Ugly Holiday Sweater Social Temple v2.0

I would love to come! If anyone is car pooling from ATX, let me know!
Tequila Rose's Avatar
Can't wait!
Guest121917-1's Avatar
Wish I could....I will have real world duties!! I think you need a cardboard cut out of my behind there so everyone can spank me lol.
Wild12tame's Avatar
I've been wanting to attend a social for awhile and I'd love to go. Unfortunately real world plans have already been made. Hopefully I can make the next one. Have fun!
Hephaestus's Avatar
Last call.....

Info sent. Anyone like jello?lol
Had one of the greatest times in my life tonight i would like to give our host heph a big thanks
Hephaestus's Avatar
Yeah it was a pretty damn good party. Pity it had to end. Thanks to everyone who braved the cold, hope I see you all at the next one in January.
Groovy Johnson's Avatar
Your parties,and my eccie girlfriends, are my oasis of happiness.
Big thanks,sir !
Zena's Avatar
  • Zena
  • 12-19-2016, 07:47 AM
knotty man's Avatar
Such a great evening. Beautiful ladies, great guys fun times. And the extra chill just added to the xmas feel and allowed for some nice cuddling. Thanks again Hugh "Heph" ner.
You da man!
gofur's Avatar
  • gofur
  • 12-19-2016, 08:28 PM
All around drama free good time. It was good to see some old friends and make some new ones. Heph thanks again for hosting, now if we can just work on keeping the amount of food down lol.
DarkS's Avatar
  • DarkS
  • 12-20-2016, 03:03 PM
Sorry I missed it. Been sick as a dog last few weeks
Tequila Rose's Avatar
it was awesome thank you heph!!
BlueMountains's Avatar
Thanks again Hep, I had a fun time and enjoyed myself.
Thank you so
much for a fantastic time Hep. You went way beyond gracious and I thank you!
I had such fun! Plenty of laughs mingling with new friends reconnecting with old friends it was truly a great night! Hep. you rock babe you are the shit!