Political INcorrectness and Dems Hypocracy

You would know about seeing a pshrink, what with the staff of the asylum monitoring your every move via CCTV in your padded room ! So you NOW think that qualifies you to do an "assessment" on others ? Typical liberal. And still not denying your "job" at the glory hole !! Hope they boost the voltage on your next electroshock therapy session ! Hell , I'll even loan them a cattle prod !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
“Those who condemn a certain action or lifestyle, have a secret desire to participate in it.”

I'll bet you even have a cattle prod. Or is that what you call your secret dildo?

You got got.
“Those who condemn a certain action or lifestyle, have a secret desire to participate in it.”

I'll bet you even have a cattle prod. Or is that what you call your secret dildo?

You got got. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Sounds like more attempts by the liberal glory hole master to deflect and diffuse !! Nice try, AGAIN, at psycobabble, but us heterosexuals have no desire to "cross over to the "dark side" with you sodomites and pervs. You're SUCH a typical flaming Liberal, trying to use pizz poor psychology from your time at the asylum and those Common Core psych classes.
And you didn't "got" shit, homey. The only "getting" is by your "boys" at the men's room glory hole when they face paint you !! How many STDs is that you've got now ? Guess they know you at the free clinic on a first name basis !!
And yes I do have a cattle prod and a taser. They sure get the smart assed and smart mouthed liberals to get out of they way REAL quick when they get too close to me. It's a mistake they don't make twice, Homey !!
And I'll figure that your talk of dildoes reflects your love for having them shoved into you when you can't get your fix at the glory hole or you and your boyfriends azzup or shammy are having another one of your gay drama fests and they're holding out on you. Since your so fixated on jalapenos, get some juice from a few of those or some habaneros and rub that on your biggest favorite toy the next time right before they insert it. That ought to bring a whole new sensation to "getting the wrinkles stretched out of your balloon knot " as you homos say !! Maybe it'll kill off some of those STDs, ya walking public heath menace !!
  • shanm
  • 05-20-2015, 11:17 AM
Sounds like more attempts by the liberal glory hole master to deflect and diffuse !! Nice try, AGAIN, at psycobabble, but us heterosexuals have no desire to "cross over to the "dark side" with you sodomites and pervs. You're SUCH a typical flaming Liberal, trying to use pizz poor psychology from your time at the asylum and those Common Core psych classes. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
"Us" Heterosexuals?? By the lord, I have never heard anyone say such a thing on a public forum in my life. Anyone who would say "us" heterosexuals is obviously hiding something......
So what is it Reytard? What makes your ass itch so much that you have to deny it so vehemently and openly?
Is it that you've been sucking jalapenos at glory holes? That is pretty much all I could salvage from the wreckage of the English language you left above.

Anyways, I'm here to tell you that it's okay if you are a flaming faggot. The world is a lot more accepting now. You and your shit-pusher can come out now and suck each others dicks all day pal! We might even let you get married some places....hows that sound?
"Us" Heterosexuals?? By the lord, I have never heard anyone say such a thing on a public forum in my life. Anyone who would say "us" heterosexuals is obviously hiding something......
So what is it Reytard? What makes your ass itch so much that you have to deny it so vehemently and openly?
Is it that you've been sucking jalapenos at glory holes? That is pretty much all I could salvage from the wreckage of the English language you left above.

Anyways, I'm here to tell you that it's okay if you are a flaming faggot. The world is a lot more accepting now. You and your shit-pusher can come out now and suck each others dicks all day pal! We might even let you get married some places....hows that sound? Originally Posted by shanm
Shammy you have me confused with yourself and your lead butt buddy woomby ! If you hadn't been on your knees beside your " INsignificunt other-woomby" at the truck stop glory holes you two have staked out for your living and "contribution to society" , you would have seen a few posts back where your fudge packing friend started with the " jalapeno in the glory hole " line. I expect he didn't tell you, so that you wouldn't bet jealous and the two of you have a gay fight in the men's room of the truck stop and get thrown out for causing problems.
And as far as someone being in denial, that would be you and your INsignifcunt other woomby. Still pizzed that your "marriage" isn't recognized in all 57 states (like your hero odummer says we have !!) Guess you fudge packers will just have to stay in the closet a little longer in those states that don't abide by Sodomites like you and woomby !! And what's with you and him thinking that anyone that opposes your lifestyle has a secret desire to join it. If I oppose murder, does that mean that I secretly want to do it ? In your mind and pizz poor logic, it probably does ! You both went to the cracker jack school of psychology at the same ASSylum. Nice try at transference, but it won't work here lib !!! Go take your fantasies and frustrations out on those poor sods at the glory hole and on your INsignifiCUNT other.
Sounds like more attempts by the liberal glory hole master to deflect and diffuse !! Nice try, AGAIN, at psycobabble, but us heterosexuals have no desire to "cross over to the "dark side" with you sodomites and pervs. You're SUCH a typical flaming Liberal, trying to use pizz poor psychology from your time at the asylum and those Common Core psych classes.
And you didn't "got" shit, homey. The only "getting" is by your "boys" at the men's room glory hole when they face paint you !! How many STDs is that you've got now ? Guess they know you at the free clinic on a first name basis !!
And yes I do have a cattle prod and a taser. They sure get the smart assed and smart mouthed liberals to get out of they way REAL quick when they get too close to me. It's a mistake they don't make twice, Homey !!
And I'll figure that your talk of dildoes reflects your love for having them shoved into you when you can't get your fix at the glory hole or you and your boyfriends azzup or shammy are having another one of your gay drama fests and they're holding out on you. Since your so fixated on jalapenos, get some juice from a few of those or some habaneros and rub that on your biggest favorite toy the next time right before they insert it. That ought to bring a whole new sensation to "getting the wrinkles stretched out of your balloon knot " as you homos say !! Maybe it'll kill off some of those STDs, ya walking public heath menace !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You don't even realize that you confirm the diagnosis with every post you make. It's like you're describing your own fantasy. You scream so loud about not being gay, that you've got be at least half a gay. No one who is a confident heterosexual protests as much as you do.
  • shanm
  • 05-20-2015, 02:40 PM
Shammy you have me confused with yourself and your lead butt buddy woomby ! If you hadn't been on your knees beside your " INsignificunt other-woomby" at the truck stop glory holes you two have staked out for your living and "contribution to society" , you would have seen a few posts back where your fudge packing friend started with the " jalapeno in the glory hole " line. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Oh, my bad. In my defense, it was pretty hard to wade through your incoherent babbling.


Bravo! I see IB has trained his moronic protege well. You're a shoe in for our biggest illiterate, dumbass-retard position as soon as IB vacates it.

I expect he didn't tell you, so that you wouldn't bet jealous and the two of you have a gay fight in the men's room of the truck stop and get thrown out for causing problems.
And as far as someone being in denial, that would be you and your INsignifcunt other woomby. Still pizzed that your "marriage" isn't recognized in all 57 states (like your hero odummer says we have !!) Guess you fudge packers will just have to stay in the closet a little longer in those states that don't abide by Sodomites like you and woomby !! And what's with you and him thinking that anyone that opposes your lifestyle has a secret desire to join it. If I oppose murder, does that mean that I secretly want to do it ? In your mind and pizz poor logic, it probably does ! You both went to the cracker jack school of psychology at the same ASSylum. Nice try at transference, but it won't work here lib !!! Go take your fantasies and frustrations out on those poor sods at the glory hole and on your INsignifiCUNT other. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
No no no, Reytard. You got me all wrong. See I have no problem with people who "oppose" the gay lifestyle. My problem is with reytards who vehemently bash homos in a deliberate and pathetically obvious attempt to hide their own dick fantasizing and nut-craving tendencies.

Just look at how you capitalize the word "sodomite". Even though there is absolutely no reason to!

a little longer in those states that don't abide by Sodomites like you and woomby

Must have paid some special attention to that word, eh? Or was that the exact moment your boyfriend pushed his tool all the way in?
  • shanm
  • 05-20-2015, 02:56 PM
You don't even realize that you confirm the diagnosis with every post you make. It's like you're describing your own fantasy. You scream so loud about not being gay, that you've got be at least half a gay. No one who is a confident heterosexual protests as much as you do. Originally Posted by WombRaider
If my kid's soccer coach ever went on an epic rant against pedophilia you bet your ass I'll be reporting him IMMEDIATELY.
There is no "pizz poor" psychology involved. He might as well be handing out his grindr username.


Wonder what else that "lengua" can do.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You're a shoe in for our biggest illiterate, dumbass-retard position ... as soon as IB vacates it. Originally Posted by shanm
You'd be the shoo-in for the most illiterate, dumb-ass, retard position, shamman.
  • shanm
  • 05-20-2015, 03:11 PM
You'd be the shoo-in for the most illiterate, dumb-ass, retard position, shamman. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

shoe in
person,place,or thing that is obvious.
I B Hankering's Avatar

shoe in
person,place,or thing that is obvious. Originally Posted by shanm
You're still the shoo-in for the most illiterate, dumb-ass, retard position, shamman.

The conventional spelling of the noun meaning a sure winner is shoo-in, not shoe-in. http://grammarist.com/spelling/shoo-in/
Alternative forms[edit]
shoo in
shoe-in, shoe in (misspelling)
If my kid's soccer coach ever went on an epic rant against pedophilia you bet your ass I'll be reporting him IMMEDIATELY.
There is no "pizz poor" psychology involved. He might as well be handing out his grindr username.


Wonder what else that "lengua" can do. Originally Posted by shanm
Give one hell of a rim job, I'm betting
You're still the shoo-in for the most illiterate, dumb-ass, retard position, shamman. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Is that all you got?
Shammy you have me confused with yourself and your lead butt buddy woomby ! If you hadn't been on your knees beside your " INsignificunt other-woomby" at the truck stop glory holes you two have staked out for your living and "contribution to society" , you would have seen a few posts back where your fudge packing friend started with the " jalapeno in the glory hole " line. I expect he didn't tell you, so that you wouldn't bet jealous and the two of you have a gay fight in the men's room of the truck stop and get thrown out for causing problems.
And as far as someone being in denial, that would be you and your INsignifcunt other woomby. Still pizzed that your "marriage" isn't recognized in all 57 states (like your hero odummer says we have !!) Guess you fudge packers will just have to stay in the closet a little longer in those states that don't abide by Sodomites like you and woomby !! And what's with you and him thinking that anyone that opposes your lifestyle has a secret desire to join it. If I oppose murder, does that mean that I secretly want to do it ? In your mind and pizz poor logic, it probably does ! You both went to the cracker jack school of psychology at the same ASSylum. Nice try at transference, but it won't work here lib !!! Go take your fantasies and frustrations out on those poor sods at the glory hole and on your INsignifiCUNT other. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
With every post, you might as well just scream out that you're gay. I'm straight. Do you hear me screaming about it as you call me a homosexual or telling anyone who'll listen that I like to suck dick at gloryholes? No, because I'm secure in it. I don't need other's approval to know what my sexual orientation is. I like to fuck with idiots like you for the very reason that you've shown here; you're easy to fuck with and you go off like a roman candle and eventually show yourself for what you really are, which is a very closeted gay man. And that's ok. We live in very accepting times.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Is that all you got? Originally Posted by WombRaider
Your butt buddy was the jackass who introduced the subject, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas; you'd do well to address your ignorant comment to him.
Your butt buddy was the jackass who introduced the subject, you "#Grubered", freelance faggot, Odumbo Minion from Arkansas; you'd do well to address your ignorant comment to him.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Suck an old hobo's dirty dick, you gruberized odumbo minion from Chicago. You honor Obama and the entire chicago machine, with each day you live there.