Coed reviews, would you post your reviews in coed?

Samcro84's Avatar
I think we as review writers should have choice as to put it in Co-Ed.
googol^googol's Avatar
This seems like an interesting idea. I don't really see what value it would bring, but I also don't see that it would harm anyone if someone chose to post their description of a session in COED. (Assuming people aren't shitty. Yes, I know that assumption is sometimes a stretch.) What is even more interesting is the adamant arguments against it.

So you are suggesting a process by which the content of value that is used to sell premium memberships and fund this site and make money for the owners is derailed? Originally Posted by Whispers
Judging by the wall of ads I see on this page, I don't think premium memberships are the only source of income. Like all businesses from which I get services, I hope this site makes enough money to remain available. Past that, I am not concerned about increasing the amount of profits.

The board, as designed, serves a purpose in providing areas for reviews in different categories in the form of labeled forums. The ability to search a specific forum is a major aspect of the functionality of the information presented here. Originally Posted by Whispers
I'm with you on this one. Because the review section is the part that provides the most value to users/me, I would hope any reviews posted in COED would also be posted in the Review section to make them easily accessible through the exiting 'Reviews' sections of Showcases. But then again, no one owes me a review. A hobbyist choosing not to write a review and choosing to post one in COED are of equal (non)value to me.

If the board, as designed and presented by the owners, does not suit you why would you want to be here? Originally Posted by Whispers
This is a pretty empty argument. There are many things that I like and use but that could be improved. Just because something ain't perfect I don't quit using a serviceable product.

Why would you want to create any type of movement for information other men would want to NOT be in the areas designed FOR that information? Originally Posted by Whispers
I don't really know the answer to this question. I also don't know why anyone would be upset with where someone else chooses to post information. I don't think anyone is suggesting controlling another person's posts, moving another person's information.

While I don't see a great benefit to posting a review in COED, none of these arguments persuade me that would be harm in it. There might be fireworks and accusations and silly arguments against it like these and just general shittiness. But nothing that would hurt anyone who wasn't involved.
3daygetaway's Avatar
Possible reasons for wanting this:
*to compare perceptions from both (in good humor)
*to tell of a particularly wild and memorable experience
*to tell of a blooper (in good humor)
*to show off one’s writing chops
*to raise the bar for review writing and/or sessions

Reasons not to:
googol^googol's Avatar
Possible reasons for wanting this:
*to compare perceptions from both (in good humor)
*to tell of a particularly wild and memorable experience
*to tell of a blooper (in good humor)
*to show off one’s writing chops
*to raise the bar for review writing and/or sessions Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
All good points.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I would add that a coed review would be consensual and ok with the provider, at least I would not post one here with out it!

VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Im ok with it
What's the difference from a co-ed review vs Locker room reviews when it comes to the PA argument?
Precious_b's Avatar
So then you are speaking for the staff/ ownwership that anything resembling a review/ encounter/ recollection is not allowed in it then this thread should be done as you just settled the question.

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
He only speaks for himself.

I would add that a coed review would be consensual and ok with the provider, at least I would not post one here with out it!

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
And overall, what Whispers hasn't pointed out (probably because it would blow holes in his argument) is that it would increase post count. Which, to him, equates to $$$.