WHY are you bargaining???

Still Looking's Avatar
I like to think I always get the best! The best NEVER comes cheap nor does it get discounted!
I do not know why guys haggle or bargain.

It confuses me. This is not like shopping at Wal-mart or the flea market.

I think some men fail to realize, they do not have to hobby, its not a life or death situation. You need food, water, and air. Not the cute provider advertising on the second page of the ad section in your local city. If she happens to be 300 an hour, and you only got 200, find a look a like with a cheaper price and call her up.

Sure you can haggle, and sure she may politely say no, but you can bet your life savings, she is going to blab to every provider she knows, on how you appear cheap. Do gents really want to be known as "the cheapie guy". Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
I agree Lisa.

Not only that, if a guy wants to negotiate for a lower price, I wonder how he would like it if he the provider he seeks were to start subtracting services available as the price lessens....ie sure i'll do it for xxx but if that's the case I'm just gonna lay there like a dead fish and/or blow up doll, and act like a bitch - like your wife does at home lol make u rub my feet, and do the laundry and take out the trash, wash my car and fix the light in the kitchen...then allow you to touch me while I act totally uninterested and complain about your bad breath. Wow - looks like this might be a possible good negotation tactic for necrophiliacs and displaced henpecked hubbies.

NEWSFLASH: Negotiating a girl's price and/or attempting to negotiate it is going to effect her attitude towards you even if she is polite and she doesn't say so. Personally, I turn down potential clients who want to negotiate my prices - period. I would rather eat dirt.

I feel that if someone wants to see me they will pay the price I have set. If they are not interested in that price move on. If a man can't move on and keeps looking at me, eventually he will save up or put together the amount I have set.

I provide an extremely personal service, and I take it personally. Not that someone knocking me is going to move my mountain, but I certainly am not going to do a certain service unless I receive the amount that in my mind makes me happy doing it. I don't do anything unless I can smile doing it.

LOL - girls do it all the time though...you know the ones - you give them bad reviews all the time. Did you negotiate their rates? That would be a good follow up thread to this one - how many of the girls that you gave bad reviews performed for you based on a negotiated lower rate? Who knows - probably doesn't relate but I have to wonder.

Just one more thing: do I negotiate? Yes I am a hard core negotiater: any ITEM that is for sale I will negotiate for - from cars to homes to appliances, games, clothes in a thrift store - etc. I bargain shop for travel arrangements, household stuff, and I shop online auction sites for all kinds of things. I also negotiate for services (like household services) - but I don't negotiate for personal services - like getting my hair done or my nails or getting a massage or any other personal thing that is being done for me...just don't do it. It doesn't seem right to me. I would never want to haggle with someone who is going to be responsible for my personal well being and health.
bistraight69's Avatar
^^ Well said
In another world I was a buyer/seller/dealer of collectibles, memorabilia, and antiquarian items of moderate value. Like the services of providers these items are a luxury not a necessity. And there are certain collectors who place value not just on the item but on the how much they paid for the item. Just like showing off that fancy trophy of middle-age known as the sports car. Conversely there are collectors who place value on being able to procure the item they want for as little as possible. They don't see themselves as cheap but instead see themselves as shrewd and like to brag about how they 'stole' it. They will haggle any tag price no matter how reasonable. They play up the angle of cash in hand versus the uncertainty of letting an item go to auction. There are also collectors that should not be collecting because they really cannot afford it. And rather then give it up they'll bargain hunt and sometimes they really will steal. Somehow in their minds that is a better alternative than saving until they can afford the item.

Now I know and I am sure the ladies especially know that this is a horrible comparison. The services of a provider are a luxury but she is not an inanimate item. To view her or her services as such is an insult. Just don't be surprised when you encounter someone who does not make that distinction.

A friend of mine always used to say expect the worst from someone and you will never be disappointed. A truly sad and cynical way to look at life. Yet perhaps also a wise and realistic outlook.
and another thing is this "going rate" mess I keep hearing. there is no DOW JONES for pussy!! Cut it out!! Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou

Thanks. I needed that.

Oh, and Amusement-- I want to copy that and send that to anyone who tries to negotiate. I had a guy try to do that yesterday. I just told him I don't run specials anymore.
I agree with you! But they are bargaining because your a private business owner, a private enterprise. You are your own manager. It's not like you can go to Macys and bargain a bracelet there, the sales clerks have no real pull in the prices of the store. You ladies control your own prices. I'm not saying it's right, oh no, not that! But I'm just going by where I think they're coming from.
Naomi4u's Avatar
In my two years escorting, I've had a guy try to haggle twice. So it's not something that bothered me too much because for me it was not all that common. I just deleted the emails as they came in... all done .
Excellent Thread and great responses! Amen
I agree Lisa.

Not only that, if a guy wants to negotiate for a lower price, I wonder how he would like it if he the provider he seeks were to start subtracting services available as the price lessens....ie sure i'll do it for xxx but if that's the case I'm just gonna lay there like a dead fish and/or blow up doll, and act like a bitch - like your wife does at home lol make u rub my feet, and do the laundry and take out the trash, wash my car and fix the light in the kitchen...then allow you to touch me while I act totally uninterested and complain about your bad breath. Wow - looks like this might be a possible good negotation tactic for necrophiliacs and displaced henpecked hubbies. Originally Posted by amusemeant
I love this!!!!
Thanks you guys!! I try. If I ever get over my stage fright I'm going into comedy.
burkalini's Avatar
It's kinda funny to hear everyone say they don't negotiate. I have (And I will say many times) received unsolicited calls from providers that I have seen before saying they are in town and will see me for a discounted price. I also have gotten calls from local providers doing the same thing. They always say please don't tell anyone about this.
Naomi4u's Avatar
It's kinda funny to hear everyone say they don't negotiate. I have (And I will say many times) received unsolicited calls from providers that I have seen before saying they are in town and will see me for a discounted price. I also have gotten calls from local providers doing the same thing. They always say please don't tell anyone about this. Originally Posted by burkalini
I think it's funnier when men think WE (the ones that don't negotiate) don't know these things. I know of providers that have bareback sex with their clients for more money and even providers that can't get any in the real world that fuck SOME of the "special" clients for free and just charge the others. Oh trust me we all know and laugh about it. The guys they do this with come back and tell us. Personally, when I like spending time with a guy (usually after 4 or 5 dates) I will offer a huge discounts like a few hundred off an overnight or clock free date but it's not negotiating when you're offering.

Unsolicited calls are tacky. Though I tell my clients to call me anytime, I only call them when they tell me it is ok to do so. So Burk what you're saying is not news. We know a lot of ladies that "fish"... and do other crazy desperate things but we just ignore them and don't talk about it.
Still Looking's Avatar
I think it's funnier when men think WE (the ones that don't negotiate) don't know these things. I know of providers that have bareback sex with their clients for more money and even providers that can't get any in the real world that fuck SOME of the "special" clients for free and just charge the others. Oh trust me we all know and laugh about it. The guys they do this with come back and tell us. Personally, when I like spending time with a guy (usually after 4 or 5 dates) I will offer a huge discounts like a few hundred off an overnight or clock free date but it's not negotiating when you're offering.

Unsolicited calls are tacky. Though I tell my clients to call me anytime, I only call them when they tell me it is ok to do so. So Burk what you're saying is not news. We know a lot of ladies that "fish"... and do other crazy desperate things but we just ignore them and don't talk about it. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Isn't this why you won provider of the year two years running???
OMG I HAVE THE WORST STORY!!! A couple days ago I got a pm on here from a guy that basically said: Hey, I lost my job so I'm short on cash. I'll give you [Insert number here, about 1/4 of my listed rate] for an hour.

I WAS SO OFFENDED! I have never in my career offered a rate that low...it was approximately half my introductory rate when I first began. He also didn't even ask nicely! He just matter-of-factly told me that's what he'd pay.

My website clearly states my rates are non-negotiable!!! I may occasionally offer a special on an overnight date, but my hourly rate will only increase.