Mods and admin-Action is needed Please

And here we go.

  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2021, 02:13 PM
Spam is a Hawaiian delicacy - and very popular on the islands.

Like many four letter words - it can have different meanings,
fpr DPST'ccp - it means any idea, thought, or concept not already approved by their Central Bureau of 'Correctness"!
to wit-
My vote would be for mods to delete and discontinue the political forum completely. Basically irrelevant to the topic of the website. Most frequent posters (myself included) contribute few reviews. Devolved into little discussion or debate and is more repetitive propagandizing and spewing by a handful of extremists than intellectual discussion. IMO, in light of recent events, the risk to the main mission of this site isn't worth the benefit of providing a mechanism for sometimes "over the top" venting by those with extreme views on either side, whether innocuous or not. I say shut it down and let them go elsewhere.

If you're a pilot, you know the first rule is "fly the plane."
  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2021, 02:19 PM

the classic Monty Python Spam, spam and spam!
  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2021, 02:23 PM
My vote would be for mods to delete and discontinue the political forum completely. Basically irrelevant to the topic of the website. Most frequent posters (myself included) contribute few reviews. Devolved into little discussion or debate and is more repetitive propagandizing and spewing by a handful of extremists than intellectual discussion. IMO, in light of recent events, the risk to the main mission of this site isn't worth the benefit of providing a mechanism for sometimes "over the top" venting by those with extreme views on either side, whether innocuous or not. I say shut it down and let them go elsewhere.

If you're a pilot, you know the first rule is "fly the plane." Originally Posted by reddog1951

Thank you - 'r' - for the typical vote for censorship of teh DPST/ccpers

"Shut down" anything that has ideas contrary to that of teh 'Bureau of Correctness and Certitude" of teh DPST/ccp party.

One may have to wait for harris to installed to get One's wish. Hopefully!
'flying a plane' - and of what relevance is that??????
OEB, not a suggestion for censorship as hw you would like to portray. More a suggestion to protect the interests of this site, which have been subject to scrutiny in the past ( remember it shut down for a while) from future scrutiny due to actions of you and the horned ilk. The horny ilk are more relevant here.

You're obviously not a pilot. As a reference point, if you find a snake in the cockpit, don't ever forget to keep the plane upright and flying...the consequences of forgetting that and crashing are greater than the threat of the snake.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-25-2021, 02:57 PM
So I assume it's OK for one poster to belch the same vomit 100 times a day, but if his sensitivities are hurt--The Snowflake Who Calls Others Snowflakes--because others think his posts sad, that is not OK.

Oh well. Nothing has changed in this forum since it was started.
Lapdog's Avatar
Chicken Little thinks this forum is his own personal soapbox.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I personally think there is moderator bias going on here. Oeb11 is a hate spewer. He gleefully gets off on making people angry and getting them banned. Why does he get to spew his hate while others get banned.
  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2021, 04:13 PM
OEB, not a suggestion for censorship as hw you would like to portray. More a suggestion to protect the interests of this site, which have been subject to scrutiny in the past ( remember it shut down for a while) from future scrutiny due to actions of you and the horned ilk. The horny ilk are more relevant here.

You're obviously not a pilot. As a reference point, if you find a snake in the cockpit, don't ever forget to keep the plane upright and flying...the consequences of forgetting that and crashing are greater than the threat of the snake. Originally Posted by reddog1951

your 'suggestion - as i remember - was to censor the ideas contrary to the marxist DPST/ccp opinions.

Please correct me with the proper post if you think me incorrect.

Is my conservative opinion theDPST/ccp equivalent of a 'snake on a plane' - or like the Hollyweird movie - regarded as just histrionics?

i do know myself better than to take up flying planes.

I will stick to my Indy car piloting experience.
i have known personally too many physicians who killed themselves in airplanes.
  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2021, 04:22 PM
I personally think there is moderator bias going on here. Oeb11 is a hate spewer. He gleefully gets off on making people angry and getting them banned. Why does he get to spew his hate while others get banned. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

Dear sir - i suggest you read your post, carefully.

your characterization is wrong,angry , hostile, and hateful in and of itself.


A point - good sir - I do not "get anyone banned" - Any individual who receives disciplinary action on this forum - receives it from teh moderator, for their own actions on the forum.
i would point out the concept of 'personal responsibility" - the concept that human beings choose, instigate, or otherwise cause their own actions. Because we cause our own actions - we as human beings may be held morally and/or legally responsible for those actions.

'banned 'posters - are banned because of their own actions, and were held responsible personally for those actions by teh Moderator.

I am not responsible for another person's actions in this forum, nor are You, Good Sir.

And I am not 'gleeful' - as you mis-characterize in your post.

Losing posters of different opinions who can represent their opinions in a cogent and constructive way is a loss to the Forum, and debate, and interchange of ideas.

However, Good Sir, it is clear that posters who exchange ideas in a cogent and constructive way, consistent with forum rules - do not get 'banned" -


Please understand that there are different opinions than the socialist ideology. I hold different opinions than the socialist ideology .

And , good sir - please understand that nowhere in the Constitution, or Bill of rights, is there any provision that those who hold socialist, or any other ideas and ideologies, are protected from ever being 'offended' by different ideas than One's own.

Tolerating different opinions of others is a Right under the First Amendment I gladly guarantee to you and all other Americans.

Can you honestly say you extend teh same Freedom of Speech/writing to me???

if you have a problem with my posts being outside the rules of the forum - you may contact teh moderator by using teh rtm button in the lower left of the page.
Lapdog's Avatar
I personally think there is moderator bias going on here. Oeb11 is a hate spewer. He gleefully gets off on making people angry and getting them banned. Why does he get to spew his hate while others get banned. Originally Posted by txdot-guy

He's having extreme difficulty accepting the fact that he backed such a losing horse in the recent presidential election and it is manifesting itself into a long drawn out, good old fashioned meltdown. He'll be fine in about four years, or maybe not. It is of little consequence either way.
Dear Cryptkeeper. I think continuing to allow Oeb11 to spew nonsense and prejoritive descriptions of other posters should be disallowed. If you’re gonna go moderating some for attacks and harassment Oeb11 is the primary offender.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-25-2021, 05:03 PM
I got banned for talking about his momma long ago....I'll never say nothing about her again.

  • oeb11
  • 01-25-2021, 05:10 PM
Thank you for your opinion,1b1.

A question - is it reasonable under teh Constitution and Bill of Rights ( and /or Forum Rules) to conflate a difference of political opinion with the stated concepts 'hate' and 'spam'.?
Perhaps the 'liberals' can get together and formulate an answer.