Trump tells all Americans to get the fuck out of Iraq...

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  • WTF
  • 01-04-2020, 12:23 PM
Sure does not look like we are pulling out of the Middle East like Trump kept saying and you boys kept backing.

What's a matter fellows... Trump keep snapping off your noses every time he makes an about face?
Boy someone been drinking the koolaid hard and heavy today. Did it have a dose of WMD's in it? Originally Posted by WTF
And you throw out this bullshit why? You can't actually discuss what HF said so you simply dismiss it.

There was active intelligence that this guy was planning a strike against Americans. He was taken out as a result.

But I know in your eyes, Trump was already damned if he did and damned if he didn't.

If he did, he's a killer.

If he didn't and when(not if) the next American was killed as result of inaction, the howling against Trump would have been stellar.

Trump did the right thing.

Sure does not look like we are pulling out of the Middle East like Trump kept saying and you boys kept backing.

What's a matter fellows... Trump keep snapping off your noses every time he makes an about face? Originally Posted by WTF
And interesting how you don't accept a changing time will change the actions that need taken.
HedonistForever's Avatar
And you throw out this bullshit why? You can't actually discuss what HF said so you simply dismiss it.

There was active intelligence that this guy was planning a strike against Americans. He was taken out as a result.

But I know in your eyes, Trump was already damned if he did and damned if he didn't.

If he did, he's a killer.

If he didn't and when(not if) the next American was killed as result of inaction, the howling against Trump would have been stellar.

Trump did the right thing.

And interesting how you don't accept a changing time will change the actions that need taken. Originally Posted by eccielover

We all know by now that WTF is incapable of actual debate because he is simply to ignorant and can only muster insults.

Even the knucklehead at MSNBC had to admit it was the right move. I'll be surprised if he is ever asked his opinion again but to save himself that humiliation he had to throw in it was the wrong Commander-in-Chief making the decision. To the contrary, we now have a CIC who had the balls to do what Bush and Obama wouldn't do, kill Suliemani.

Obama campaigned on ending the wars in Afghanistan

Obama has struggled to balance his pledge of ending the war and preventing a resurgence of conflict absent an American military presence.

but circumstances just wouldn't allow it which Trump must also come to terms with. Turning over that part of the world to Iran would be no different than letting ISIS have it. We can do neither but as I have said many times before, no more of this bullshit fighting door to door, town to town. No more nation building. We kill the enemy from the air and we build a 21st century Army, Navy and Air Force to keep the barbarians at the gate and if the peoples of Iran and Iraq want to rise up ( as they are doing in small numbers now ) we will support them in any way we can unlike Obama abandoning the Iranian uprising. If they choose not to, they can live under oppression of the Mullahs. Their choice.
Chung Tran's Avatar
if the peoples of Iran and Iraq want to rise up ( as they are doing in small numbers now ) we will support them in any way we can Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I doubt that.. we can't even commit to supporting Hong Kong.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-04-2020, 03:12 PM
And you throw out this bullshit why? You can't actually discuss what HF said so you simply dismiss it.

There was active intelligence that this guy was planning a strike against Americans. He was taken out as a result.

But I know in your eyes, Trump was already damned if he did and damned if he didn't.

If he did, he's a killer.

If he didn't and when(not if) the next American was killed as result of inaction, the howling against Trump would have been stellar.

Trump did the right thing.

And interesting how you don't accept a changing time will change the actions that need taken. Originally Posted by eccielover
So let me get this're back to endless wars in the middle east?

What changed? One dead America in a country we invaded 18 years ago?

I'll tell you wtf changed....Yrump tore up an agreement that was working. Get that through your fucking head.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-04-2020, 03:19 PM
We all know by now that WTF is incapable of actual debate because he is simply to ignorant and can only muster insults.

but circumstances just wouldn't allow it which Trump must also come to terms with. Turning over that part of the world to Iran would be no different than letting ISIS have it. We can do neither but as I have said many times before, no more of this bullshit fighting door to door, town to town. No more nation building. We kill the enemy from the air and we build a 21st century Army, Navy and Air Force to keep the barbarians at the gate and if the peoples of Iran and Iraq want to rise up ( as they are doing in small numbers now ) we will support them in any way we can unlike Obama abandoning the Iranian uprising. If they choose not to, they can live under oppression of the Mullahs. Their choice. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I can debate you with one eye closed and eccieliver courting me from afar.

You sound like a 7th grader who just got a pony and bb gun. Now you're ready to conquer the Injuns!

Trump should not have gotten out of the agreement with Iran. They would be 20x better allies than the Saudies. Your naivety is showing.
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  • WTF
  • 01-04-2020, 03:21 PM
I doubt that.. we can't even commit to supporting Hong Kong. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
We can't even pay off the last these numbers want to enter another.

They act as if Iran and the Muslim world as a whole will just roll over and play dead.
winn dixie's Avatar
We can't even pay off the last these numbers want to enter another.

They act as if Iran and the Muslim world as a whole will just roll over and play dead. Originally Posted by WTF
Nuke'em till the fucking sand glows! Sorry bastards
matchingmole's Avatar
Soleimani should have been discretely sent to Belize by an Israeli hit squad...instead of broadcasting this to the whole world
HoeHummer's Avatar
Soleimani should have been discretely sent to Belize by an Israeli hit squad...instead of broadcasting this to the whole world Originally Posted by matchingmole

But that’s not Trump style, eh?
HedonistForever's Avatar
I doubt that.. we can't even commit to supporting Hong Kong. Originally Posted by Chung Tran

Uh, we did that already.

President Trump signed a bill designed to show solidarity with pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong

Which is more than Obama did. Of course we are not going to send troops to Hong Kong but our verbal support is meant to encourage the people of Hong Kong.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Well it looks like EVERYBODYS is telling Americans to get the ducks out of the Middle East. Trump’s gambit is not goings very well. With announcements overnight by Iraq (your ally, eh?), Lebanon, and others, all Americans are now considered targets throughouts the region.

Only friend yous have left is the indicted for corruptions Netanyahu.

Nuke them until the sand glows? Hopefully none of yous have family in the ME.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-05-2020, 11:10 AM
Uh, we did that already.

Which is more than Obama did. Of course we are not going to send troops to Hong Kong but our verbal support is meant to encourage the people of Hong Kong.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Nothing like verbal support. Not sure why we went to war with Germany, afterall all the Jews needed was a little verbal support!

Bay of Pigs....more verbal support!
LexusLover's Avatar
Well it looks like EVERYBODYS is telling Americans to get the ducks out of the Middle East. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
The Iraqi Parliament doesn't control the "Middle East"!

Trump didn't want to be there in the first place.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Nothing like verbal support.Not sure why we went to war with Germany, afterall all the Jews needed was a little verbal support!

Bay of Pigs....more verbal support! Originally Posted by WTF

It doesn't surprise me that you do not know why we went to war with Germany but I'm here to teach the ignorant

On 11 December 1941, four days after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the United States declaration of war against the Japanese Empire,Nazi Germany declared war against the United States

Whereas the
Government of Germany has formally declared war against the Government
and the people of the United States of America: Therefore be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled
, That the state of war between the United States and the Government of Germany which has thus been thrust upon the United States is hereby formally declared; and the President is hereby authorized and directed to employ the entire naval and military forces of the United States and the resources of the Government to carry on war against the Government of Germany; and, to bring the conflict to a successful termination

Much to our eternal shame, we turned away Jews fleeing Nazi Germany. We didn't declare war on Germany to save the Jews. When we did go to war with Germany, we weren't fully aware of the German's final solution. When the camps were liberated our soldiers were stunned by what they saw. We went to war with Germany first and foremost because they declared war on us first but also to rid the entire world of the Nazi's not just to save the Jews.