Four Swedish Cops show American cops how it's done

  • shanm
  • 04-26-2015, 04:11 PM
What about other being charge with accessory to attempted murder?
Tampering with evidence?
Look like you have motive + evidence? Originally Posted by mikeA77
Cjohnny54 money still not found? how??
I agree that when it happens it should be dealt with by the courts. The problem I see with many is the jumping to conclusions long before the facts are known. Michael Brown is the perfect example. Trevon Martin is another example even though it did not involve a cop. Many jumped to the conclusion that GZ was guilty of stalking TM and shooting him in cold blood. A 15 second video doesn't show the entire scene and for you and many others to automatically assume that the police are wrong and that it must be because they are racist is part of the problem. I take it by your post that you are black. You say you treat the police with respect. Have they ever pulled you out of your car and whipped your ass just for the hell of it? Probably not. Treating the police with common courtesy and not doing stupid shit will go a long way to solving the problems. Originally Posted by Budman
I agree, but it's that much harder to do when you have to put up with bullshit that white people don't have to. I'm not black, not sure why you thought my post said that. I'm a minority though, I'm hispanic. Not going to be the minority for long though. Viva La Raza!
Budman's Avatar
I agree, but it's that much harder to do when you have to put up with bullshit that white people don't have to. I'm not black, not sure why you thought my post said that. I'm a minority though, I'm hispanic. Not going to be the minority for long though. Viva La Raza! Originally Posted by WombRaider

It's kind of a catch 22. The thing is you only have control over how you act. Control that and you have a much higher chance of walking away from any encounter with the police. I've had run ins with the law and I've been arrested before. Never have I been a loud mouth prick to the cops. Doing that can only make your situation worse. You can't outrun the radio or a bullet. The cops will most likely catch you and when they do don't whine that you got your ass kicked. You can always say the cops shouldn't have whipped you but damn it you shouldn't have run. Try using your brains and treat these guys with common courtesy.

FYI: I'm not referring to you specifically.