Ladies, how big of a deal is it if a guy is late to an appt?

Being on time is imperative. It does show professionalism
Uh, guys are not the professionals here. just sayin'.

I agree with the basic premise: be on time. I wish the ladies showed me the same courtesy. I've had some outrageous experiences. Some were forgiven, but not all.
  • Paven
  • 12-28-2011, 02:14 PM
Uh, guys are not the professionals here. just sayin'.

I agree with the basic premise: be on time. I wish the ladies showed me the same courtesy. I've had some outrageous experiences. Some were forgiven, but not all. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I was always on time in my real world job and carried my work ethic into this world as well. Courtesy is appreciated on both sides.
anytime Ive dated in the civie world, I always waited , just expect it.I do get crazy if they dont answer the phone when I arrive and it goes to voice mail.As long as she answers , she could tell me its going to be a half hour and I would normally understand.Its the straight to voicemail that gets me crabby, usually will wait maybe ten minutes, more like five, and leave if no call back.
To me on time means 10 minutes early to 10 minutes late. It is pretty hard to judge traffic that close, so being there 10 minutes early should be rather common.

But if a person is going to be outside of those times, it is just common respect to phone and say why.
I give respect like I expect it. My clients time is always golden and should be respected as such. My prep time for an appt is an HR before to ensure I have everything the way I want it to be plus I always anticipate a 15 mins early arrival (call it female intuition lol). When it comes to being late or missing an appointment its my belief a courtesy call should be in effect. Calling ahead to let the person know you will be early or late kinda helps smoothen out any chinks in the connection. My .02 cents
So if the guys are usually early/on time, why not make an extra effort to be ready 15-20 mins before the session, or at least waiting at the door if the guy shows up exactly on time? I don't know about other guys, but a lady who gains a reputation for always being on time for appts (and even advertises as such), would be placed higher on my 'to do' list than other ladies, all other things being equal.

It seems to me that there are very simple things ladies could do (esp in the TCB dept) to increase their business that they just don't do, and this happens to be one of them. But, as you say, this may be 'a girl on guy thing that is old as days'. Meaning, being on time may be something that some women just aren't capable of. Again, I may get blasted for stereotyping, but you know there are women who are always late for *everything*. But being on time is almost always a choice, and if it isn't, you're probably scheduling appts too close together. Originally Posted by WorknMan
  • Sami
  • 12-28-2011, 11:18 PM
I have always been a stickler about being on time. I to leave with extra time just in case. I am always ready for my dates. Can't expect it if you don't give it!
I always put a 2 to 3 hour buffer around each date if I happen to be popular that day. It gives me peace of mind incase someone shows up early/late or they decide they want to spend more time with me I can easily accept the offer. Although being 10 to 20 minutes late wont throw my schedule out of whack it is still an appropriate situation for a courtesy call because if I don't hear fromy you I will assume you are ncns and be a little disappointed.
Not having consideration for others is not a first impression you want to make.
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I would rather a guy be on time or late, but not early.

Women just have a LOT to do to get ready. It would be nice to just wash and go like guys, but theres: Bathing, shaving (every hair off our entire body), washing hair, drying hair, flat ironing hair, curling hair, makeup, waxing eyebrows, painting nails and toes, picking lingerie, trying on outfits/shoes, bathing again (if we worked up a sweat drying hair), etc etc etc. And thats just for a regular GFE session.

So I tend to be either on time or a little late, but I am never early. If he is late, I dont mind. More time to primp and prepare. Originally Posted by Tracey P
This is exactly how I feel