Return client etiquette

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You will occasionally run into situations where a lady may not have a website, p411 ad or showcase. So...what is her rate? It isn't posted anywhere so what is it? Granted she may have a few reviews, but you notice they show different WTF!

There is a tactful way to handle this without raising red flags for her.

Always are making a donation to her for her TIME!!!!

If you must ask her...ask her what the donation would be for an hour of her "time" and mention that you were having a difficult time finding her rate posted. She may direct you to a website where it is posted or she may just tell you.

Use tact...and be polite. Originally Posted by john353
This is the exact scenario. When I contacted her, she said that she stated the rates and asked if I was ok with it. I'm sure I could have said something about the rates in the reviews, but I didn't want to try and negotiate right off the bat and already give her a bad first impression of me, as I stated before, I have no problem paying that rate
  • 69
  • 03-02-2012, 09:54 AM
There are providers who offer discounts for return customers who write reviews. If her ad does not specifically state "no discounts" then there should be no harm in politely asking if she does....just make sure you have left a review before you do.
Or he just created problem for himself by shorting her.

This is really really bad advice. Originally Posted by SillyGirl
It's actually pretty sound advice cause if she never mentions donation don't bring it up. You can still get within the ball park of what she accepts.
DallasRain's Avatar
I wouldn't ask... If she has a price listed that's probably for a reason. Too many times I have heard too many stories where the mood goes sour after discussing prices. If anything, let her do it. Originally Posted by Shayla

I have a few repeat friends that I offer special rates to.....but that is at MY choosing...and they have earned that right after numerous dates and a special connection
Darn, Fallon, how did you come up with the "unstable" in what the OP wrote. By all accounts, the Provider in question seems like a OK Lady.
  • anita
  • 03-04-2012, 03:48 PM
Providers run specials sometimes. But you are free to ask her for a special rate, or check her out often, so you can catch her on her next special.
Don't haggle.

If thats her rate...then pay it without giving it a second thought.

You asked for "etiquette".......that is it.

If you want a lower rate, then find a provider with a lower rate. Usually, they will give a break for 2 or more hours but I would look for that in her website listings. Originally Posted by john353
Don't attempt to negotiate her rate is her rate. Get to know her and adventually she may just offer you a different rate.
cumalot's Avatar
Never, ever haggle over money, If you have to ask for a cut, then you really can't afford it and you will not have a good time anyways. Always, always tip....
It's actually pretty sound advice cause if she never mentions donation don't bring it up. You can still get within the ball park of what she accepts. Originally Posted by acp5762
No this is still wrong. You pay the rate or you get no pussy.

Unless of course you are suggesting that any provider should be grateful for what the client has determined she should receive. I didn't see where you are, I'm guessing Texas. You might get away with that is a super saturated market but you should stop telling people this is an acceptable behavior.
It's actually pretty sound advice cause if she never mentions donation don't bring it up. You can still get within the ball park of what she accepts. Originally Posted by acp5762
Sound advice? That is shady as hell and I'm willing to bet will eventually lead to hard feelings even if she doesn't mention it. I have never asked for a discount but if someone does want one they should at least have the balls to ask rather than using such a cowardly method.