This thread is for Boardman

notanewbie's Avatar
*edit-no troll feeding*
onehitwonder's Avatar
what were the charges?

did they read you the marandy rites? Originally Posted by notanewbie

NAN GET OUTTA MY HEAD!!!! Whoa......thats wild..............
Why did you start this thread???????????????????

I have been sitting back, watching the show, mainly about one person, you, so has business got better with these threads, I dont know, curious question. Im not understanding why do you feel the need to insult the providers here.

Some of these providers you insulted have earned their reputation here and they dont need to scream book me, simply because they are being book.

Oh wait this thread was about boardman to, sorry.

Hi boardman.......

There you go I stayed on topic.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I just don't like this "girl" even with the review still don't trust "her" for shit. Honestly if she just shut the Fuck up and stopped posting this dumb shit all day she would gain respect. Originally Posted by trey
she is either the most arrogant person I have ever seen on the boards, or there may be multiple people posting under her handle. Either way, her board persona is meant to either get attention or just piss people off. Again, I wouldn't be surprised if multiple people were posting under this 'supposed' handle. As time goes by, I doubt the credibility of the poster under this angelinadream handle.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 09-17-2010, 04:59 PM
she is either the most arrogant person I have ever seen on the boards, or there may be multiple people posting under her handle. Either way, her board persona is meant to either get attention or just piss people off. Again, I wouldn't be surprised if multiple people were posting under this 'supposed' handle. As time goes by, I doubt the credibility of the poster under this angelinadream handle. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Hi boardman you lush you. Could you get me a Jager bomb and a Heine?

- trolls are attention whores and the more you pay attention to their crap, the more the blue water will flow. I have since stopped responding to her nonsense. Its not even comical anymore, it's pathetic. The only chicks I'm jealous of is Oprah and Beyonce.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
she is either the most arrogant person I have ever seen on the boards, or there may be multiple people posting under her handle. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

I have thought about this long and hard and I am totally convinced at this point multiple people ... as in Sofia and her personalities ... are posting from AD’s handle.

I know AD personally and she was no where near as rude, stuck up, cocky or air headed as she is coming across on the board, but what a coincidence it is that rude, stuck up & cocky ARE Sofias personality traits.

AD is the jackpot for Sofia and let me break down why … I told AD all about the board and how important it is to have a good presence here. I stressed and stressed for her to join and she never did (this was 2 years ago) she than started working with a provider who was off 610/memorial who specialized in FBSM whom also had a presence on the board, yet AD still never joined.

Fast forward .. So somehow AD & Sofia cross paths; Sofia recognizes that AD has no desire to post on the board and capitalizes on that, thus posting as AD.

I whole heartedly believe AD works for/with Sofia. I also believe millennium man is some how directly tied into this.
The above is my theory and I am sticking to it.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I'm jealous of people who hit 1,900 posts by double posting.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Fast forward .. So somehow AD & Sofia cross paths; Sofia recognizes that AD as no desire to post on the board and capitalizes that, thus posting as AD. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
IF SO, then someone should get with the real AD and tell her that someone is totally trashing her (by posting under her name) on a well known hobby board, and this could hurt her in the long run.
LatinMan's Avatar
It makes sense. I'm sure the real AD doesn't even have time to post on here and it's odd that a girl that good looking would find the time to start threads that are random in nature. I'd book her just to see.
onehitwonder's Avatar
I am guilty of engaging in unlady-like behavior with her myself, for the exact same reasons as Lisa Lisa stated above. And for that I would like to apologize to you all. Temporary insanity is my only defense. However, I gave it/her some thought and.................

IMO, Dear John is probably right. How could she be so arrogant and disrespectful and expect to be sucessful in the 'people pleasin' business? When she first came on board and realized that the "guilt by association" (with Sofia etc) may cause her harm, she chose to go Indy. Her real pic/avatar was removed and the ugliness increased. Someone else may very well be running amuck with her handle/persona. However I find it hard to believe she does not know about it. If I'm wrong, then she is in dire need of medication. Again, its only MY opinion and the last one I will express on this subject. Pinky swear!

say what you will. I've been booked. Originally Posted by angelinadream

county or city? did you make bail... well your here, so I guess you did.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
IF SO, then someone should get with the real AD and tell her that someone is totally trashing her (by posting under her name) on a well known hobby board, and this could hurt her in the long run. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

In my theory AD knows … She just doesn’t care … Or realize how bad this is making her look.

It appears she has taken the Sofia … “Get your name out there at any cost" ... frame of mind.
internet_inventor2's Avatar
Let's stop ignoring the 800lb gorilla, we know who "she" is, just more of the same as before...... LAME

Good ANALytical skills Brooke .....