That Black Lesbian Basketball star imprisoned in Russia for drug smuggling has been freed in exchange for a dangerous terrorist and arms dealer and they left behind the American who has been in Russian Prison for 4 years

tman1847's Avatar

He is an ex Marine. Convicted of something...I can't remember what. You can look it up for me.

He was taken under the Trump administration. Why didn't Trump get him?

This is a nothingburger...

You go to put yourself in harms way.

Bottom line....I don't give a fuck who they swap or even if they decide not to swap.

I will make fun of you fucking parrots who just now are bringing up this Marine who has been in jail since 2018???

So get the fuck outta here with your phoney outrage. Just admit you're a Tucker pawn or Hannity pawn. Just repeating their bs.

How about an electable candidate and he can swap for dumbasses who get arrested in foriegn countries.

Until then change your diapers and stfu with this nonsense. Originally Posted by WTF

If you did any research you know Trump got 35+ captives released without any prisoner exchanges. But that doesn't matter when your only interested in increasing your post total with stupid responses and trying to defend your worthless president

Maybe Griner will send you and Joe one of her used strap-on to use as a pacifier
tman1847's Avatar
You gotta love it when the trumpys start a thread bashing Biden and end up getting their azz kicked into the gutter swamp again n again n again...
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
What you gotta love is you 19% er's trying to defend worthless Biden while 81% of the country understand he's a failure
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-09-2022, 04:58 PM
If you did any research you know Trump got 35+ captives released without any prisoner exchanges. r Originally Posted by tman1847
Does that count the retard from North Korea who was stealing souvenirs?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

He is an ex Marine. Convicted of something...I can't remember what. You can look it up for me.

He was taken under the Trump administration. Why didn't Trump get him?

This is a nothingburger...

You go to put yourself in harms way.

Bottom line....I don't give a fuck who they swap or even if they decide not to swap.

I will make fun of you fucking parrots who just now are bringing up this Marine who has been in jail since 2018???

So get the fuck outta here with your phoney outrage. Just admit you're a Tucker pawn or Hannity pawn. Just repeating their bs.

How about an electable candidate and he can swap for dumbasses who get arrested in foriegn countries.

Until then change your diapers and stfu with this nonsense. Originally Posted by WTF

an ex-marine who was discharged with the second worst non-honorable discharge you can get. there are only two types of marines. former marines and ex-marines. see the difference?

After a court-martial conviction in January 2008 on multiple counts "related to larceny", he was sentenced to 60 days restriction, reduction to pay grade E-4, and a bad conduct discharge.[9][10] The specific charges against him included "attempted larceny, three specifications of dereliction of duty, making a false official statement, wrongfully using another’s social security number, and ten specifications of making and uttering checks without having sufficient funds in his account for payment."[11]

doesn't mean he really was spying. doesn't mean he wasn't either. we'll never know the truth because we are dealing with Russia.

He just sold weapons...probably a big 2nd amendment guy.

I haven't read where he personally killed any Americans.

Maybe you can point me to that fact.

While your at it...please tell me when you want the Federal Government to restrict gun sales. Originally Posted by WTF

he just sold weapons. a wonderful way to look at it. if one of your relatives had been killed with one of those weapons who would you blame? the person who fired the weapon certainly, but not blame the person that supplied illegally that weapon?

He was charged with terrorism offences that included conspiracy to acquire and use an anti-aircraft missile, conspiracy to provide material support or resources to a designated foreign terrorist organisation, conspiracy to kill US nationals, and conspiracy to kill United States officers or employees. The US military was attacking the Colombian rebel group as part of Plan Colombia. None of the alleged crimes were committed in the US.[66]
tman1847's Avatar
Does that count the retard from North Korea who was stealing souvenirs? Originally Posted by WTF
I think it does, Trump got him out even though he voted for Obama. Barrack asked him to pick up a souvenir for him
adav8s28's Avatar
According to the wiki link in post #34. Whelan went to Russia to attend a wedding with $80,000. He spent a day alone instead of with wedding party and met with some Russian who gave him a list of some classified information. This is why he is still over there. I take back what I wrote in a prior post, that there should have been a two for one. I did not know that he had a dishonorable discharge from the Marines. This explains why he has not been saved by either Trump or Biden. Whelan is going to have to do his time, whatever that is.
According to the wiki link in post #34. Whelan went to Russia to attend a wedding with $80,000. He spent a day alone instead of with wedding party and met with some Russian who gave him a list of some classified information. This is why he is still over there. I take back what I wrote in a prior post, that there should have been a two for one. I did not know that he had a dishonorable discharge from the Marines. This explains why he has not been saved by either Trump or Biden. Whelan is going to have to do his time, whatever that is. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Do you find it odd that no News Outlet mentions the exact circumstances of Whelen’s incarceration?

Everybody on TV kept calling Griner a Hostage.They leave out the part where she was caught at the airport, (like thousands of others every year through out the World), attempting to smuggle something into a Country that has specific laws against such actions.
adav8s28's Avatar
Do you find it odd that no News Outlet mentions the exact circumstances of Whelen’s incarceration?

Everybody on TV kept calling Griner a Hostage.They leave out the part where she was caught at the airport, (like thousands of others every year through out the World), attempting to smuggle something into a Country that has specific laws against such actions. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie S, why did Whelan take $80,000 in cash to attend a wedding? I don't think the Wiki is lying about that. This guy was convicted of cashing checks with insufficient funds, while in the Marines. I think that Whelan thought he could outsmart the KGB and it backfired.

Again, citizens of Russia who get caught doing the same thing that Griner did do not have to go a penal colony to do hard labor with stale food.

It sounds to me like the Whelan guy was up to no good. I don't think the wiki is lying.

Good job President Biden for bringing Griner home. He made the right call. Hopefully, she has learned her lesson. Griner and her SO should be able to enjoy their 3000 sq ft home on Griner's $300,000 salary to play basketball in the girls professional league. She should not go overseas to play in any other league. Especially since she is not good at packing her luggage.
Jackie S, why did Whelan take $80,000 in cash to attend a wedding? I don't think the Wiki is lying about that. This guy was convicted of cashing checks with insufficient funds, while in the Marines. I think that Whelan thought he could outsmart the KGB and it backfired.

Again, citizens of Russia who get caught doing the same thing that Griner did do not have to go a penal colony to do hard labor with stale food.

It sounds to me like the Whelan guy was up to no good. I don't think the wiki is lying.

Good job President Biden for bringing Griner home. He made the right call. Hopefully, she has learned her lesson. Griner and her SO should be able to enjoy their 3000 sq ft home on Griner's $300,000 salary to play basketball in the girls professional league. She should not go overseas to play in any other league. Especially since she is not good at packing her luggage. Originally Posted by adav8s28
I tend to disagree with your last analysis of what Griner will do. I think she will resort right back to her previous ways as an ungrateful entity, oblivious to the fact that she has a better life than 99.9% of the people on the Planet.

I did get a chuckle out of your last sentence.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-10-2022, 12:32 PM

he just sold weapons. a wonderful way to look at it. if one of your relatives had been killed with one of those weapons who would you blame? the person who fired the weapon certainly, but not blame the person that supplied illegally that weapon?

-66"][66][/URL] Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
We're you a lawyer for the Sandy Hook kids?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
According to the wiki link in post #34. Whelan went to Russia to attend a wedding with $80,000. He spent a day alone instead of with wedding party and met with some Russian who gave him a list of some classified information. This is why he is still over there. I take back what I wrote in a prior post, that there should have been a two for one. I did not know that he had a dishonorable discharge from the Marines. This explains why he has not been saved by either Trump or Biden. Whelan is going to have to do his time, whatever that is. Originally Posted by adav8s28

which is why i posted it. many didn't know Whelan is a disgraced ex-marine, not a former marine. actually a bad conduct discharge, not quite as bad as a dishonorable but close enough.

the reports he had 80,000 in cash, a rather suspicious amount to travel with, are probably credible since the outlet reporting it was founded by Mikhail Khodorkovsky, not exactly someone likely to promote Russian propaganda. for those who might not recognize the name, he's the Russian oligarch who crossed Putin and got thrown in jail for about a decade before Putin finally let him out.

it's possible Whelan was setup by FSB as it was reported they showed up immediately after his FSB friend did.

it's also what he gets for cultivating a FSB contact in the first place. and was that 80k really to buy the info on that flashdrive?

Griner's situation is far less complex than Whelan's. she's basically a victim of her own bad judgement however in the US her offense would be a fine. in Russia it's 9 years. would the average Russian get 9 years? probably not however Russia is very harsh on that type of crime, far harsher than the US.

clearly Griner was given a harsh sentence length as leverage for a deal. without one she'd do every day of that 9 years as i'm pretty sure Russia doesn't give early release for good behavior and parole is all but impossible to get.

these exchanges are typically one for one so it was unlikely Whelan was going to bundled with Griner for Bout.

Russia is willing to release Whelan however what they are asking for isn't within the US's ability to give. according to new reports in the wake of the exchange with Griner they want a Russian officer currently held in Germany on murder charges and Germany won't allow it.

Moscow wanted Russian colonel jailed on murder charges released for Paul Whelan: report

Russia reportedly asked U.S. authorities to help free a Russian spy imprisoned for murder in Germany in exchange for releasing wrongfully detained ex-Marine Paul Whelan.

American officials told CNN on Friday that they shared multiple other options for the trade but that the Kremlin would only consider former colonel Vadim Krasikov, who is serving a life sentence.

The German government was unwilling to cooperate with the U.S. to free Krasikov, according to contacts on both sides.

Russia and the U.S. agreed on Thursday to exchange WNBA player Brittney Griner, sentenced to nine years for carrying illegal cannabis oil, for Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout, who is a decade into his 25-year prison sentence for conspiring to murder Americans.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
well. the plot thickens ....
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-10-2022, 06:15 PM
well. the plot thickens .... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
How so?

Question...Why didn't Trump get him released?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How so?

Question...Why didn't Trump get him released? Originally Posted by WTF

Griner has constantly played the woke lezzo black "Racist America" card. wouldn't surprise me you actually believe America is systemically racist. just poking at ya, i know you do, you've said so. and you are as wrong as the woke mob.

unlike Biden, Trump isn't going to give up a person like Bout for a cunt like Griner. Bout should never have been swapped for anyone.

you like to "quick post" without actually thinking about it first. try google.

Brittney Griner’s “Hate” Comment on America Haunts the WNBA Star After USA Trades Arms Dealer Viktor Bout for Her Release
Precious_b's Avatar

Again, citizens of Russia who get caught doing the same thing that Griner did do not have to go a penal colony to do hard labor with stale food.

... Originally Posted by adav8s28
A simple search of Russian statutes will show for the amount she had they applied a sledge hammer to gnat approach. Punishment definitely did not fit the crime. But this is par for course with the current regime.