suspense, anticipation, and the IOP

OldGrump's Avatar
Oh my, I see a session between Tony and Jules in the future. Start of with a bit of spark and....
Usual Suspects? Here I am! Shall I respond to yet again another of PrettyFuckingFabulous' personal blog posts? Will I get some more strangely worded self defensive attack psychobabble and an offer of free blowjobs? Who knows? Who cares? This is the new AADD ECCIE where self promotion, personal blogging, drama and sock puppet reviews are the order of the day!

Remember participation is optional for all parties involved. PrettyFuckingMarvelous needs only to contribute hot air, which, like dog farts, can be, just like me, ignored!

Usual Suspects? Here I am! Shall I respond to yet again another of PrettyFuckingFabulous' personal blog posts? Will I get some more strangely worded self defensive attack psychobabble and an offer of free blowjobs? Who knows? Who cares? This is the new AADD ECCIE where self promotion, personal blogging, drama and sock puppet reviews are the order of the day!

Remember participation is optional for all parties involved. PrettyFuckingMarvelous needs only to contribute hot air, which, like dog farts, can be, just like me, ignored!

Enjoy! Originally Posted by phildo
Interesting, but its a nonanswer in relation to the posed question. Speaking of which I don't often see questions posed in blogs.
I gotta stop reading this site while eating lunch... Nearly choked on my food after reading Jules' and 3Pecks' posts...LMAO
It's a typo for good. Posting on a phone is a pain in the ass. Originally Posted by pfmtony
Don't you proof read? Thought you did that at the Ft Worth Startlegram...
Just kidding...pfmtony doesn't work there.
Tony, sorry the bashing happens even when you post a reasonable topic. It's just the way it is around here (apparently). I just take it for what it's worth and yes, I have seasoned thick skin and a hard head. Half of my posts are crap anyway, so how can I complain?

On the short-term appointment notice vs long term and the results, I've had a mixed bag on that one. Usually I like to plan things out a few days in advance just to ensure I'm able to meet and I don't expect a great deal of messaging about it (only a confirmation) the day or night before. On the IOP or whatever passes for it, I just take it for what it's worth and mix better with some providers over others. I'm pretty picky and only see a few providers and branch out slowly, so my experience on that versus the very prolific guys seeing 30+ providers is limited.

Like you, I don't do provider reviews and have no intention to. I don't mind catching grief for not doing them from other hobbyists but then again...most of what I read in reviews is either fabrication (sex exploit BS), lame (she's the best ever) crap, or as we see trending around here lately some reviews are disputed by the provider in Co-Ed, so at the end of the day the net value and integrity of reviews is diminished anyway. Somewhere in them are shreds of truth, it's just hard to find it sometimes.

Have fun and don't let this place get to you. It's supposed to be fun, sometimes quirky, plenty of drama (repeating itself over and over) and in the middle of it all there's some very pretty, decent and good people hiding around here.
Being new I'm figuring out what I like, don't like and the list of ladies I will see is shrinking fast. I still have a few to meet, but not many. I will be done meeting after the new year most likely.
PrettyFuckingMarvelous there is a direct answer to your question which, unfortunately, can only be derived from experience. That being said, like answers to many of the questions about behaviors on either side of the equation here, it is ambigous. The answer is that it is ALWAYS a crap shoot. Are repeat visits always better? Obviously not in your last experience. Is a feature length run-up always going to produce a great session? Not always. Because shit happens. You could be the cutest cuddliest shaved nutsack boy in town and if she gets a phone call from (insert life here) and her attitude goes down the shitter while you're parking your car, hitting the Binaca spray and yanking that one random nose hair thinking Cinderella is moments away, you're fucked. Probably not the way you'd like to be. If you're looking for a formula, there isn't one, long term. What worked with Madam X last week may not work for Madam Y this week. It's also certain that neither of them will respond exactly the same way to your advances on successive attempts or encounters.

Example: I read where you claimed to have an SO. Judging by your (almost) stated age she probably hasn't hit menopause. Which means week to week or day to day or even hour to hour what was, isn't any more. Did you get that? At lunch you called and said "seafood" and she said "OK". You get home she says "Seafood's too greasy". So is seafood out, or just greasy food? The wimmin here are, after all, wimmin. If you have a formula for dealing with that shit AND being on target 100% of the time, fucking print it.

No? Your answer then is "sometimes", "maybe". What you like and don't like is WALDT, what you can consistently "expect" is "something different". I went to see a provider based on her pics and rep. I went in "expecting" one thing, with plenty of communication, and getting something completely different but amazing anyway. It was in a review. Oh, that's right...sorry, we'll never know what wimmin rocked and what wimmin fizzled and what your true expectations and disappointments were so there's really no helping you anyway except in the most general of terms. Too bad. If you're really boning your way to New Years we could all use the input.
rcinokc's Avatar
PrettyFuckingMarvelous there is a direct answer to your question which, unfortunately, can only be derived from experience. That being said, like answers to many of the questions about behaviors on either side of the equation here, it is ambigous. The answer is that it is ALWAYS a crap shoot. Are repeat visits always better? Obviously not in your last experience. Is a feature length run-up always going to produce a great session? Not always. Because shit happens. You could be the cutest cuddliest shaved nutsack boy in town and if she gets a phone call from (insert life here) and her attitude goes down the shitter while you're parking your car, hitting the Binaca spray and yanking that one random nose hair thinking Cinderella is moments away, you're fucked. Probably not the way you'd like to be. If you're looking for a formula, there isn't one, long term. What worked with Madam X last week may not work for Madam Y this week. It's also certain that neither of them will respond exactly the same way to your advances on successive attempts or encounters.

Example: I read where you claimed to have an SO. Judging by your (almost) stated age she probably hasn't hit menopause. Which means week to week or day to day or even hour to hour what was, isn't any more. Did you get that? At lunch you called and said "seafood" and she said "OK". You get home she says "Seafood's too greasy". So is seafood out, or just greasy food? The wimmin here are, after all, wimmin. If you have a formula for dealing with that shit AND being on target 100% of the time, fucking print it.

No? Your answer then is "sometimes", "maybe". What you like and don't like is WALDT, what you can consistently "expect" is "something different". I went to see a provider based on her pics and rep. I went in "expecting" one thing, with plenty of communication, and getting something completely different but amazing anyway. It was in a review. Oh, that's right...sorry, we'll never know what wimmin rocked and what wimmin fizzled and what your true expectations and disappointments were so there's really no helping you anyway except in the most general of terms. Too bad. If you're really boning your way to New Years we could all use the input. Originally Posted by phildo
That is a great answer to your original question. As much fun as it is to have that connection that makes your time with a provider memorable one of the absolute rules is that Mileage Will Vary. Not only provider to provider, but session to session with the same provider. It's just part of the game.
pmdelites's Avatar
...So EN, do you actually have an opinion on the topic? Are you man enough to share it? Originally Posted by pfmtony
"Man enough" to share my thoughts on whether to book well in advance or just wing it? ... Here goes.....

I've discerned no appreciable difference between same day appointments and appointments booked with greater notice in terms of the quality of the session. All sessions have thus far been great, regardless of the amount of prior notice given.

Whew! That was scary. But I suddenly feel better. It's as if the weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders now that I've shared my thoughts on the subject. Originally Posted by eccienewbie
at first i was going to say you didnt share your feelings.
but then i reread tony's question and read where he just wanted to know if you'd share your opinions.

so, eccienewbie, your "man" status is still solid - no sharing of feelings.

if anyone wants to flirt, chat, or make small requests with a provider, go ahead.
if anyone doesnt wants to, fine.
it's your time, your decision.

i dont necessarily flirt w/ a provider ahead of the appt, whether day off or days/weeks before.
i might, however, request she wear a particular outfit [or nothing at all] or a role play situation, ask if she wants some treats [beverages, fruit, chocolate, etc.], or ask what she'd like to do w/ me or to me or have done to her, music to listen to, etc.
i dont call that flirting, more like communicating so that she knows what i'm looking for in the encounter.
all with the intent of doing what we can to make the encounter as deliteful as possible.

now as to "a link between.anticipation, suspense, and passion" - it all depends on the woman and me. i've have deliteful meetings that were scheduled 1-2 weeks in advance as well as hours in advance. i've also had terrible meetings that were scheduled 1-2 weeks in advance as well as hours in advance.

several times, i've scheduled w/ a woman who i had never visited w/ before [due diligance completed = good reviews, interesting posts, etc.]. then several days prior, we chatted in eccie chat about what she liked, what i liked, what sort of outfits she had and liked, what she liked to drink, etc. in three cases, when i got there, it was like she had never been in the chat. the provided services did not include what she said she liked, she wore clothes that werent very sexy or eye-stimulating, she wondered why i brought what i did. in short, the visits were less than deliteful. who knows why. i just know i didnt add any of them to my gvha list.

on the other side, i've scheduled w/ a woman and was at her place w/in the day. and because we had consulted before, she knew what i liked and did her usual in providing an extremely deliteful meeting.

it just all depends.
plan for the less than deliteful and hope for the most deliteful.
do that and if it's less than deliteful, you can just chalk it up to experience.

good luck, tony!
your probably bugging the fuck out of the provider without even knowing if your personality on this forum is the same in real life. Just my 0.2cents Originally Posted by dallastxbaby
I think I may know him in real life. He comes into the strip clubs on a regular basis looking for a girlfriend. Hhmm, I wonder how he ventured onto this site.
pmdelites's Avatar
That is a great answer to your original question. As much fun as it is to have that connection that makes your time with a provider memorable one of the absolute rules is that Mileage MUST Vary. Not only provider to provider, but session to session with the same provider. It's just part of the game. Originally Posted by rcinokc
actually, i reworded it.
because tony, you arent me or rcinokc or phildo or eccienewbie or any of the other guys here in eccieland.
and because you arent, you cannot [always or once] have the exact same experience as any of us.
so, it MUST be different.

both phildo and rcinokc have stated it very well.
it is always a roll of the dice, no matter the provider, the date, the place, the client.

i've visited w/ some providers that had rave reviews from many guys whose reviews i think are pretty on-the-level. sometimes, i've had a similar deliteful experience. sometimes, i've asked afterwords, "who the heck where they reviewing? cos that sure wasnt her!"

i've visited w/ a provider who i had visited many times before and boom!! something in her changed and it was less deliteful than previous visits.

i visited a woman recently and the entire time leading up to, during, and after the appt was filled w/ delays, phone calls, gotta cut this short, pls come back and see me.
was i angry, pissed, willing to drag her name thru the mud?? NO.
was i dissappointed, upset, disgruntled? YES.
should i have cancelled at the first sign of delay? in hindsight Yes.
but i'm not going to let it ruin my day or swear me off consulting w/ providers.

so, i'll say it again.
it just all depends.
plan for the less than deliteful and hope for the most deliteful.
do that and if it's less than deliteful, you can just chalk it up to experience.
cos all you can control is who you are and what you do.
Okay so one thing I've noticed in my short hobby life is that there is a link between.anticipation, suspense, and passion. When I book in advance, flirt a little extra, chat it up a bit, make a few small requests, etc. things always go better. When I look fir something short notice, am stressed about things, have no lead in flirting things are not all that great.

I was booked ahead for over a week today. She had to cancel for very hood reasons and i will see her soon. I could tell it was going to be fun. So I got really bummed and tried making it up short notice with someone else today and fizzled... No fireworks, no magic and little IOP. Crazy thing is with the same lady two weeks ago it was crazy hot passionate and wild. She even hinted that for the lady suspense and flirting leading up to the day help her enjoy it more too.

So from now on no more short notice dates for Tony, unless its her idea. I had one of those at 7am once and it was hot.

Anyone else have similar experiences? I am always better if the gal is into it too. Do other ladies appreciate the prebooking and some mild flirting leading up to the date? I've found out i sure do. Originally Posted by pfmtony
There is something to be said for "studying" a lady you want to see. I wouldn't think that happens with girls ya just book last minute. It is one of the highest forms of flattery, imo, when I know a guy has done his research on me. It makes me want to go that much more out of the way to please him. Not saying booking on short notice deserves any less than the best, but the build can make for more intense connections.
Thanks to everyone that shared. PMdelites, you are 100% correct that mileage varies that's one of the reasons I don't do reviews. Yes we all have our ups and downs and so do the ladies. YMWV I agree 100%. But being a mathematical asshole, I'm going to study the possibilities for the variance and try to eliminate it.
berkleigh's Avatar
Unicorn Tears is all I have to say LOL