I may be an ass but....

Sir, that would be an illegal act, and I will not discuss it in public.

(and dear god don't send me a PM) Originally Posted by KCQuestor
In the case with Osama, "PM" would have to be post mortem. And since Mr. Q didn't request the glasses and shower, Enchanter's bid of $17.52 plus a six-pack might seem a steal to the right parties. Without those extras, perhaps it would come down to maybe $11.69 and 1 beer? At that rate, Enchanter, your inbox may be full pretty quickly, but hopefully there will be enough females who respond so the males can be skipped over. Anyway, since the idea is now out of the box (or closet), there's someone out there who probably has such a desire. For those with such different strokes, here's a starter:

Just in case someone mistakes Obama for Osama, here's one for them:

Thinking of all this, I believe I'm going to have to once again keep the lights out at the cabin this Halloween.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
In keeping with the whole fantasy aspect, I'll avoid Obama. Getting fucked by him is too close to reality.
lol yes, bbell, I was saying something....but don't worry, there's no test on it afterwards...

It's too bad there's not much bantering around here. I'm started to see why some of your fellow hobbiests pops their heads over on the OK side once in a while. Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
Me too. To stare at your avatar. Lol.
ss4699's Avatar
Requests and ISOs - Kansas City Metro and Kansas
This forum is the place REQUESTS AND ISO's
This forum is the place to ask for hobbying inquiries.... Originally Posted by newtotown
So in OKlahoma ladies are allowed to post. Probably the same here. Interesting concept. So would the ladies here do something like that?
Apparently not based on the lack of response
....Certainly, trust issues are present for safety sake, but there is a great tendency to error on the side of the provider, understandable if you are one. If you're on the other side of the query, then all you get is knowledge of who you won't be seeing, important if not disappointing in its own right. However, there are those ladies who know how to handle such situations with grace, though fatigue and anxiety can get the best of any of us. I'm afraid there's no talk or banter at the cabin these days. ..... Originally Posted by hughhefner
So the cabin is still there?
...Honestly, I don't see the point of guys posting threads asking who is interested in seeing them. That is why we run ads after all. So it stands to reason that any lady who is running ads, has reviews, etc, would be happy to see you. If connecting with a lady is as difficult as some men make it out to be, well, perhaps you are calling the wrong ladies..... Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Valid point, but some ladies don't do ads or specific ads. Many on both sides are unsure of extended phone conversation and that is to be understood as Stacy stated below.

...Any woman who answers explicit questions is clueless and begging to be arrested at some point. Further, it makes you sound like LE. For my part, even if you aren't LE, I still don't want to see a man who asks those questions. Eventually you are going to talk yourself right into a pair of handcuffs, and I don't want you having already seen me when that happens. That is what reviews are supposed to be for - to answer those questions before you contact a lady, and save you from having to incriminate yourself or her.
Assuming the clients have full access to the review comments, this might be good. Ladies comments and PMs could be helpful for those with limited access also. Yes, there is risk with phone calls and ad, here and other places like BP as well. Risk is part of the hobby still at this point? But keeping that level low is important for everyone!

Guys, keep it simple. You are overthinking this. Check reviews, contact well reviewed ladies with reputations for punctuality and professionalism, and you will save yourself alot of headaches.
Well stated and highly accurate, but not always easy for a horndog to do and COG has NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT FACT!

SOMEONE SUGGESTED CHAT....and a private area for KC folks to use? I checked ECCIE chat and that does not exist.

I do not see any extension for private group membership here either. A moderator my know of some options.

Some hobby sites have private groups in them, with limitied membership which could be helpful but still not everyone could get in.

Yahoo Groups might be an option, private groups could be used with required/closed membership.

And if there was a large enough group interested a small KC/KS/MO discussion PHP site could be opened without too much difficult

IF IT WAS GOING TO BE USE? Would this group actually use something like that?
Omahan's Avatar
In keeping with the whole fantasy aspect, I'll avoid Obama. Getting fucked by him is too close to reality. Originally Posted by Enchanterlingum
Originally Posted by Omahan
Double eeeeyowwwwch!

So the cabin is still there? Originally Posted by newtotown
Yes, sir, the cabin is still here. However, those evil PTB are doing their best to screw its sole inhabitant, and they have been doing an awfully good job of it. So things are even quieter than usual. It's day by day on this little piece of the frontier.