Men, Do You Have Confidence In Yourself?

rachet3375's Avatar
I am an overweight, late fifties guy with "average" equipment that is hit or miss without help. Sometimes I wish I was a young stud, fit with a know. Alas I am not, I am who & what I am and I have been extremely fortunate to find some ladies here that make me feel good about myself and my abilities. Those who really make me feel good I see more often, but I have yet to find one that laughed or belittled me. I salute you ladies on your professionalism and decorum. Confidence is most often obtained by persevering and not overthinking situations. Usually it takes me some time to get a release, but every now & then if I get overwhelmed by passion or a particular beautiful women I pop pretty quick. I recover and say wow that hardly ever happens, you are something! Makes her feel special and doesn't take anything away from our session. I then resort to my favorite activity DATY, a confidence builder if there ever was one. I hobby for the contact I get, the closeness of a woman, the connection as it were, not just the physical release. Enjoy the journey, not just the destination.
CenterLock's Avatar
I salute you ladies on your professionalism and decorum.

Enjoy the journey, not just the destination. Originally Posted by rachet3375
I wholeheartedly agree with these two statements in particular.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Everybody has confidence issues. Nobody, not anybody, is the total package. Plus, WALDT. You're pretty and have a huge dick, so what? The next chick you see may get turned on only by a nerd or a biker or a stuffed shirt. Just go with what you have and please yourself. Most, if not all, of the providers will go right along with you. My experience is that the majority of them actually like what they do and get pleasure and positive reinforcement out of giving you pleasure. Go for it, dude!
It may sound like an ad but have a sesson with me to find and build your confidence!
Yes it is all about you! I always look deep in the inside of a person! It has nothing to do with your size Body or Dick! I prefer large guys with some meat on their bones!
It has nothing to do with age, unless you are under age 20!

We are all human beings, and confidence is within, how you feel on the inside how you project what is in your heart. I am yours for the 2 hours you selected, I worship you and your body parts with my all!
The only way another guy can take you away from me is paying me more money grin

A session with me is all about you!
The only time it will be about me is when I cum! which is often!
Unless you wish to see the DOME side of me that is extra LOL
Great thread about something many men face at one time or another.
Buzzsaw's Avatar
Your efoort to help this gentleman, in and of itself demonstrates the compassion that many providers have for their clients. I can assure him everyone has some "shortcomings" whether it be physical or emotional. My research on this site has lead me to believe that there are several providers that appear truly gifted with tremendous social and physical attributes. Hopefully this gentleman can put aside his feelings of inadequacy long enough to enjoy the talents that many ladies on this site obviously possess. I might be in the minority, but I seem to remember a touch or a kind word longer than an orgasm, or my ability or inability to "perform" at some preconceived level. I have come to understand that the pleasureable experiences I have enjoyed, last much longer between the ears than between the legs!
I think we all have "confidence" issues from time to time. A few years ago I was approaching a milestone birthday and feeling pretty much like an emotional zombie. Like many here, stuck in a loveless marriage for a variety of reasons and feeling like my sexuality was slipping away. I had lost touch with the young Jack, young Jack wasn't perfect but he had a zest for life that I had lost.

I did the usual BP and then stumbled onto the boards. I have been so very lucky, I have not had a bad experience here and in fact not only some of the best sex in my life I have met some of my best friends. Something very curious has also happened. Ten years ago women never hit on me and just last week a woman I work with told me she was amazed at how many women of all ages hit on me. I have noticed it over the last few years. I know I am pretty ordinary so what is up? I think the laddies here have worked their magic on my confidence and women can feel it.

So Lana, tell the gent to take the plunge. Read the treads and see which providers are kind and funny, it really does show. Any member of the Old Hags club would be great. I'll bet he will renew his life.

BTW I did get in touch with young Jack, he wasn't so bad a guy.
Nitro's Avatar
  • Nitro
  • 10-04-2010, 12:15 PM
Great topic! Change the way you think, if you dont like some about yourself than start thinking the opposite. Act is if you have a big one, if a bit overweight start an exercise program, think you are a stud!!! The problem is that most people feel there are not good enough, instead of feeling good. You mind can trick you more than you think, so change the way you see things and thingS will change!
rachet3375's Avatar
An oft overused term is therapy. But damnit the ladies on this board are definately theraputic and have help me much like Jack regain some of the zest for life and passion for the ladies is renewed. Being with sexy women makes me feel like a new man and the first thing the new man wants is more sexy women! I truly love you ladies and what you do for my self esteem.
TexTushHog's Avatar

I think many men join this particular club because they are not just taken for granted, but seldom taken seriously at home. I know of one quiet young fellow who had an abusive ex with regards to his sexual ability and equipment and it took a very open minded and giving young woman to get him over it.

What providers provide truly is theraputic on many, many levels. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
I think that this is very accurate. If he sees the wrong gal, it will only further diminish his self confidence. However, if he finds the right provider, it can help him, at least in some small way, feel better about his problems. But the best therapy is a kind, mature, and understanding civilian gal. Nothing will boost his self confidence like that. (And I say this an no knock on providers. But there is always that nagging question, "Is she being so nice/understanding/accepting only because I'm paying?" I just don't know how to get past that.)
rachet3375's Avatar
"Is she being so nice/understanding/accepting only because I'm paying?" I just don't know how to get past that.

Excellent point TTH and every now & again that question pops into my head. I have however met more than one provider that actually made me feel as though she enjoyed our time together as much as I did. I suppose confidence can be somewhat fragile, but perseverance has its merits. Landing a good civvie gaL would be the best thing for him, as you stated.
PODarkness's Avatar
Two things that generate real confidence...


and of course success.

Everything else creates bravado, which is temporary.

Tell your friend to go for it, and see for himself. Remind him that it's HIS hour, and the lady is there for him, not the other way around.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I was getting my car worked on the other day. At the shop was this INSANELY hot chick getting something done to her car as well. Ohhh man, this girl was FIIIINE!! She had a streamlined, yet healthy figure, something very athletic. Nice booty, slim waist, and the thickest thighs you'd ever seen on a woman. I could not take my eyes off her. And she showed no signs of marriage (no ring on the finger, nor a ring mark on the finger). I think she possibly had the idea that I wanted to say something to her, because she stole a couple glimpses at me. But, for some reason, I was too chickenshit to go over and talk to her. I'm not really sure why. Maybe because I've grown too used to a sure thing seeing providers (and yes, I wondered if she was a provider or stripper). I usually have an opening line ready for this kind of occasion, but this time I blew it.
Man, who knows what could've happened if I'd just taken some action.
I was too chickenshit to go over and talk to her. I'm not really sure why. Maybe because I've grown too used to a sure thing seeing providers Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Ya think?
Horsemancummeth's Avatar
I know for a fact I am a little insecure. When I go out dancing I stick to what my friends say is a safe zone. I have my regular dance partners I dance with. I hate asking someone I dont know to dance. I have that fear of rejection. So I just dance with ladies that I know. I am probably missing out on meeting some nice ladies. But I have to live with that.
But in one sense I am a little lucky. I am height and weight proportionate and considered nice looking. Not gods gift to women, but I am happy with myself. But on the other end I am not hung like a mule. As a matter of fact I think I got cheated in that department. LOL.And I will have a talk with my maker when I get there. But what I lack, I like to think I make up for with my personality.LOL. My dad always said to keep a women laughing, but he didnt mention they were suppose to stop when you got undressed.
So I am able to laugh about it and still go on and enjoy life. The reason I choose to see providers is twofold. One I am not relationship material. So I choose to do this instead of lie to women to satisfy my needs at the expense of there feelings. The other reason is fantasy. I can live that here with the beautiful women on here. Yes they are seing me for the money and telling me what I want to hear.But that doesnt concern me at all. I flat out feel great when I leave a session. And my ego is stroked a litle bit.