Grammar and punctuation, does it matter that much?

Wordsmith's Avatar
Its a pet pieve of mine and I cant stand to see that crap.

How on earth are you going to advertise yourself if you cant spell or puntuate?

If its a grammar issue, I can let that go.
(even though there is spell check on most computers)

What I cant let go is someone who misspells my name. UGH!

Sometimes their posts look like run-on sentences...or paragraphs.

Not cute

Its annoying and really shows lack of education and their age IMO.

But, I know firsthand most Men dont read ads...they only look at pics! Originally Posted by berkleigh
I agree. Intelligence and the ability to carry on a conversation are sexy. The same goes for ads. A well-written, coherent ad is nice to see.
Well I am the first to admit MY HANDS ARE ONLY GOOD ON PEOPLE and THE KITCHEN. If you were paying me to write a best seller book then I could see the problem....
Randall Creed's Avatar
Anyone else get aroused when berkleigh types? Her avatar and her straight forwardness in her typing makes me wanna carry a chain wallet and sport a justin beiber haircut.... hotness ! Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
I just like the way she spells 'Berkleigh'. I don't think any other person in the WORLD spells it that way.

For some inexplicable reason that IS SO FUCKING HOT!!!! Makes me.....I dunno, want some of her starfish.

Staying on topic....fuck. Make an effort to display respectable grammar. Hell, we're supposed to be grown, and have SOME level of education that reflects BASIC command of English. A typo here, or you used THEIR when you should've used THERE, or even slipped and used YOUR when you meant YOU'RE ( I've even seen street signs screwing that one up), no biggie. But run on sentences, no paragraphs, TONS of misspellings, etc. Let's just call it what it is. That's some bullshit. For real.

Even after I hit 'submit' I go back and check my post for obvious errors and fix them. Some of you (not all, but some) LOOK like you DON'T do it. If you did, you could probably catch most of them. At least make the effort.
trynagetlaid's Avatar

The responses have shed some light on why some guys find grammar so important. Back to one of my original questions, does it make that much difference that it should be pointed out in each thread? You already know you won't pay the lady a visit due to your personal preferences.
Originally Posted by cheatercheater
Each provider has her own business model. And one would have to assume a provider would know that anything can be typed into a Word document, grammar and spell checked, and copied/pasted here for posting. 90% of the errors are correctible.

The overwhelming response seems to favor that we visit providers who have some command of the English language, both writing and speaking. I think that reflects on the fact that many hobbyists are baby boomers who had this drilled into us constantly for 12 years.

One could argue that pointing out obvious mistakes is doing a service to the provider, so that her appeal can be broadened to include those who cringe when they see posts that could not receive a passing grade on an elementary school essay.

But if the provider takes it the wrong way that's her choice; just like it's our choice to decide whether or not we wish to spend our hard-earned hobby funds on her.
cheatercheater's Avatar
Trynagetlaid, thank you.

I myself am too lazy to open a word document and do all the fancy stuff. I really wonder how many on this board actually are that computer literate.

I will agree that based on the responses in this thread, the majority prefer a lady who does have more than a basic command of writing skills.

If one argues that by pointing out mistakes in grammar is actually a helping hand, should it not come with a disclaimer? I did a quick search and have yet to find a thread that points out grammatical errors and explains to the original poster that it is being done with good intention. Could that be why the provider seemed to take it the wrong way?
pyramider's Avatar
Thinck of it as a branding a product. If the tard, be it hooktard or fucktard, does not care how they are viewed . . .
I admire posters like Carrie Hillcrest. Sure, the avatars sexy as hell. But her posts are grammar perfect, well thought out and infrequent unless its something she really feels compelled to say. Like an earlier poster said....intelligence is sexy.
billw1032's Avatar
Is proper grammar and punctuation in a providers posts or ads such a huge issue? Originally Posted by cheatercheater
TexRich's Avatar
one of my pet peeves, whether it be an ad, a post or reply here, if you feel you have to pontificate....please make a paragraph after 5-7 sentences.
69er's Avatar
  • 69er
  • 04-21-2011, 10:58 PM
(for you boys that like intelligence.... I hold an MBA under all this hair..) Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
That's OK, we won't hold your MBA against you!
Yes it matters, if you want to be understood.
Biggest pet peeve: Providers who think it's creative or cute to randomly capitalize every other word or letter, or capitalize every letter. That just makes it harder to read, and tells me to look elsewhere.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
With rare exception, I've given up. This is a battle you can't win. There are simply too many people who care so little about their written communication and how it is perceived.
On occasion I can't resist a gentle twit and I found reason to do so based upon this post.

TexTushHog's Avatar
A person who does not have some command of the English language will probably not be able to carry on an intelligent conversation. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid

And if they can't organize a simple sentence, how on earth can they give decent directions?

I admire posters like Carrie Hillcrest. Sure, the avatars sexy as hell. But her posts are grammar perfect, well thought out and infrequent unless its something she really feels compelled to say. Like an earlier poster said....intelligence is sexy. Originally Posted by TexasT

In short, it matters a great deal.

Originally Posted by Chainsaw Anthropologist
Yeah, I nearly fell out of my chair when I read that, too!!
Good grammar is a reflection of a business or person in the business world. It is also a reflection of a person in personal correspondence and conversations.
trynagetlaid's Avatar

If one argues that by pointing out mistakes in grammar is actually a helping hand, should it not come with a disclaimer?
Originally Posted by cheatercheater
If you dined in a restaurant and all the silverware and tablecloths were dirty, and your food was served undercooked or cold, would you issue a disclaimer to the owner when you told him you wouldn't be coming back?

If you think a disclaimer is required for grammar/spelling/punctuation corrections, how would you word it?