatar
Thanks Queen but my photographer skills are sketchy at best. I've heard tales of others doing this for all the wrong reasons and get a big head. My head is plenty big enough. Originally Posted by Baconman
That is true it is pretty big!