Boycott AO Demon

That is the issue. StevieWinwood is taking the heat but where are the guys who are complaining to back him up. AO I dont know you but don't think for a second that Steviewinwood is a lone wolf. Anyways you're hot and the pics netman shows why guys will deal and be patient with you Originally Posted by Thatdude
She no show you thatdude? If not, you don't know shit.

She no show you thatdude? If not, you don't know shit.
Originally Posted by monkmonk
I don't know shit either.

She's never NCNS on me either, but we'll never know for the reasons she's stated here. She's extremely busy. So am I. I doubt we'd ever have our schedules agree so I'd rather not waste our time trying. The last thing I'd want is to clear a spot on my schedule and have a NCNS. I bet there are a lot of guys who feel the same way.

It's great that AO is financially secure and doesn't need it. If that is true, I am curious why she worries about replying to the accusations tho'. I would imagine she has enough regulars that she doesn't need to worry about this or advertising. Maybe not.

SW - a boycott plea is hilarious. Dude, you struck out, it's your fault. If you did research you'd have found this is more common with her, so if you weren't willing to risk it...move on.

White Knights - guys your discount coupons are in the mail.

She no show you thatdude? If not, you don't know shit.

Originally Posted by monkmonk
I am just pointing out the issue She says it rarely happens but a hobbiest says differently
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Well, perhaps some of you guys ought to do what I do when I very occasionally schedule with the young and hot, but known to be "challenged" when it comes to business basics and common courtesy: Don't get your hopes up that it will come off without a hitch. If it does, then GREAT because their youth and hotness will get you in the "mood" even if you have approached the situation with the big head in the lead. If not, oh well, you can tell yourself that the odds were on the side of the broken date happening and enjoy the fact that you are still in possieeion of the funds, unlike after a so-so or poor session. If you have to have a nut, got to a SC, AMP or call up "Old Reliable."

There is a sort of quiet desperation (well, some are not so quiet) that runs through many of the reactions to NCNS or broken dates in general. While most hobbyists aren't overwhelmed with loads of free play time and ultra flexiable schedules, that doesn't mean that the vagaries and inconsistencies experienced don't come with the territory.

In short, report what happened because THAT information is important, do so with a minimal amount of editorializing then get up, grow up and get on with it.

AOD seems to me to be a hobbying provider who does this for an income supplement and has her life goals set outside of the hobby. If that's really the case then she'll be a short timer anyway and no one needs to get all worked up about her as a professional, full time provider. The men have to deal with that because all providers make the rules when it comes to their availability and who they will see. But, although the young have always had a different way of looking at priorities, AOD does need to inform scheduled dates of changes in her schedule and, my suggestion only, should attempt to prioritize those when scheduling appointments in the future.
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
I was surprised when I saw this thread because I actually thought about posting a similar one myself though just for fun and I'd be sure the tone made sure of it. Guess the OP's frustration level boiled over. Anyway there ARE several threads and posts indicating guys have either tried to get in touch with her and either gotten no reply or couldn't connect one way or another.

Fact is: unless she really WANTS to up her sessions per week, things might actually get worse as I'm sure the last few weeks of hot photos has increased interest tremendously. Myself, that one closeup of that Romanian booty is enough to make me exercise a bit of patience. After all good things DO cum to those who wait.
I think he's talking about kind of crazy hot girls having
a lot of appeal until the crazy crosses the line a little
too far, then it's a drag.

Well I got to go now and do something even if it's nothing at all. Originally Posted by bojulay
+1 for those of you in Rio Lindo
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 04-29-2012, 01:39 PM
Here's my take on this...

It actually doesn't happen very much. Originally Posted by AO.DEMON
In other words, it does happen. She NCNS, and doesn't understand why anyone should be less than pleased. As far as the "not very much." part, well... I've seen a couple postings by gents she has NCNS'd... and I am a believer in "where there's smoke, there's fire."

I have two day jobs and also go to school, so sometimes my obligations overlap with 'hobbying'. I've apologized when I haven't been able to make an appointment, but I do make the majority of them and am punctual to boot.
So, school and jobs have known schedules, and if you are called into work, how does that stop you from making a phone call to tell a gent, that something has come up? Not calling to notify someone is just plain lack of respect for their time. I don't get why "make the majority of them" should allay anyones fears, as that could mean she stands up 49%.

This isn't a full time thing for me, I have a super demanding 'on call' job that I spent many years working on getting, so obviously it takes precedence over a date. I have real responsibilities. A few bad seeds in this hobby seem to paint me in a pretty terrible light. But since I do follow through on almost all of my appointments, I will let my reputation speak for itself with my clients who know I am just a career oriented woman and sometimes things happen.

To the OP, sorry for the inconvenience, and I wish you well.

So, she makes some excuses, and so she is telling everyone that they should expect that some percentage of the time, that they will get NCNS'd, and she feels this is perfectly acceptable.

Apparently there are plenty of guys who can afford to deal with this. At least the rest of us know what to expect.

AO, thanks for the enlightening post.
TexasDave555's Avatar
Funny shit... seriously guys if a gal cancels with a bit of notice before you head out the door, really nothing to complain about.

A provider should not make an appointment she knows she will not make or is questionable to her making it, ie multiple bookings etc. Other than that, you are at the mercy of each others availability. Shit comes up.. if a provider can't make it most should or would give reasonable notice and offer a reschedule just like YOU should. Now if she books and then NCNS, that's a different matter, just like if you book and then don't show.

Some ladies have more going on than others, be it kids, a job or other obligations that sometimes infringe on her bookings. Realize that and your getting bumped or rescheduled will go a bit easier.

I have yet to meet a provider who I would die if I didn't get to see when we scheduled so getting bent about it is just a waste of energy. There are plenty of others who you can schedule with.

What you should do is get pre-screened by a number of your target gals, just tell them you are interested in seeing them to screen you ahead of time and you'll call them to actually book an appointment. That way a cancellation or reschedule will not hurt too bad. Just pull out that pre-screened list and dial em up to see if they can take that slot. Problem solved. Then you can see the one who cancelled the next time. Most of them will be happy to do that, it's just the few fringe ones that will get bent they are not the provider of choice or at the top of your list.

Pay for play is not rocket science....
Her excuse that she is busy is total bullshit. The issue is NOT the inability to schedule with her. The issue is that she DOES schedule, THEN she flakes out.

Do you really think I'd make an issue out of this if she were just hard to reach?
Her excuse that she is busy is total bullshit. The issue is NOT the inability to schedule with her. The issue is that she DOES schedule, THEN she flakes out.

Do you really think I'd make an issue out of this if she were just hard to reach? Originally Posted by steviewinwood
OP, I think we get it.

Based on the exchange on here, it appears that the lady's expectations when she schedules is not what we guys would have for an expectation.

The general way to handle this is to post a NCNS thread, and move on. Organizing a boycott, sending letters to your Congressman, and filing a complaint with the BBB is not worth it.

You had a problem. You told the ECCIE world about it. This is good, very good. A lot of people have been alerted to an issue. Some will avoid this lady because they agree with you 100%, some will avoid her just cuz it appears she is too hard to schedule with.

Others will flock to her because you have provided all of this advertisement for her, and further, it is now reported that she is low volume. So, if a guy sees her, he is special. He can thump his chest and stick his tongue out at you and proclaim he is the better man.

Meanwhile, the rest of the ladies have seen this thread by you. It has stayed on the top of the heap for a bit of time. Sure, your regulars probably know you are a great guy and they will still see you. Some of the gals who are desperate will be very happy to schedule with you. But ladies who are not so desperate, well, they are going to think long and hard about it. If something happens, if they have to cancel, will you start a tirade against them? It is just easier to add you to a DNS list they keep for creating drama, and look for other guys to fill up their scorecard.

I know a bunch of guys will feed me a line of crap for saying it, but it is was it is. The guys may have the money, but the top ladies are just sitting out there reading this thread, taking notes. They can be picky and choosy on who they see. And it is not to spite you or anyone. It is not a conspiracy, it is not the providers banding together to punish you for insulting one of their own. It is just each gal looking out for herself the best way they can.
bojulay's Avatar
Guess the lucky guys will get the prize. All indications are if you actually
get to see the three dimensional AO your in for a real treat.
( probably an understatement ). Hey I have a soft spot for girls
that are hot as hell and into punk rock.
aka's Avatar
  • aka
  • 04-29-2012, 03:20 PM
AO could work what she said here into her ads so that anyone who would want to schedule with her knows that it's not a done deal and with that in mind, they could have a Plan B.

I'm a right now kind of guy while hobbying and tend not to schedule way out because life often gets in the way. It works less often often than not but I know what my chances are.
TexasDave555's Avatar
Her excuse that she is busy is total bullshit. The issue is NOT the inability to schedule with her. The issue is that she DOES schedule, THEN she flakes out.

Do you really think I'd make an issue out of this if she were just hard to reach? Originally Posted by steviewinwood
You need a bigger shovel?

As Tigercat stated.. a simple NCNS report would been sufficient dude. Going off the deep end and trying to organize the John nation to boycott someone was probably not your best choice of methods.

You ain't going to change how she runs her operation... Next time.. post the report and move on. You would have done your duty to the other guys on the board by reporting it. Taking up a movement goes well beyond that and just hurts you in the end. Let the other guys decide based on the reviews, posts of problems NCNS etc make up their own minds. It's not your place to do it for them. Just provide the info and move along.... best way to handle it. If others roll the dice and come up empty then you can smile to say to yourself..."I tried to tell ya.....". That's about as much as you are going to get in the way of satisfaction from this kind of thing.

Happy hobbying....
Guest021213's Avatar
Well, I have never had a problem scheduling with her ... due to my work commitments I have to schedule same day appointments and maybe that is what works best with her IDK ... before the appointment she has called me to confirm details ...
Also I think the way we ask is the way we receive ...
She is not the average provider and yes she seems to be really busy with other personal responsibilities ...
This is my experience

On a final note, then I will leave this thread to do as it may.

I do understand that I was a bit hard to schedule with for a little while a few months ago. I was busting my butt to graduate a tech school, then when I did I was immediately slung into a new profession where I was 'on call' full time. I am sure I made some scheduling errors, things do happen. I do sincerely apologize to those who it affected negatively. Currently, my job and time situation is settled and structured, so I have not been difficult to schedule with since that period of time where I was very busy.

I currently conduct my booking in a punctual and organized manner, at the best of my ability. So, if this thread scared anyone off from seeing me, there are plenty of other fish in the city. To the rest, I assure you I am no more difficult to book with than the next girl, and I do my best to give a great and satisfying date to each person I meet. I'll keep trying to be better and better in every part of my life, including this one! Thanks for all the feedback and I appreciate the criticism, I take it into account and will improve based on the complaints.

Happy hobbying!