Oh the tears being shed

I heard his new show all last night. Began about 1115 and stopped around 418 am. It was great. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Well sounds like you're a potential fan.
texassapper's Avatar
Well sounds like you're a potential fan. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You never know... Reagan and Trump both started out as Democrats... maybe he will undergo a religious conversion too?
Well sounds like you're a potential fan. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Absolutely. His silence is deafening. Enjoying it though.
Precious_b's Avatar
Come on now, Salty. Don't leave us all hanging with your breaking news. Are TWK and the rest of your fellow pgh/WV far right wing dudes your "insiders" about Fucker C's next possible gig? Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
Gotta be wac announcing he's gonna be tuckpad manager for his run at being prez.

Anyone seen Tucker’s new show. Listened to it all night last night. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
wac will post it on the tucky hour thread.
Absolutely. His silence is deafening. Enjoying it though. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
That's good enjoy it.
Precious_b's Avatar
John Cage already has him beat there Lev.
Who’s next to get the axe at Fox. Maria and Jeannine have been oddly subdued since the firing.
JamesBond's Avatar
I know most do not like to look at facts since Biden took over:

1) Three regional banks default! How does this help America?
2) 7 million immigrants have crossed border. How does this help America? Taxpayers? School districts? Social services?
3) Three embassy’s have been evacuated. How does this help Americans?
4) Pushing transgender in schools. How does this help Americans? This is from same people that said follow the science on COVID. The same people that said gay rights are due because you’re born with a certain sexual attraction. But, now we are not to believe in chromosome at birth to determine male and female, but it is fluid? The same people that don’t allow kids to get tattoos before 18 can change their sex. Can someone tell me how this makes sense? Make a case for it. Why? How? Don’t say hater, racist, bigot bullshit. Make an argument on why?
5) Force COVID shots…that went away when data proved everyone didn’t need and there is a risk to getting the vaccine. The risk maybe small on getting the shot, but there was a risk not shared with public. It is the same small risk that is associated with not getting the shot, but we forced those to get the shot. My doctor even changed his tune after I got COVID three times with no symptoms and antibodies elevated to fight virus. He said some have different DNA that shot may not be needed. Yet we force everyone to get a shot that has a risk associated with it. Again, why?

This is only some hot topics that makes no sense. Don’t let the media tell you what you should believe. Whether that is Tucker or Lemmon. What do your eyes tell you? Why is someone’s manifesto released and another’s is not? It is probably because one fits a narrative and the other doesn’t!
... Hear Hear! ... I surely agree, mate.

And FOX-News does discuss the very topics you mention
each and every day...

No tears here - just some laughter as FOX struggles
to find prime time viewers.

#### Salty