Casey / McCormick

HDGristle's Avatar
No, it should not. Unless it's not close enough for it to matter. Then it's a waste of time and money
winn dixie's Avatar
Less than 30k votes and a .4 percentage margin calls for an automatic recount in some places.
bambino's Avatar
McCormick won. You should go somewhere else.
HDGristle's Avatar
He likely has, Bam. But the process hasn't concluded. I explained this to Chizzy last week. This is part of the built in checks and balances and why we don't certify night of.

And if those ballots get counted, and the vote counts get close enough a recount is required.
winn dixie's Avatar
McCormick won. You should go somewhere else. Originally Posted by bambino
So a recount shouldn't bother anyone.
Yep, Penn law calls for auto recount because it falls within a .5 margin.
HDGristle's Avatar
So a recount shouldn't bother anyone.
Yep, Penn law calls for auto recount because it falls within a .5 margin. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Shouldn't, but it certainly seems to
HDGristle's Avatar
eyecu2's Avatar
I just dropped off another box of ballots that were filled out at the old age home; About 44k of them actually. LOLLING
HDGristle's Avatar
HDGristle's Avatar

A reminder that Dave fought to have the same kinds of ballots counted when he was losing... and won that fight only to still come up short against Oz.

I expect Dave to win the election, but am sad to see his reversal. That's disappointing.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-18-2024, 10:50 PM
Well Shappiro joined the stop the count movement.

I am surprised.
HDGristle's Avatar
Well Shappiro joined the stop the count movement.

I am surprised. Originally Posted by Devo
Only reason he did was he wants to run for President next time, he was getting to much bad press over him not opposing bad ballots being counted the court said shouldn’t be counted.

All this is why so many feel some elections are rigged.
All this is why so many feel some elections are rigged. Originally Posted by Chase7
Of course, people only feel "some elections are rigged" when their team loses. Quite the opposite when they win.

Red flag.
HDGristle's Avatar