Ms sexy hollywood

Oh don't be like that. I have met some good hobbyist from the board. I am not putting all hobbyist in a box, that is unfair. It is some treasures lurking on the board. They just don't actively post.

It is fair to say that the men out-number the women on this board. Lately some the not so nice men are running off the providers. What will happen when the next not so nice gentlemen runs off your favorite sweetie. And you are digging through the trenches trying to figure out where the hell did she go.

Hmm yes i saw that Venom apologized. Mighty kind of him.....kudos....
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I hope no one runs off my favorite. I really only have one. She is pretty tough though.

Thanks lisa.
Rekcasxt, each of us is entitled to our opinion: the ladies if they wish to put us on a dns list and we as hobbyists have the same option, and we tend to vote with our wallets. Venom shot himself in the foot and then proceeded to shoot the other one. This thread should be a primer for "SELF POSTED ALERTS"!!! I don't agree that all of us are being painted with the same brush. I think that some need to vent and Venom has given them prime time to do it.
No, I am not PW. Y'all know me better than that! Originally Posted by Gentleman
Thank you. Agreed. And I would ask that anyone offended by my post re-read this section...

I hope this will be a lesson to all. Why is venom being slammed so hard? Because of the utter lack of civility from so many hobbyists on these boards. (Not if you can stand proudly behind your conduct, then don't get all defensive, please. And thanks to those who are able to consistently be gentlemen here rather than claiming they are so different in person.) Originally Posted by CaseyTaylor
rekcaSxT, you are right--I was NOT venting. I was making a carefully considered point. Discussions are an intelectual excercise, whereas venting is emotional.

These are some of the statements you made in your post:
  • I would like to see proof that women are not valued in participating in RECENT threads on this site.
  • Rather than cackling like a bunch of hens, change your ways.
  • In this thread we have providers telling hobbyists how to act, but who tells providers how to act?
  • ...walk a mile in our shoes, and let us tell you a thing or two.
  • This thread has become a dogpile on a hobbyist and hobbyists in general.
And I would not describe the "apology" post as an actual apology. It was more an attempt to save face.

This board exists for the free exchange of useful information. And hobbyists need it to know where to spend their money. Providers need it to advertise. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
This is where you are wrong, in part. This board also exists for a community of people to have some fun and interact with each other. Something that has fallen by the wayside, because of the need some hobbyists feel to put providers in their place. Sadly, your defensive reaction only serves to bolster my argument. I hope you think differently upon reflection.

No hard feelings...ok?


Here is a short recent thread to illustrate my point that "The result has been a devolution from civility to a mob mentality."
rekcaSxT's Avatar
This is where you are wrong, in part. This board also exists for a community of people to have some fun and interact with each other. Something that has fallen by the wayside, because of the need some hobbyists feel to put providers in their place. Sadly, your defensive reaction only serves to bolster my argument. I hope you think differently upon reflection.

No hard feelings...ok?

Casey Originally Posted by CaseyTaylor
The board exists for that reason too. But the free exchange of information is the MAIN reason we are all here.

No hard feelings at all, but I am going to continue to post my opinions.

I am pro-hobbyist. Which to me means I am here to share information with fellow hobbyists, that is my main goal and purpose for being here. I WILL engage in coed discussions, and do so cordially with males and females. But I am not going to break out the ukulele and propose singing Kum Ba Ya every time there is a dissagreement. And I will not let my fellow hobbyists get beaten up for no good reason.

Casey you were right it wasn't really an apology.

To venom, you were out of line and a formal apology is warranted.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
Was that the correct link? I didn't see anything too inflamitory on there. Karma was being silly as usual, and the gents posting were having a good laugh about the "facebook style" picture.

Big deal.

I think maybe you just have thin skin. And as Jenn posted, that's not good to have in your position.

  • Logic
  • 03-28-2010, 08:13 PM
I didnt shoot myself in the foot!!!!... I just got done looking at the showcases of most of the women that are up in arms about my opinion. Um...Find new professions cause yall were already on my DNS list, seems like the ugly ones or the old out dated POA always has something they need to vent about. I will always have my regs thats all i need, i just look on here to see if there is any "NEW" talent i can sink my fangs into!! Not the old washed up shit!! Good day!

( Moderator note: Check your PM, sir. OS )
All I know is if every provider dog-piled on me all at once, I'd generate more excitement pee than you'd get from a kennel full of Yorkies.

Proceed at your own risk, ladies. Originally Posted by Carl
Love it!

A el le gusta el café. A mí me gusta el té. Originally Posted by Carl
Love it!

Damn, Carl...I think I'm smitten for your kitten!

I didnt shoot myself in the foot!!!!... I just got done looking at the showcases of most of the women that are up in arms about my opinion. Um...Find new professions cause yall were already on my DNS list, seems like the ugly ones or the old out dated POA always has something they need to vent about. I will always have my regs thats all i need, i just look on here to see if there is any "NEW" talent i can sink my fangs into!! Not the old washed up shit!! Good day! Originally Posted by Venom
Alert! Alert!
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I posted twice in a row... Look up.
Yes, I missed it the first time. No, I don't have thin skin. And pro-hobbyist needn't mean anti-provider! Venom was getting beat up and for good reason. It seems we may have come to a meeting of the minds, of sorts, and I thank you for that.

I didnt shoot myself in the foot!!!!... I just got done looking at the showcases of most of the women that are up in arms about my opinion. Um...Find new professions cause yall were already on my DNS list, seems like the ugly ones or the old out dated POA always has something they need to vent about. I will always have my regs thats all i need, i just look on here to see if there is any "NEW" talent i can sink my fangs into!! Not the old washed up shit!! Good day! Originally Posted by Venom

I didnt shoot myself in the foot!!!!... I just got done looking at the showcases of most of the women that are up in arms about my opinion. Um...Find new professions cause yall were already on my DNS list, seems like the ugly ones or the old out dated POA always has something they need to vent about. I will always have my regs thats all i need, i just look on here to see if there is any "NEW" talent i can sink my fangs into!! Not the old washed up shit!! Good day!

( Moderator note: Check your PM, sir. OS ) Originally Posted by Venom


I was going to go off on you, but then after I thought about it and decided NOT to take that long trip to your level.

I feel sorry for you, that you don't truly understand what some ladies were saying to you. The fact that you had to come back and attack us shows your true colors. I look at the showcases all the time, I have a love of the female body and beauty. I did go and look at the ladies who have posted, but I didn't see what you did. See, I get to know some of these ladies from our powder room, get to know their personalities and that is what makes them even better looking to me.

I could insult you with something like, "I may be getting old (turning 32 in a mth) and yeah, maybe I'm not your cup of tea (not ugly, but I will say cute), but YOU'RE the one P4P." But, I won't do that because its not worth it for me to do so.

So, you dear sir have a wonderful week.

P.S. You'd make a good lab rat for me study sometime (I'm going to begin my PhD program for abnormal psych).
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 03-29-2010, 12:15 AM
Damn, Carl...I think I'm smitten for your kitten! Originally Posted by CaseyTaylor
Just trying to be clear so there's no miscommunication.

When you say you like my kitty, you are aware that I'm not a woman, right?

Granted, I'm not the most masculine tool in the shed (that honor would probably go to that bearded little prick, Bob Vila) and there may be an unsuccessful ongoing search party to locate my wiener wherever it may have disappeared to. But I do, in fact, have a Y chromosome lying around here, somewhere.

Not that there's anything wrong with it, if you're especially fond of women in a less than platonic manner.

I may be a puss. It's just that I don't have one on me.
  • Logic
  • 03-29-2010, 01:03 AM
Uh....ok! All i know is $ Talks!!
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 03-29-2010, 01:41 AM
Yeah, but sometimes it develops Tourette's Syndrome.