
Almost forgot that you are so far gone yer a feel the bern guy....
It was his idea to support the Mujahideen against the Russians. In the late 80's the Taliban and Al-Qaeda came out of that group. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
The Mujahideen were led by Osama Bin Laden. After they booted out the Ruskies thanks to US Green Beret & Special Forces help, Osama changed their name to Al-Qaeda. Osama and AQ hated the Taliban and counted on Reagan, Cheney and Rummy promises of 20 BILLIONS in US dollars and aid and that the USA would help their PAL Osama defeat the Taliban. BUT BUT BUT when the Ruskies pulled out of Afghan, Reagan et al., told their ALLY OSAMA, sorry Osama, yer on yer own now...lots of luck as Reagan walked out and reneged on his promises to Osama! Taliban was stronger then and beat AQ, which now got no more help from Reagan. This of course pissed off Osama and he vowed revenge for Reagan stabbing him in the back, which resulted in 9/11.
  • Bluee
  • 06-28-2016, 09:26 AM
Sheeesssshh!!! Your the one that flunked history Boo.....

REPS never gave a rats ass bout blacks then or NOW!!!
The only reason REPs freed slaves was to severely disrupt the Confederate slave economy that NEEDED slave labor to survive. Today your GOP 'so called black supporters' have been doing ALL they can in their RED States to take blacks off Voter rolls and disenfranchise them by any nefarious means they can dream up!

Again ya gets a F in history Boo....

Reagan, Cheney, Rummy and other Cuckservative Fucking Crazies, as Colin Powell called them, CREATED Osama and his AQ back in the 80s when they were ALL ALLIES together fighting the Ruskies in Afghanistan!!!! Watch the Flick, Charlie Wilson's War, which will splain this all very nicely for ya!!! Reagan, Cheney, Rummy et al., showed Osama how to take down the USSR. Reagan, Cheney, Rummy also made promises to their PAL Osama, then RENEGED on those promises....in effect stabbing their PAL Osama in the back!!! Osama vowed revenge and said he would get even with Reagan, Cheney, Rummy for abandoning him. 9/11 was Osama's revenge for Reagan, Cheney, Rummy stabbing him in the back and NOT keeping the promises they all made him.

Oh and Bill Clinton, through Richard Clarke, DID give Dubya a security brief detailing all this, along with potential attacks by Osama on the USA, before leaving office!!! However Dubya just tossed it aside and went on one of his MANY unearned vacations.....and 9/11 occurred a couple weeks later!!!.... Originally Posted by Celso
Since you get your history lessons from movies, I'm going to just back out. Yes, movies are a great resource for historical accuracies and don't embellish in order to make more money at the box office.

I suggest you watch "borat, the cultural learnings of America for make great benefit to glorious nation of kazakstan" 9/11 is explained perfectly in a coffee shop conversation between borat and his producer. After you watch it and report back, I'll give you the punch line.
Since you get your history lessons from movies, I'm going to just back out. Yes, movies are a great resource for historical accuracies and don't embellish in order to make more money at the box office.

I suggest you watch "borat, the cultural learnings of America for make great benefit to glorious nation of kazakstan" 9/11 is explained perfectly in a coffee shop conversation between borat and his producer. After you watch it and report back, I'll give you the punch line. Originally Posted by Bluee
Hey Boo any accredited college level History Textbook will back that all up, how Reagan, Cheney, Rummy ALL Paled around with Osama Bin Laden! The Movie version was tailor made fer Cucks with reading reading comprehension issues, ta help them understand as Paul Harvey would say .....the rest of the story.....

If ya thinck Borat was History ya must get yer history from GOP, FAUX....or worse Rush Limpblaaaah!!!......

  • Bluee
  • 07-05-2016, 11:53 AM
It seems that Progressives and Liberals will defend the terrorists foaming at the mouth, screaming about equality, and justice, but they them selves will pounce on the Jews with pleasure.

Antisemitism on Liberal college campuses is rampant

More Jew hatred from the people terrorist loving liberals
It seems that Progressives and Liberals will defend the terrorists foaming at the mouth, screaming about equality, and justice, but they them selves will pounce on the Jews with pleasure. [/URL] Originally Posted by Bluee
IDK....Looks like Repukes be defending terrorists foaming at the mouth FAR BETTER!!!.....

ISIS thanks ya GOP!!!......

  • Bluee
  • 07-05-2016, 02:16 PM
IDK....Looks like Repukes be defending terrorists foaming at the mouth FAR BETTER!!!.....

ISIS thanks ya GOP!!!......

Originally Posted by Celso

There is no evidence that what is captured in the graphic was generated by ISIS, as opposed to some over crazed left wing liberal putting words into mouths that never uttered them.

History says that it was Obama's and his liberal/progressive cronies' middle east policies that created ISIS.

Edit: GIS suggests that image was part of ISIS' celebration over mass murders
https://pamelageller.com/2015/05/the...-murders.html/ Interestingly enough, there is no mention of the utter nonsense visible in your image.

Yes, you still have not answered the question as to why you support people who are more likely to be terrorists (statistically) and have the history of terrorist acts, despise everything about the western world, and have been relentlessly trying to destroy it.

And you hate the people who never forced you to adjust your lives to their religious beliefs, have been contributing the advances of science and technology, no only gave you Jesus, but also The Father, and the Holy Spirit.

Why so?
Ya can always get any decent college level History text to confirm all the FACTS found here!!!..... js

Yes, you still have not answered the question as to why you support people who are more likely to be terrorists (statistically) and have the history of terrorist acts, despise everything about the western world, and have been relentlessly trying to destroy it. Originally Posted by Bluee
And... just so ya know.... he won't....

edit add: unless he can find a meme for it.....

Why so? Originally Posted by Bluee
Well... he is a closet canadian wannabe.... so there's that....
And... just so ya know.... he won't....

edit add: unless he can find a meme for it.....

Well... he is a closet canadian wannabe.... so there's that.... Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
As usual no info here..... have another drinck GP.....

[QUOTE=Celso;1058357954]As usual no info here..... have another drinck GP.....

Will you be calling me JC next?
Why do you post all those blue question marks? Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Show them GP??? ....
Then amuse us all with yer delusions.....

Luv the way GP posts when he be tippinn' tooooo many drincks!!!.....
Will you be calling me JC next? Originally Posted by Paulwantsya
Why??? Was that another prior handle....he did thinck lots like you???.....

Clam will confirm.......