Is there really a sure way to tell if a backpage girl is real or not?

JocelynJohnsin's Avatar
I bet all the fellas like you, hottie!

Hey, do you have a hard time getting refs from all the other ladies?

Just wondering and sorry's relevant to the thread, cause fellas need refs and it's important for the ladies to know stuff like this too. No safety conscious man in his right mind would see a lady that does not screen every client, and if dumb ladies won't get back with the one you choose, she might take for granted the reasons for this. It's clear we understand who might be responsible for the problems gents have being able to see the lady they chose. Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen

It depends a lot on who I ask for the reference - many are good but plenty have that catty I don't wanna share attitude because I'm the 'new girl' (I just started providing last December). There's plenty of sausage to go around ladies lol. I've learned to not rely real heavily on some provider references- sending me a 'he's fine' doesn't give me much confidence that they even know who I'm talking about lol. Ive discovered verify him and also safe office so they help a lot with my screening when the ladies are less than helpful.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
I didn't realize you were so new. It might not be in any ladies interest to call one, some, or all ....dumb. Some of the ladies got a long memory and whether they fit the bill of what you said, or not, they'll remember stuff like this. Kinda gets a ball rolling and seems it affects a whole lot of people it wasn't meant to. Maybe even, the gents who wanna see you, hon. You're newer, and may not have considered this. I don't judge or care whether I agree with anyone, I wouldn't stand in the way of any lady making a buck, or gent being able to see another lady. But I am not in the majority with this kinda thinking....ijs.

I do wish ya all the best and your avatar is hot! LOL. M
Depends. If she's not verified with a reasonably long history and current reviews, asking for references is a 100% deal breaker. Giving "references" to a Pigg could be used against me and could also be used against the reference. If a lady wants me to take risks and prove something when she will take no risks and has proven nothing, she is blacklisted. Originally Posted by Buying a *Way to Heaven
Ladies who don't screen don't care about their safety or YOURS. Since they aren't screening and are letting every tom, dick and harry run through the door that's swinging off the hook, they are also more likely to get caught up by the law(low hanging fruit theory)...and since they don't give two fucks about themselves or their client base, do you really think they'd have a problem flipping and setting guys up if it meant lesser charges for them??

I'd say you are WAYYY more likely to get set up by a lady who's not screening, than one who is....

If I were a client that was too afraid to give a lady refs because shes not established enough for me to feel comfortable giving them, that would be a red flag for me and I'd move on and find another provider. I can't imagine feeling too comfortable at the appointment if I didn't even feel comfortable giving out another ladies handle(fake name) and work email address.

For me personally, there are way too many guys out there who are willing to provide references for me to take a risk on guy's who won't. This business is risky enough as it is, even when you do your best to play safely.
JocelynJohnsin's Avatar
I didn't realize you were so new. It might not be in any ladies interest to call one, some, or all ....dumb. Some of the ladies got a long memory and whether they fit the bill of what you said, or not, they'll remember stuff like this. Kinda gets a ball rolling and seems it affects a whole lot of people it wasn't meant to. Maybe even, the gents who wanna see you, hon. You're newer, and may not have considered this. I don't judge or care whether I agree with anyone, I wouldn't stand in the way of any lady making a buck, or gent being able to see another lady. But I am not in the majority with this kinda thinking....ijs.

I do wish ya all the best and your avatar is hot! LOL. M Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen

I think you may have misunderstood me - I don't think any of them are 'dumb'. I've personally been put in a bad situation before tho by a lady who said a gent was 'ok' and later turned out she didn't know who I meant. I don't necessarily remember everyone either but if I don't I don't pretend like I do. I'm not bashing or hating on anyone though at all I'm very happy go lucky get along with everyone type of people I was just trying to answer your question sometimes hard to convey things via typing but I assure you I meant nothing bad about anyone- to err is human I like hanging w the ladies I've had the pleasure to meet as much as the gents so I assure you I meant nothing horrible by my comment so I apologize if it came off that way!
No safety conscious man in his right mind would see a lady that does not screen every client. Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
romanticgent's Avatar
I google their numbers and see if they have a history in the biz. If there is no history, then I am not messing with them.

I am also very conscious of their texting style. If they come across as desperate or emotional, then I run to the hills.

And if she is really high or drunk, then I turn and burn.

Ladies who don't screen don't care about their safety or YOURS. Originally Posted by eveningateves
Very few ladies, except for some sugar babies, care about the safety of gentlemen at all; nor would a lady who did care participate in a sting if she got busted. Don't pretend that screening is meant to protect us, nor will it. The screening methods generally used offer scant protection to the lady, either.

This thread, moreover, was about BP ladies, and if you read my comments you would have noted that I excluded verified ladies with reasonable credentials. Are you suggesting that a gentlemen ought to answer any invasive question asked by some total unknown, just in case "she" is trying to protect him from being stabbed in the back by herself later?
cowboy8055's Avatar
Most of the ads on BP will be for legit providers. Only a small number of them will be stings or cash and dash. The biggest concern with BP is that many simply aren't very good and have horrible incall accommodations.
Most of the ads on BP will be for legit providers. Only a small number of them will be stings or cash and dash. The biggest concern with BP is that many simply aren't very good and have horrible incall accommodations. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Try saying "I fucked a fat floozy in a filthy flat" five times fast.

This thread, moreover, was about BP ladies, and if you read my comments you would have noted that I excluded verified ladies with reasonable credentials. Originally Posted by Buying a *Way to Heaven
I am verified.
I also advertise on BP.
I screen and I do a few outcalls(im not a scammer)
I think I write a decent ad. I spell the words correctly in my ad.

So what about me raises a red flag?
when you see "Outcall Only" you're dealing with a scammer. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Can you please explain this more to me? Why does outcall only mean scammer?
JocelynJohnsin's Avatar
Most of the ads on BP will be for legit providers. Only a small number of them will be stings or cash and dash. The biggest concern with BP is that many simply aren't very good and have horrible incall accommodations. Originally Posted by cowboy8055

I think this varies by region. In my area bp is the main and I think only avenue used when doing stings. It's also been hot for robberies/ cash and dash lately. Some areas though bp is really one of the few ways a lady has to advertise and there are a higher number of legit providers that use it in those places.
cowboy8055's Avatar
I am verified.
I also advertise on BP.
I screen and I do a few outcalls(im not a scammer)
I think I write a decent ad. I spell the words correctly in my ad.

So what about me raises a red flag? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
He might not be referring to VP's and reputable travelers that happen to use BP
cowboy8055's Avatar
Can you please explain this more to me? Why does outcall only mean scammer? Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
Outcall only doesn't necessarily mean much. A gal's living situation may be such that she can't host and doesn't want to invest in hotels that often. On the positive side, outcall only isn't likely a sting. Stings will likely be incalls since LE will want to be able to control the situation.
It depends a lot on who I ask for the reference - many are good but plenty have that catty I don't wanna share attitude because I'm the 'new girl' (I just started providing last December). There's plenty of sausage to go around ladies lol. I've learned to not rely real heavily on some provider references- sending me a 'he's fine' doesn't give me much confidence that they even know who I'm talking about lol. Ive discovered verify him and also safe office so they help a lot with my screening when the ladies are less than helpful. Originally Posted by JocelynQC
Escorts trying to knock out the competition by trashing other escorts and trying to get the money.All levels escorts trying to survive in business